Role Play/Role Reversal/BDSM Ideas?

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Role Play/Role Reversal/BDSM Ideas?

Postby tommy_jock » September 30th, 2011, 11:30 am

I'm unfortunately new to this, but I was hoping to get some idea about how possible some of these ideas are, assuming, of course, that they're done with two people who trust each other.

I'm particularly interested in role play style power exchanges, but I'm doomed by my own realism. I can't convince myself I'm a prisoner or a coach's star jock because I know it's not true. Same with submissions... I'd rather know that I can be taken down, than having to handcuff myself or whatever so that the other person can be in charge.

I've seen some files here that claim to make you think you're a cartoon character or a doll, so I'm guessing I'm not totally stupid with these suggestions.

Role Play:

Athlete: using a phrase like "suit up jock" (or maybe something like "it's time for (sport ie., football, lacrosse, wrestling) practice jock") your "coach" essentially assigns you a sport and you become his dutiful subject. You'll work out as hard as you need to to please him and earn your spot on the team. You become eager to learn more about the sport and to become a better athlete.

Prisoner: using a phrase like "inmate 88", you start to think about the theft that got you sent to jail. You understand that your guards need you restrained for your safety as well as theirs. You know there's no way out of this prison until you've served your time.

Soldier: using a phrase like "you're in boot camp" you start to act and feel like a fresh recruit who has to follow his drill instructor's instructions. Push-ups, sit-ups, running, it's out of your control. You just know you don't want to fail your DI and risk getting sent home from boot camp. Anything camouflage reinforces your desire to serve the DI.

Role Reversal

Switch/Dom/Sub - Helps a sub engage in his dominant side. Using a trigger, the sub becomes cocky, aggressive and sure of himself. If he's tied up, he's looking for a way to get free and turn the tables on you. If he's free, he wants you to be the one on the bottom.


Blindfold - sub can't open his eyes when he's told "you're blindfolded". Allows the dom to "turn out the lights" from a distance and surprise sub.

Gagged - same as blindfold, only sub can't speak (or if he can, it's just gibberish) until released.

Ear Plugs - same as the above two, but now you can only hear/understand the release word.

Mitts - when you're in mitts, you can't use your fingers for even the simplest of chores, and certainly not for anything complicated like unlocking handcuffs or untying yourself.

Chloroform - you basically pass out for a pre-determined time, from 5 minutes to 25, during which time you don't know what's happening to you. You might wake up wearing different clothes, tied to a bed, who knows.
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Joined: September 29th, 2011, 12:00 am

Re: Role Play/Role Reversal/BDSM Ideas?

Postby VeryGnawty » September 30th, 2011, 1:30 pm

tommy_jock wrote:
Role Reversal

Switch/Dom/Sub - Helps a sub engage in his dominant side. Using a trigger, the sub becomes cocky, aggressive and sure of himself. If he's tied up, he's looking for a way to get free and turn the tables on you. If he's free, he wants you to be the one on the bottom.

I particularly like the idea of triggering the sub to become dominant after they are tied up.

I experienced something very similar, recently. I used hypnosis to create a dominant personality in my mind after I began using hypnosis to make my initial personality more submissive. My dominant personality was training my original personality to be even more submissive. Both personalities must have had an extreme desire for the type of role reversal you are talking about, because their roles switched very suddenly and without warning.

VeryGnawty (the original) sub now has power of the personality which was previously dominant. The newer personality must now do what VeryGnawty says. It is particularly interesting because the new sub knows that the only way he can regain his dominant position is by pleasing his new Master who was previously his slave.

I think there's a HUGE amount of fun stuff you can do with this type of role reversal if two actual people were to use it. Imagine all the scenes you could make. You could tie someone up so snugly that they can't free themselves, and then you can trigger them to become dominant. Then, you could make it to where the only way they will be freed and allowed to express their dominance is if they do what you say. They won't want to follow orders because they want to dominate, but they will know that the only way for them to be able to dominate is if they do everything you command them to.

It could be a lot of fun.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Re: Role reversals

Postby MadDameButterfly » October 4th, 2011, 5:40 am

I agree with the above. Role reversal files sound like a great idea, especially being able to switch between the two. But maybe not just files with a trigger/ability to switch. Maybe some people are getting tired of always being submissive or dominant and would like to adopt the other role permanently? Or maybe they're in a new relationship where everything else is right, it's just that they're the wrong role and neither are willing to compromise, so they want to retrain themselves. Either way, I think something more enduring as well as a triggerable suggestion would be a good idea.

Seeing as I'm about to start some new scripts (finally) anyway, I've been thinking maybe I'd give this ago. Any objections?
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