Moderator: EMG
VeryGnawty wrote:I am not familiar with the file, but it doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in if the name of the file is any indication as to the contents. If anything, I've been trying to create a hypocock over the last several months.
VeryGnawty wrote:SweeneyDemon wrote:
A hypocock?
Penis shrinkage, less erections, less semen.
SweeneyDemon wrote:
Ahh lol well The Hypercock file is supposed to do the exact opposite of that lol :)
Hank01 wrote:I have listened to the file a number of times now. I love the image that comes to my mind while listening to it. After listening to it, I try the trigger and definitely feel a tingling down below, but that is about it. Do you think it really works?
frosty46 wrote:I'll see if it works. Give me about a week to check back with results.
Dude how the hell is this supposed to work. Doesn't seem remotely feasible. I think this is the farthest reaching of whatsernames files.
I'm going to do it anyway though.
frosty46 wrote:I gave it a few listens twice before bed and once in the morning.
Not much change. I think the effects are too much for me to believe, but im going to listen about a dozen times before I quit.
southsiebadboy wrote:So i kinda had some success with this file notice i said kinda well it was during the trance when this happened at the time he says you can feel your cock growing now i dont know if this was just all in my mind but i could really feel it growing it it felt a hell of a lot bigger the excitement of all this bought me out of the trance but i managed to get my self relaxed and continue on but i think because i lost the trance it ruined it my cock instantly felt a lot smaller again and i did not have the same focus for the rest of the file i ahve tried the trigger to try and experience it again but with no luck and i have listened to it quite a few times now and i cant seem to get it back but at the time it felt amazing and a wave of pleasure hit me as my cock kept growing it kinda felt weird as if all the blood from your body was going into your cock thats when i lost the trance i will keep trying the file as i do believe it can work i think its just being in the right state dont think about it to much and stay relaxed even when it starts growing
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