Desperately want to orgasm like a woman

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Desperately want to orgasm like a woman

Postby john0606 » October 16th, 2011, 1:54 pm

I've tried a few files in the past related to this. I guess I'm another person who has problems trancing. I know there are several threads about this but maybe someone can help with my specific problem. One problem is when I get fairly deep, I get rapid eye movement and it kinda takes me out of trance instead of helping for some reason. I don't think I'm even deep at all before it starts. Also, I think I'm trying too hard to really feel what I'm supposed to be feeling, and it works a little but then it kinda ruins the trance. It gets to a point where the feeling is supposed to be a lot more intense, and I then feel nothing at all. It's like I think I'm supposed to focus on feeling it, but I think I'm never nearly deep enough for it to be effective at all.

So I think my problem is I'm eager to feel something, so I'm focusing on trying to feel it, taking me out of trance. I don't know. :?

Oh yeah suggestions on files to try? I'd like free please, the only ones I've found so far are Feminizing Massage and LRFemaleOrgasm. Are there any other free files related to female orgasms for men?
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Re: Desperately want to orgasm like a woman

Postby VeryGnawty » October 16th, 2011, 2:06 pm

john0606 wrote:

So I think my problem is I'm eager to feel something, so I'm focusing on trying to feel it, taking me out of trance. I don't know. :?

It's a matter of technique. You are trying to force the desire, when what you should be doing is allowing the desire to build naturally.

Try listening to LRFemaleOrgasm again. Instead of trying to have a female orgasm, simply ALLOW yourself to have a female orgasm. It should work. You seem open enough to the desire. It's only your conscious mind which is getting in the way.

You have to want to have a female orgasm, but the desire has to feel very easy and natural. Instead of trying to control the experience, just let your desire overwhelm you.
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female orgasm

Postby SageMagnus » October 16th, 2011, 6:34 pm

There was another female orgasm mp3 here before, but it got taken down with the rest of mistress catgirls files, it called sweethearts orgasm. if you can find a copy of that it might work for you. ^_^
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Re: Desperately want to orgasm like a woman

Postby cardigan » October 17th, 2011, 12:00 pm

When you get deep, you say that you get rapid eye movement. This throws you, but you shouldn't let it. Rapid eye movement is actually a sign of trance! So embrace it and welcome it! It makes perfect sense that you say your don't think you are deep enough before it starts. That's right. Then it starts and you find your eyes fluttering. Don't let it bother you. Instead be happy because it shows that you are on the right path. (Not everybody has eye fluttering. Some have other sensations - like the scalp feeling weird. But for those who do have eye fluttering it is definitely a tell-tale sign of trance).

And yes - you are trying too hard. And you also think way too much. While listening to the files, your conscious mind is constantly evaluating the process and this keeps you from going into trance, and then as trance is starting to occur, you get spooked by your eyes and you never proceed beyond that point.

So don't focus on trying to feel any feelings. Just relax, have faith in the process and follow the file down. When your eyes start to flutter, be content, send your conscious mind all the way down into your right big toe (i.e. far away) and let go. Once you let go, you might not hear the rest of the file and this is OK, because the file is simply the vehicle to explore the feelings with. Don't focus on any feelings that the file describes. Don't try to imagine what it is going to feel like. Don't explore the sensations from your body to evaluate if they change. Just be indifferent. Let anything the file tells you pass through your head without consciously listening. Anything important will be received and understood automatically by your subconscious mind - if you let it. :-)

I understand that you are eager for success, but the more you focus on getting it, the farther away it gets.

And one more thing: it's very rare to have an effect after the first listen to any file. Be patient. Listen every day or every other day - just once. Your mind will let you know when it is ready. And then it will probably blow your socks off! :-)

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 17th, 2011, 12:09 pm

I agree with Cardigan. The eye movement is probably a sign of trance. Different people tend to have different physical reactions to trance.

LOL, I think I just entered a trance from reading Cardigan's description of how to enter trance. Cardigan must have a lot of experience with hypnosis.
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Postby cardigan » October 17th, 2011, 3:46 pm

He he. I didn't try to write anything that was trance inducing! :-)

Really! - But thanks anyway!

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 18th, 2011, 2:52 pm

cardigan wrote:He he. I didn't try to write anything that was trance inducing! :-)

I trance extremely easily.
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Postby john0606 » October 19th, 2011, 1:25 pm

Ok I've actually figured out my real problem, I tried again with another file and got to a point where I've been before, the deepest I've gone. I'm able to get really deep if I really try to the point where it feels like I'm floating and am completely unaware of my body, but that really, really freaks me out and I don't like feeling that. 8O So I kinda move my foot a little to kinda feel where I am. So if it's necessary to go that deep for it to work I guess this isn't for me. :( I've heard about stuff like sleep paralysis and audible hallucinations from not being able to move in that state after waking up and that just scares the crap out of me. lol So I don't know...meh :?
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Postby qv » October 19th, 2011, 3:52 pm

john0606 wrote:Ok I've actually figured out my real problem, I tried again with another file and got to a point where I've been before, the deepest I've gone. I'm able to get really deep if I really try to the point where it feels like I'm floating and am completely unaware of my body, but that really, really freaks me out and I don't like feeling that. 8O So I kinda move my foot a little to kinda feel where I am. So if it's necessary to go that deep for it to work I guess this isn't for me. :( I've heard about stuff like sleep paralysis and audible hallucinations from not being able to move in that state after waking up and that just scares the crap out of me. lol So I don't know...meh :?

...what? That's perfect, I only wish I could get to that point. Sure, I've heard sleep paralysis can be scary, but every single person I've met who've made it past that said it was worth it (was a hot topic on a "Sleep/Dreams" thread I frequented). It's like dreaming while mentally being fully awake, the most lucid lucid dreams you could possibly get.
So think about it, what exactly are you scared of? Whatever happens is all in your head, whatever you hear or feel is just the result of a biological function that's meant to keep you from dreaming while conscious. It's designed to do that, but you have the option to say 'SCREW YOU' to your brain and just take it like a man, and from there on perception is your bitch.

So if I were you, I'd do it. I'd do it so hard, man.
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Postby Kimber1 » October 20th, 2011, 6:57 am

files + Aneros = everything you are looking for :D
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Postby angel123 » October 24th, 2011, 6:40 pm

john0606 wrote:Ok I've actually figured out my real problem, I tried again with another file and got to a point where I've been before, the deepest I've gone. I'm able to get really deep if I really try to the point where it feels like I'm floating and am completely unaware of my body, but that really, really freaks me out and I don't like feeling that.

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT ......... I try to get this deep every time :) :D

As for experiencing a woman's orgasm ... lol, it's not always that easy for a woman let alone a man
:x :cry: :lol: :oops:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby tech53 » November 4th, 2011, 9:12 pm

cardigan wrote:He he. I didn't try to write anything that was trance inducing! :-)

Really! - But thanks anyway!


in ericssonian wouldn't that translate to "I try to write anything that was trance inducing" ? Or something similar?
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