Another one bites the dust: nonbeliever first time trance

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Another one bites the dust: nonbeliever first time trance

Postby ocntrl » October 24th, 2011, 2:19 pm

Posted with permission.
o = ocntrl, x = subject, time stamps added to get a feel for the flow,

Maybe of help for those looking for that first 'real' trance!

x-8:44:12- hey how are you ages we didnt talk
o-8:45:13- Extremely busy but good
o-8:45:18- You?
x-8:45:27- i see..well then i shouldnt disturbe i guess
x-8:45:30- i am fine thanks
o-8:45:54- No problem
o-8:46:06- I ment busy in general
x-8:46:11- oh ok i see
x-8:46:19- how are your hypnosis skills going?
o-8:47:08- One more class and i wil be a certified Hypnotherapy dude
o-8:47:14- So going well
x-8:47:22- wow cool
o-8:47:29- Learned a ton during training
x-8:47:36- still dont think you could hypnotize me by chatting with me
o-8:49:27- Lol
o-8:50:03- If you don't want to be hypnotized you are right
x-8:50:25- i am not saying i dont want to i just dont believe you could do it by chatting with me
o-8:50:51- One thing I learned is that the ability to go
o-8:51:23- Into trance is inverse to the fear for or about hypnosis
x-8:52:01- hmm...
o-8:52:11- So if you want to and have no fear then you will allow it
o-8:52:24- But I can not makeyou
o-8:52:52- Since you have to do it yourself I can only guide
x-8:53:29- hmm i see ok but how can i be in hypnosis when chatting with you
o-8:53:49- how would you know if you are or not?
o-8:54:33- what do you think it would feel like?
x-8:54:38- lol how do you mean that of course i would know
x-8:54:52- hmm i guess sleepy and tired or something like that
o-8:55:02- if you have never been in hypnosis how would you know?
o-8:55:14- sleepy and tired is not hypnosis
o-8:55:26- relaxed, yes
x-8:55:34- hmm well i dont know but i would feel different i guess
o-8:55:40- but in hypnosis you are actually more aware of everything
o-8:56:12- have you ever watched a move where you get so into the movie you reacted strongly to the movie?
x-8:56:36- yes
o-8:56:47- what movie?
x-8:57:16- like sad movies than i was sad or horror movies and i was scared etc
o-8:57:22- ok
o-8:57:29- but you knew the movie was not real
o-8:57:31- right?
x-8:57:37- yes
o-8:57:51- so why were you sad for something that was not real, or scared?
x-8:58:08- i dont know it was just a feeling because of the movie
o-8:58:27- you felt it because you were in trance, nothing more, nothing less
o-8:59:07- for the time of the movie, although you knew it was not real, you allwed yourself to suspend you disbilief for a while
x-8:59:12- hmm.
o-8:59:39- as a result, the emotions get directly to your subconscious, and since the subconscious works based on memories and emotions, you reacted to them
o-8:59:46- let me ask you another question
o-8:59:59- have you ever been in a situation where afterwards you say to yourself
o-9:00:13- Why did I react like that? That was not smart, I should have ...
x-9:00:23- haha yeah sure
x-9:00:24- often
o-9:00:43- So why do you react that way knowing afterward you could have done better?
x-9:00:53- i talk a lot with people in my job so i say stuff but they never take it wrong i just make it up as a joke and then its fine lol
o-9:01:21- could you behave different if you wanted to?
x-9:01:47- yes i guess
o-9:01:53- you guess
o-9:01:59- do you have to think about what you say
o-9:02:06- or does it just come out spontanous
x-9:02:26- sure...i mean sometimes its thinking sometimes its sponatanous
x-9:02:32- depends on the situation
o-9:02:47- ok
o-9:03:05- so where does the spontanous come from?
x-9:03:22- it just comes i dont know i guess from the subconsious
o-9:03:25- right
o-9:03:29- and let me tell you
o-9:03:38- you have very limited control over that reaction
o-9:04:02- because before you can reason it may be better to react a different way, your subconscious has already taken control
o-9:04:11- now, getting back to hypnosis
o-9:04:31- anything you worry about if you would go in hypnosis
x-9:04:39- no
x-9:04:42- why should i
x-9:05:24- i dont worry i guess its just relaxing
o-9:05:53- ok
o-9:06:08- of course you have no idea if your subconscious has any worries about it
o-9:06:20- how did you environment lok at hypnosis?
o-9:06:27- family, school, church...
x-9:06:52- i dont know never talked about this with anyone ..well church doesnt believe in that too i think
o-9:07:23- you say 'church does not believi in that too'
o-9:07:37- the 'that too' tell me you do not believe it either
x-9:07:43- yes
o-9:07:57- so if you don't believe it is going to work, it is not going to work
o-9:08:04- wanting it is not enough
o-9:08:09- you have to do the work
o-9:08:13- i can only guide you
o-9:08:17- and if you don't believe
o-9:08:24- you're not going to do the work
x-9:08:59- hmm but you are the hypnotist and how many clients come or people on stage dont believe in that and it works because of the hypnotist work
o-9:09:11- none
o-9:09:31- the only people that come on stage and stay on stage are the ones that believe
o-9:09:50- and any client that tells me he wants help but does not believe in hypnosis i send home because i can not help him
o-9:10:08- why would you try hypnosis if you don't believe it
o-9:10:17- it's a waste of everybody's time
o-9:10:22- in case of a client i still get paid
x-9:10:25- to see if it works on me and how it feels like
o-9:10:27- but that's dishonest
o-9:10:45- it does not work if you do not believe it will work
o-9:10:50- all hypnosis is self hypnosis
o-9:10:59- i don't have to convince you wether it works or not
o-9:11:05- you have to beleive it
o-9:11:09- let me give you an example
o-9:11:33- if i would tell you to close your eyes
o-9:11:40- and relax the muscles around your eyes completely
o-9:11:48- and when you know they are completely relaxed
o-9:11:56- that you should try to open your eyes
o-9:12:03- while keeping the total relaxation
o-9:12:06- what would happen
o-9:12:09- ?
x-9:12:24- i dont know because if i close them i cant write to you
o-9:12:46- you can try it and after trying to open them, you can let the relaxation go again and then tell me
o-9:13:06- the only way to open your eyes it by letting the relaxation go
o-9:13:15- as long as you keep the relaxation, you can not open them
x-9:13:32- hmm ok let me try
x-9:14:46- that was strange..i kept them close but it was not easy to let the relaxation go and open them again lol
o-9:14:54- very nice
o-9:15:00- you actually did what i asked you
x-9:15:10- sure why not
o-9:15:11- you were just in a first state of hypnosis
o-9:15:20- many people think they do what i ask
o-9:15:23- but they don't
o-9:15:36- the only way to open your eyes is to let go of the relaxation
o-9:15:48- so they open they eyes and say... see i can open my eyes
o-9:15:53- and of course they can
o-9:15:58- because the let go of the relaxation
o-9:16:11- but i asked them to open their eyes while keeping the relaxation
o-9:16:21- and when you do that you can not open your eyes
x-9:16:28- true i tried
o-9:16:31- because a totally relaxed muscle can not move
o-9:16:51- the guidance a hypnotist gives is in those details
o-9:16:56- if you do exactly as asked
o-9:17:01- not because it is a command
o-9:17:04- but because i ask
o-9:17:10- then you will go into hypnosis
o-9:17:13- like you just did
x-9:17:25- hmm i see...
x-9:17:32- interesting
o-9:17:37- very interesting
o-9:17:47- it extremely interesting
x-9:17:47- i know it was of course not a command it was just a question you asked me
x-9:17:52- yes
o-9:17:53- right
o-9:18:02- the old style of hypnsosis was all commanding
o-9:18:06- but many people dont like that
o-9:18:21- it works a lot better if you make people understand why you asked them to do something
o-9:18:39- so they don't feel like they hae to preoverong
o-9:18:45- prove me wrong
x-9:18:52- i see
o-9:19:09- now another misunderstanding is that your eyes need to be closed for hypnosis
o-9:19:14- that is absolutely fasle
o-9:19:17- false
x-9:19:35- really? i can be in hypnosis and still talk/ chat with you?
o-9:19:40- absolutely
x-9:19:48- very interesting
o-9:20:05- let take the next small step
o-9:20:14- and this may sound silly
o-9:20:25- but just do what i ask you and you will learn wonderful things
o-9:20:34- ok?
x-9:20:38- hmm..ok
o-9:21:13- like you did before
o-9:21:26- i want you to close you eyes and relax them
o-9:21:53- and when you get to the point that you know you will not be able to open then becasue the are so relaxed
o-9:22:06- i want you to try to open them while keeping the relaxation
o-9:22:18- and you will notice that you can of course not open them
o-9:22:22- not yet, theres more
o-9:22:33- once you tried them and failed
o-9:22:41- i want you to open them every time you inhale
o-9:22:49- and close them every time you exhale
o-9:23:03- and when you exhale you count down starting from 10
o-9:23:09- and say 'deepr and deeper'
o-9:23:15- so inhale, open eyes
o-9:23:21- exhale, 10 deeper and deeper
o-9:23:25- in hale an dopne
o-9:23:34- exhale,9 deeper and deeper
o-9:23:38- and whn you get to one
o-9:24:02- you open them and keep the relaxation and state you have reached and you can just let me know you did that
o-9:24:08- does that make sense?
x-9:24:21- yes sounds easy i will do that now
o-9:24:25- good
o-9:24:44- and you can have the relaxation from your eyes just move down into your entire body at your own pace
o-9:24:52- i will be here when you're done
x-9:27:09- i did it...
o-9:27:12- good
o-9:27:23- how far did the relaxation spread int your body?
x-9:27:36- till my stomach
o-9:27:45- ok
o-9:27:57- now do it until you have it down to your feet
o-9:27:59- no need to count
o-9:28:08- just the inhaling and exhaling
o-9:28:19- and let me know when you have it in your entire body
x-9:30:25- now it till my feets
o-9:30:29- excellent
o-9:30:34- feels good, doesn't it?
x-9:30:39- yes...
o-9:30:55- now, since you are very relaxed
o-9:31:02- tell me how relaxed are your legs?
x-9:31:10- very relaxed...
o-9:31:22- and you're pretty focused and aware of things, not?
x-9:31:34- on the talk with you yes..
o-9:31:50- so you know that if you keep the relaxation in your left leg
o-9:31:53- like it is right now
o-9:32:03- you won;'t be able to lift it, right?
x-9:32:10- right...
o-9:32:35- so try it and notice that after trying for a couple of seconds, and noticing you can not lift it, you relax even more when you stop trying
o-9:33:12- now i would like to take the next step, if thats ok with you?
x-9:33:19- yes...
o-9:33:28- with your eyes open
o-9:33:49- i would like you to start counting down from 100, if possible out loud
o-9:33:59- and with every decreasing number the numbers become smaller
o-9:34:02- less important
o-9:34:06- and more distant
o-9:34:19- at one point in time you may skip a number
o-9:34:31- and when you allow them to grow smaller and less important
o-9:34:39- the will dissapear at one point in time
o-9:34:44- don't try to hang on to them
o-9:34:49- just allow them to dissapear
o-9:34:54- can you do that?
x-9:34:58- yes...
o-9:35:05- can you count them out loud?
x-9:35:10- yes..
o-9:35:14- ok
o-9:35:27- you will notice you may say them quiter and quiter the more distant they become
o-9:35:32- and when the numbers are gone
o-9:35:38- just let me know they are gone
o-9:35:40- tkae your time
o-9:35:43- i will be here
x-9:35:50- ok...
x-9:36:04- 100...
x-9:36:10- 99...
x-9:36:18- 98...
x-9:36:26- 97...
x-9:36:34- 96...
x-9:36:42- 96...
x-9:36:51- 95...
x-9:37:01- 92...
x-9:37:09- 91...
x-9:37:16- 88..
o-9:37:24- just let them go
o-9:37:25- very good
x-9:37:29- 86...
o-9:37:31- no need to hang on to them
x-9:37:42- 81...
x-9:37:53- 75...
x-9:38:01- i am not sure anymore...
o-9:38:03- ok
o-9:38:05- let go
o-9:38:08- that's good
o-9:38:12- very good
o-9:38:26- the numbers are not really important anymore, are they?
x-9:38:31- no...
o-9:38:34- good
o-9:38:57- now i am going to count up from 1
o-9:39:04- and with every count one of your arms
o-9:39:10- i don't know what arm
o-9:39:16- your subconscious knows
o-9:39:22- will become lighter an lighter
o-9:39:29- and at one point
o-9:39:33- after some numbers
o-9:39:39- it will just lift on it's own
o-9:39:45- you can watch it detached
o-9:39:50- don't have to do anything
o-9:39:53- 1
o-9:39:59- but it will just lift
o-9:40:00- 2
o-9:40:03- gradually
o-9:40:04- 3
o-9:40:06- all by itself
o-9:40:07- 4
o-9:40:12- and you may look at it
o-9:40:13- 5
o-9:40:17- a bit surprised
o-9:40:17- 6
o-9:40:22- detached
o-9:40:24- 7
o-9:40:31- i don't know what are it will be
o-9:40:32- 8
o-9:40:44- but once it starts you can let me know with the other arm
o-9:40:46- 9
o-9:40:52- lighter and lighter
o-9:40:55- 10
o-9:41:03- with every number up
o-9:41:04- 11
x-9:41:09- its flying up
o-9:41:14- 12
o-9:41:21- just going up there
o-9:41:23- 13
o-9:41:27- what arm?
o-9:41:29- 14
o-9:41:34- straight up
x-9:41:35- right
o-9:41:41- and you will notice now
o-9:41:42- 15
o-9:41:46- that with every number
o-9:41:47- 16
o-9:41:58- the arm becomes stiffer and stiffer
o-9:41:59- 17
o-9:42:04- pointing straight up
o-9:42:06- 18
o-9:42:20- stiif as steel
o-9:42:21- 19
o-9:42:25- or a two by four
o-9:42:26- 20
o-9:42:30- stiffer and stiffer
o-9:42:37- and when i get to 25
o-9:42:37- 21
o-9:42:56- you will become fully aware out of hypnosis
o-9:42:57- 22
o-9:43:04- but your arm will be stiff as steel
o-9:43:05- 23
o-9:43:11- unable to move it in any way
o-9:43:12- 24
o-9:43:16- rock solid
o-9:43:17- 25
o-9:43:20- and welcome back
o-9:43:23- how do you feel?
x-9:43:43- good but fuck my
o-9:43:54- did you try to pull it with the other arm?
x-9:44:12- yes i am just trying it doesnt work..but how i dont remeber you hypnotized me
o-9:44:30- on the count of 3 your arm will be normal again
o-9:44:30- 1
o-9:44:30- 2
o-9:44:31- 3
o-9:44:34- all back to normal
x-9:44:52- its fine again
x-9:45:06- how did you..i mean i didnt realize you hypnotized me
x-9:45:09- we were just chatting
o-9:45:11- i did not
o-9:45:21- i just guided you
o-9:45:29- and you allwed we to guide you to hypnotise yourself
x-9:45:40- oh..i see
o-9:45:53- pretty cool, not?
x-9:46:04- absolutly yeah
x-9:46:12- and i feel kind of relaxed talking with you
o-9:46:13- when do you think you were hypnotised?
x-9:46:37- not one sec it was just the arm then i thought something must be with me
o-9:46:56- most likely you were in trance the first time i had you try your eyes when relaxed
o-9:47:00- maybe already before that
o-9:47:18- so now you now hypnosis does not feel sleepy and drowsy
o-9:47:28- but relaxed and focused and normal
x-9:47:42- no i dont even know if i am still hypnotized lol
x-9:47:54- yes how do you know i exactly feel like that relaxed focused but normal
o-9:48:10- because i know how being in trance feels
o-9:48:13- i have been there myself
x-9:48:20- oh ok i see
o-9:48:42- and because almost everybody thinks it feels droopy and sleepy
o-9:48:52- they think they are not in trance
o-9:49:00- that's the number 1 misunderstanding
x-9:49:16- i i am in trance now?
o-9:49:38- your left arms goes completely rigid and lifts just like your right did before uncontrollable
x-9:50:12- f,,,it just did i cant control it...
o-9:50:22- i guess you still are
x-9:50:51- you guess lol you should know because suddenly i dont know nothing lol
o-9:50:52- and you can let go now
x-9:51:10- wow it just felt on the bed like dead lol
x-9:51:13- the arm
o-9:51:37- i just want to make it clear
o-9:51:43- than when we stop chatting
o-9:51:52- you will be 100% out of hypnosis
o-9:52:02- and that noone can control you in any way
o-9:52:10- unless you allow them to
o-9:52:11- ok?
x-9:52:16- ok
o-9:52:26- i have a question
o-9:52:48- can i use this log with your nick removed, to post on a hypnosis forum
o-9:53:05- it will be helpfull for other people to clear up some misunderstandings about hypnosis
x-9:53:20- yes sure...
x-9:53:34- you should do what you think its good for me i trust you...
o-9:53:42- i love to have people experience their first real trance
o-9:53:57- because it is never what they expect and wy cooler than what they thought
o-9:54:02- *way
x-9:54:11- true..
Last edited by ocntrl on October 25th, 2011, 12:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 24th, 2011, 2:51 pm

I always tell my subjects to forget about trance or what they expect trance to feel like. I find that "trying" to get into a trance is the number one mistake that most hypnotic subjects make.
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Postby qv » October 24th, 2011, 2:59 pm

Wow, that was real pro.
Like, fo realz.
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Postby bandler » October 24th, 2011, 4:14 pm

Well Done!

I've read some of your posts talking about chat hypnosis and always wondered how you did it... now I know :D
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Postby angel123 » October 24th, 2011, 6:53 pm

Thanks for posting it, that was absolutely brilliant :wink:
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby rgn » October 24th, 2011, 11:07 pm

Fantastic post. Thanks for sharing it.
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Postby ocntrl » October 24th, 2011, 11:53 pm

VeryGnawty wrote:I always tell my subjects to forget about trance or what they expect trance to feel like. I find that "trying" to get into a trance is the number one mistake that most hypnotic subjects make.

Absolutely. It is the number one thing holding them back.

But rather than telling them to forget, something I have no control over, I make them tell me what they think it is like, and then I can address their specifics.
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Postby ocntrl » October 25th, 2011, 12:56 am

bandler wrote:Well Done!

I've read some of your posts talking about chat hypnosis and always wondered how you did it... now I know :D

Nothing different from any other hypnsosis, really.

Establish selective thinking by bypassing the critical mind without forcing the issue.

I just love when someone like this guy realizes what just happened.

Especially because trance is such a wonderful feeling, aside from all the cool things you can do with it, including the stuff on this site.
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Postby rcbrest » October 25th, 2011, 4:53 am

Pretty nice =)
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Postby koushiro » November 4th, 2011, 1:21 pm

Hi o! It's been a while since I've talked to you, hasn't it? XD could you let me know te next time you're on YIM? I have some stuff to ask you haha and the log up above piqued my interest in hypnosis again haha! Hope to talk to you soon~
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