working on a script

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working on a script

Postby Tentacle_Addict » November 15th, 2011, 11:28 am

This is just my ruff draft with many spelling mistakes, it took me about half an hour, this file still needs some work this is just the body part without all the repeating of commands over and over, I will add that part later as well as the induction and wakener. any ideas to improve this file are greatly appreciated. Please no comments about how certain things aren't possible.

this script was intended for male to female transformation plus giving some of the beauty that Asian woman naturally has.

Your skin is becoming silky smooth
so very soft and perfect
if you have any blackheads on your face
those pores are becoming smaller and smaller
untill they are no longer noticable
your face will not be to oily
or too dry
your face is glowing with healthy skin
you remember what an asian woman looks like
her raven black hair, her perfect oriental skin
the pigmint in your entire skin is changing
changing to match the color of a asian woman
the hair on your eyebrows and scalp is changing also
it is becoming thicker and darker
untill it matches the raven black hair of an asian woman's
it will be pin straight and silky smooth
your eyelashes are becoming longer and thicker
your lower eyelid will become smaller and smoother
your eyelids will curve to match an asian womans
your nipples will darken and become a dark brown
your pubic hair will fall out
your armpit hair will fall out
the hair on your arms and legs will thin and fall out
if you have visible nose hairs they will fall out
so they are no longer visible
the only hair you need is your eyelash hair,
eyebrow hair, and the hair on your scalp.
fat is used to store food for later for when your body needs it.
Belly fat is unhealthy, you no longer need to store fat there.
Whenever you need to burn fat, your belly fat will not be replaced as it is burned.
this will continue untill you have a flat smooth tummy
and it will remain this way
Your body has a natural hormon level ratio
for men you have a ratio of 30-50 testosterone
and 0-15 estrogen
for women this ratio is 1-5 testosterone
and 20-40 estrogen
knowing this, your estrogen and testosterone levels are begining to change
they will now begin matching a woman's hormone levels
to speed up the change you might decide to seek out
creams that have estrogen and progestone in them
many are made over the counter for women with menopause
you also might decide to seek out anti-androgens to reduce your testosterone levels
either way, weather it be with your mind, or with medicines you will change your hormone levels
and once you begin the change, your sex drive might die, and it will come back with a vengance
when your hormone levels balance out to that of a woman's, it will be like a second puberty
during the change hip bone is going to start to grow
it will widen and make room for your female genitailia
this will give you wide hips and a plump butt
your breast will mature and grow
as they grow so will your nipples lengthen and thicken
they will also darken untill they are dark brown.
to make them grow faster, they will also begin the lactate
to help this lacation, you will massage your breasts every three hours for 10 minutes
after 2 weeks you will buy a breast pump and us it in place of your hands for the same amount of time
before using the pump you will put either diaper rash cream on your breast or petrolium jelly
this will prevent you from getting and welts from the sucktion.
when you were concieved, you had all the tissues that are necicary to make a female reporductive tract
now these tissues are going to be activated again,
what was once male genitatila will now become what it was suposed to be
and woman's gentiatila
normally this change would have happend in the womb while you were still growing and would have happened rappidly
your growth has slowed since then, but now your cromazones are going to re-acitveate and reshape your genitatila
it will happen slowly at first, but the change will become faster, and faster and faster as the days pass by
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Joined: December 10th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby CharredSoul » November 17th, 2011, 9:17 pm

you are putting too much in the suggestions. think of it as a self discovery process instead of just giving suggestions. you are giving the unconscious mind too many things to do at once, how about a process to allow the listener to be able to make up what it means for them to achieve what is in the script. the more ambiguous the script the more meaning the unconscious mind can give it, resulting in a greater response.
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Joined: February 15th, 2011, 1:00 am

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