Becoming a dumb jock... who's done it?

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Becoming a dumb jock... who's done it?

Postby Jal379 » September 27th, 2011, 6:14 pm

Let me start by saying that I am a 25 year old gay man who is looking to make drastic changes to his persona. I have considered this for a long time now and have decided that I want to transform myself to the best of my ability into a dumb jock.

I have always been a bit of a nerd and have found myself to be pretty miserable through most of my life because of it. I truly believe that ignorance is bliss and would like to shift my attention away from such things as computers, science fiction, games and comics to a simpler lifestyle of working out, watching sports, drinking beer and sex. I have never been that interested in sports before in my life, despite attempts to force myself to be so. (Even more so as of late, as I have recently taken a job as a server in a sports bar while attending school)

I am not completely inexperienced in the gym as I have recently lost 120 pounds, starting at 320 and now down to 200. However, after all that time of dieting and constantly forcing myself to workout , I found that I have grown lethargic and sedate once more as I hit the 200 pound mark. I have been hovering between 190 to 200 for several months now, but have not been able to bring myself to actually get back into the swing of things and continue to try and improve my body. Ultimately, I aim to increase my muscle mass significantly and reduce my remaining body fat as much as possible, but seem to lack the drive and will power to get off my flabby ass and do something about it.

That being said, as of today, I am going to begin using several different files at bedtime in order to transform myself into the dumb musclebound jock I truly want to be. I have already listened to Jock Takeover by Luggy last night and this afternoon, in an attempt to get things started. (For those unfamiliar with the file, there is a heavy emphasis on the dumbing down aspect.) I'm not sure if it is an after effect of the trance or the fact that I am subconsciously playing along, but when I finished, I already felt as though my mind was in a bit of a fog and have a strong desire to go to the gym and lift some weight. Unfortunately, I will have to hold off on that until tomorrow as I have a pile of homework to complete. (That should be fun if my IQ is already dropping.) Even looking back at what I have written so far, I can see that for some reason, I am having difficulty getting my sentences and ideas to flow. (Never been a problem for me before)

I will admit that there is a part of me that is terrified about letting go of my intelligence... but a voice in the back of my head continues to scream at me that it's necessary in order to achieve the happy go lucky, blissfully ignorant life that I so desire. Am I worried about flunking out of college? Yes and no. Looking at some of my "dumb jock" classmates, I figure I should at least be able to pass my classes with C's rather than the A's I am accustomed to, but not flunk out. I do have a desire to open my own bar someday and it is still my goal to finish college. Something tells me though, if I become the Jock I want to be... it may end up being a sports bar instead of the Nerd themed bar I was originally intending.

So my question is... who has gone through a similar transformation? What was your experience like? How was the dumbing down process? Did your transformation take long to get going or did you find yourself becoming a jock with ease?

I will post updates as I discover progress. Wish me luck! I can only hope that it won't be long before I am a dumb, sports loving jock. -James

P.S. After proof reading this, I was shocked at the amount of mistakes that I had to go back and correct. Is it wrong that this really excites me?
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Postby slyfox » September 28th, 2011, 11:08 pm

I hope you do continue to post updates, for I am very interested in reading about your transformation. I love the idea of dumbing down and becoming more of a musclehead. I've done a few sessions before with a friend who has successfully dumbed me down and it was absolutely fantastic. I had that foggy feeling too, and words were much harder to come by. My spelling and grammar suffered quite a bit. There was even a point in one of our sessions where I had trouble counting to ten!

Albeit, this was all temporary dumbness. Now, the musclehead stuff, I want that to be permanent. I love going to the gym, love working out, and watching myself grow stronger and more buff. A few months ago I started on a new diet and started exercising more and so far I've gone from 210 lbs to 185, and I'm looking really fantastic. I can bench press around 160 lbs right now; I want to progress past 200. A part of this enthusiasm stems from encouragement and mind control from my friend, who also wants to see me get nice and huge. :)

I make a distinction between a musclehead and a jock because frankly, I could care less about sports. I'd rather just be a big muscled guy who is also kinda nerdy. :P

Also, no, finding it exciting that you make spelling and grammar mistakes is not wrong at all. It's pretty damn hot, I must say :D Just wait until you don't even notice you're making mistakes!
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Postby VeryGnawty » September 28th, 2011, 11:22 pm

slyfox wrote:I'd rather just be a big muscled guy who is also kinda nerdy. :P

That's sexy, lol.

Also, no, finding it exciting that you make spelling and grammar mistakes is not wrong at all. It's pretty damn hot, I must say :D Just wait until you don't even notice you're making mistakes!

LOL, yeah. That does sound kind of fun.
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Postby angelcraves » October 16th, 2011, 6:09 am

bad spelling really annoys angel, seems to be all over, she has thoughts of being a real bimbo with bad spelling, giggling when she tries to think hard, thinking about boys and clothes and makeup and sex all the time when she tries to concentrate, but she also needs to keep her job!
of course bad spelling would be less annoying if she did not notice it herself. giggles!
who knows where angel is heading.
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Postby outkast1728 » November 21st, 2011, 9:49 pm

If anyone else posts on here that they've had a successful experience from this please email me and tell me what happened to you. My email is
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Any update James

Postby greasegun » November 28th, 2011, 4:15 am

I too would be interested to hear your progress James. You posit a cogent argument, but perhaps you are w to dumb to be able to give us updates?

I only tried TotalJock twice, with no apparent results, but if you prove it can work, I'll be right on it too.

TotalJock4 is missing the dumbing down aspects. It might be best to alternate them?

I like Luggy's files too.
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Postby afleitch » March 5th, 2012, 1:57 pm

Jus to let u know ive done it. it rocks.
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Postby joe » March 5th, 2012, 6:25 pm

im doin it too again after all these years, got a weight bench for my apt and have been drinkin protein shakes every mornin for a week and a half now, routines after waking up and when i get home from work

feels pretty awesome so far!! looking forward to when i can bench 50 instead of just 40
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Postby slyfox » March 6th, 2012, 1:04 pm

Well, I said before I didn't want to become a full-blown jock (just a musclehead), but it seems I don't have a choice now :P I've been growing stronger and more jock-like every day. I obsess about my workout routine, I'm constantly thinking about how I can improve, how I can grow stronger, how I can get bigger muscles. I'm a LOT more interested in sports; I watch hockey and tennis pretty regularly now, and I'm eagerly awaiting the football season (it is THE jock sport, you know).

While I do feel like I'm getting a bit dumber, it's a slow process. As I think more and more about workouts and sports, the less I think about smarter things, so that's definitely helping. Eventually, I know it will consume more and more of my life. I've even toyed around with the idea of changing my college major to something more jock-like, like being a personal trainer or something. I'm not sure if I will do it, but I'm only at the tip of the iceberg here.

The more I work out, the more muscle I build, the more of a jock I become. I'm becoming addicted to the testosterone and adrenaline release I get from lifting weights. If I get out of my routine even for just a day, I feel like crap until I can push myself and use my muscles. Just going to the gym three times a week is quickly becoming not enough; now I have to work out at home doing bodyweight exercises. I'm growing to be more competitive, more confident, more masculine overall. I'm REALLY enjoying the change, and I hope I continue to change more.
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Postby rugbyjockca » March 7th, 2012, 4:32 am

I am transforming, too. Luckily I found a perfect Master who is helping me. I've given up drinking (too many empty calories and hangovers get in the way of my workouts) and I've been working out steadily and with a solid plan for almost six months now. I haven't lost any weight (but that's fine because I'm already 260lbs, which will nbe my target when I get my body fat lower), but I've lost over 2" in my waist and my arms are reliably over 16" cold.

What's more, my confidence and happiness are higher than ever. My Master doesn't need me to become dumb, but he is helping me to simplify my life and focus in on what's really important to me. I've been buying bodybuilding books and following them, with the goal of one day being a true muscle jock.

For anyone on this path: keep at it. More than anything, it's consistency that will get you there. You already have the desire, so it's a matter of putting that desire into action. Remember that every day builds on another, so every day that you get to the gym and eat right is another day that you are adding to your jock potential.
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Postby afleitch » March 7th, 2012, 9:44 am

Yeah. For me its like a drug. Lifes simpler and I feel graet working out wish id done it years ago.
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Postby champion » April 11th, 2012, 4:40 am

I began working out a year ago and have made big changes altho i never set out to look like a jock, just always wanted more muscle. My chest is massive (45 inches up from 37), shoulders are beast. Legs have always been big but now are muscled. Arms are alright (15.5s) but Ive struggled to get them up to the same level as the rest of my torso. Its all about self belief for me. I never keep a journal or progress pics but can see the changes clearly and the only downside is having to buy new clothes!

Afleitch - congrats on your progress and well done on sharing your pic, its inspiring. When did you start lifting? Can you also advice me what you do for your arms - they are huge (17 inches?) and I want mine the same! I do curls and dont really get a difference but pullups have been helping. Any advice would be useful thanks
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Postby Hank01 » April 11th, 2012, 9:33 pm

These are great stories. I have been working out for 14 months now. I too see some differences in my appearance, but I'm no happy. I've been told that my legs and arms are too long, I'm 6'4" and therefore I won't be bulking up. Please someone tell me that I really can bulk up. I'm 56 and don't really want to look like The Hulk, but to have some muscle would be amazing for sure. I listen to the Jock music file from Dragon Corps while I work out. It just plays over and over, but not thinking anything is happening. I think I need a Master to help me in the gym. I'm going to Florida for the month of July and really want the right body to take with me, not this one. Any advice? Thanks, Hank
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Postby outkast1728 » April 28th, 2012, 4:28 am

Update: It only took several months but I think traintotaljock2 is finally sinking in! I mean like DUDE I'm feeling a wicked gnarly desire to work out
and party and shit, you know, like do frat boy stuff and um. drink and uh...whatever else us guys do for fun yo.
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Postby steelchastityboi » May 3rd, 2012, 4:27 am

Ive been listening to traintotaljock . All i want to do is fuck and exercise. I bought a bunch of jock straps and boxer briefs. Im so horny. Ive stacked orgasm denial on top of the jock training. I exercise to deal with my sexual frustrations.

If anyone is interested in my orgasm denial trigger email me. Once you give it to me i cant cum for 24 hours even if i get permission.
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