Put that away! (until... [condition(s)])

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Put that away! (until... [condition(s)])

Postby cumcontrolboi » November 19th, 2011, 8:10 am

If anyone is even remotely like me,
and I'm fairly sure there are more than a few,
I spend some time with myself.
A little too much time with myself, sometimes.
you need that motivation
to put that thing away.

After experiencing Cal's Curse on different levels, where you want to ask for permission, but you'll feel resistant to it, as well... I realized that I'm constantly torn between wanting to ask for permission... and wanting to ask someone to just tell me to

Put your cock away.
Put it away now.
Clean up, if you need to.
Take a break.
Quit making yourself so horny.

This is the essence of what would probably be a good trigger -- not as much a strict chastity trigger where you have to envision sensations (which is not in my mental repertoire) of pain nor numbness; but to specifically (and simply) not touch it for a while.

I haven't decided, and I think everyone might have a different idea as to what would be a good trigger, but... I think it should have a condition upon it, optionally.

"Put $variable$ away." Put your cock away. Put it away.
"Quit playing with it."

With a modifier.

"Until you wake up tomorrow."
"Until you complete this project."
"Until 2 hours from now."

Perhaps to be self-triggerable.

This came to mind. This could be both a constructive one, if self-triggered, like holding a carrot on a string, dangling a cookie out of reach... and it could be just good enough to be a nice temporary degree of chastity -- a reprieve which doesn't need a specific trigger to unlock, rather, a condition, or simply "until told you may play with it again" -- which one might have to seek a permission for, if no specific conditions are given.
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Postby Jeshi » November 19th, 2011, 11:35 pm

You could also add a condition where once they are allowed to take their cock out again, they must. So "Put your cock away until you finish your project" would have them work on their project, finish it, and then have no choice but to reward themselves by taking out their cock.
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Postby cumcontrolboi » November 20th, 2011, 6:00 pm

Jeshi -- that's a good idea, in its own way.

I was going more for the idea of "seriously, you need to stop being a hornball right now and be remotely constructive, you can do it again later, if you so please." Not as much a force to play, but a force to stop, to call an end to being a-dick-ted, briefly.
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Postby KIY » November 22nd, 2011, 7:48 pm

tanyaslave wrote:Get friends.
I'm not kidding.
Engage yourself socially. Become a part of a project, organization, or group that actually does things. Hell, just build a shed with your buddies.

Raise a barn with the Amish? :P
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Postby cumcontrolboi » November 23rd, 2011, 12:48 am

Oh, come on, it was just a random suggestion, tanyaslave; I hardly never post on these forums... it just randomly occurred to me... it would be the reverse of 'masturbation time'. I can't be the only person ever to think this might be a good idea, considering people like being triggered -to- masturbate.
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Joined: May 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

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