Discrete and secret feminization

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Discrete and secret feminization

Postby MuxMG » February 3rd, 2012, 5:49 am

I'm looking into feminization which enhances or reveals my feminine inner self. And I stress the 'inner' part here.

I wouldn't mind seeing myself as a woman as long as others still see me as the plain 'straight' man they've always seen. I don't want to upset my family and my professional situation.
Just some subtle feminine behaviors or traits are probably acceptable and desirable.

So I really don't want any physical changes such as breast growth, hormone changes, penis shrinking, and whatnot (if that's possible at all through hypnosis...). Also I don't want to be forced into submission, sissification or do cross dressing.

Basically I want to go about as usual but for myself, and just for me alone, I would like to feel as a woman as much as possible.

I'm quite sure there must be others like me who secretly wish to be a woman but not (much) more than that?

What files could you suggest?
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Secret feminization

Postby Pansyboi » February 3rd, 2012, 9:01 am

I think feminization is a slippery slope. You may find that your initial desires are not enough. Haven't you ever looked at an attractive well dressed women and wondered what it would be like to wear clothing like her's? Wouldn't it be nice to have smooth legs and wear nylons and panites? Have you ever noticed how nice well done makeup and hair looks on women?

You can still be a crossdresser and maintain a somewhat masculine persona to others depending on your situation. I maybe entirely wrong but I have never heard of a man just feeling like a women on the inside and not experimenting further.
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Re: Secret feminization

Postby MuxMG » February 3rd, 2012, 9:41 am

Pansyboi wrote:I think feminization is a slippery slope. You may find that your initial desires are not enough. Haven't you ever looked at an attractive well dressed women and wondered what it would be like to wear clothing like her's? Wouldn't it be nice to have smooth legs and wear nylons and panites? Have you ever noticed how nice well done makeup and hair looks on women?.

Yeah. I appreciate your reply. Real women are so nice, attractive, sexy and stylish. IMO crossdressers really don't look that way. Sometimes quite the contrary but luckily there are exceptions.

At least some feminine features such as smooth legs, panties & nylons can be hidden under men's clothing. Makeup isn't a necessity.

I maybe entirely wrong but I have never heard of a man just feeling like a women on the inside and not experimenting further.

Here's one. I'm more interested in the feelings and sensations, the 'essence' of a woman.
There is so much more than the looks.

Oh, I know about slipperly slopes allright. Take this site for instance. You start with peeking at one file, and then another and before you know it you're addicted.
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Re: Secret feminization

Postby Fjm » February 4th, 2012, 7:23 am

Pansyboi wrote:I think feminization is a slippery slope. You may find that your initial desires are not enough. Haven't you ever looked at an attractive well dressed women and wondered what it would be like to wear clothing like her's? Wouldn't it be nice to have smooth legs and wear nylons and panites? Have you ever noticed how nice well done makeup and hair looks on women?

You can still be a crossdresser and maintain a somewhat masculine persona to others depending on your situation. I maybe entirely wrong but I have never heard of a man just feeling like a women on the inside and not experimenting further.

:!: :!:
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Postby jan » February 4th, 2012, 1:52 pm

I don't think you can feel feminine without any physical manifestations of it.

I think mp3s that teach you to pay more attention to your grooming would be a start. Trimming your eyebrows so there are no wild hairs; removing nostril and ear hair; keeping a trim haircut; reducing weight to a little below trim; wearing clothes & shoes that are good quality and well-cut; ensuring nails are properly trimmed and cuticles pushed back; moisturizing your hands; shaving your armpits; shaping your bush - all of these are innocuous, but tilt towards the feminine, and reflect a feminine mind-set.

There are 'pink nipple' creams available too - they should be useful as well.

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Postby cubes » February 5th, 2012, 5:39 pm

I think the slippery slope is real, but controllable if you have some discipline. Just be aware that if you're not careful you can get yourself in a position where it's not like you're being coerced, you might actually want further, visibly-public feminization.

Now then, you will of course want to stick with files that don't push for full-time feminization, or files that try to convince you that you are a woman stuck in a man's body or anything. Any file that "turns you into a girl" on a trigger, or for a short duration, would work. A good one to play with is MistE's [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/2580/Gender-Triggers.php]Gender Triggers[/url]. The trigger encourages cross-dressing when triggered, but you can always untrigger yourself if needed, and she makes sure to drive the point home that you will make sure you watch out for your own social well-being.

You might also try EMG's [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/142/FemaleDreams.php]Female Dreams[/url]. Any file that helps improve your imagination will make it easier to drive the visualization yourself.

I think one of the best ways to go about discovering your inner female is to experience non-penile orgasm. Listen to files female orgasm files if they work for you, but there are non-hypnotic aids as well. Get yourself an Aneros and practice with it, very patiently. They work like magic once you figure them out, and once you know how to orgasm without your penis being involved, it becomes that much easier to imagine it not being there when you want to.

Any file that teaches you how to have nipples orgasms is icing on the cake (or icing on the nipple if you prefer), because what woman doesn't enjoy having her nipples licked or played with?

Last idea at the moment: I saw your post about the keyboard curse a bit ago. I bet there are a number of things you could come up with using that.
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Postby MuxMG » February 6th, 2012, 2:21 am

Thanks Cubes!

I've indeed also used the Enchanted Keyboard Curse to put a few things into place. Some protection against unwanted effects of feminization files and enhancements in this area.

In any case it's going to be a gradual process and I'll see were it takes me. If and when I end up with public visible feminization, I'm sure it will be because I wanted it, and am OK with it. Maybe I'm looking forward to it.
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huh? ok

Postby Plaat » February 7th, 2012, 11:59 pm

Wait, so feminine is good grooming and being caring or nice. Is it just me, or does a lot of femininaztion depend on an old, conservative definition of "masculine" and "feminine"? woman have hair on their bodies, and men, with effort can not be disgusting asses, am I missing something here? haha ah jesse where am I going with this? don't answer that for me.
I don't know man just do what can be managed.
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Postby cubes » February 14th, 2012, 12:09 am

Hey MuxMG, I just found [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/4449/DKaiser---Girl-Body.php]DKaiser Girl Body[/url] which sounds like exactly what you want.
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Postby MuxMG » February 14th, 2012, 1:31 am

cubes wrote:Hey MuxMG, I just found DKaiser Girl Body which sounds like exactly what you want.

Thanks Cubes. Interesting file. Gotta see what effect it'll have on me.
Some files have pretty good suggestions on how to look and feel feminine but so far all this wears off pretty quickly.
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