a challenege to all authors on this site and anyone else

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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a challenege to all authors on this site and anyone else

Postby WoteverUK » February 2nd, 2012, 3:17 am

i have this girl who wants to be my slave adn who i want to hypnotize and take as my slave the problem is we have tried various audios and non have worked this is how she describes what happens

"forcing myself to relax, being apprehensive of what theyre going to say next,distracted by how much they tell me to relax, being more alert because theyre telling me i wont remember, the pace and tone im listening to, body gets sore from stying still because theyre telling me to, parts of me tingle so i focus on that instead of the audio, waiting for something to happen.. "
" somewhat skepticle, doesnt sound professional "
" odd and regular commands too distract me "
she has also said her mind anaylses every word that is said
" i put lot of force on myself to stay calm and still so not actully relaxing "

so the challeenge is this can anyone make an audio that will hypnotize her and make her easier to hypnotize in future and make it so other audios can be used on her without problems, making it so her mind accepts any and all other audios she lsitens to without any problems and if possible even reifnorces them

if anyone can help please let me know

and if you need to know which parts of audios she liked and found most affective please ask and i will let you know
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Postby qv » February 2nd, 2012, 4:43 am

...eh, pretty common problem, actually. She's too worked up about what she's going through to really let herself relax. With that kind of intensive analytical scrutiny, it may be better to try a more conversational type of file.

...you could try Hypnosis Works Too Well by slutinmyhead, for instance. That's the sort of thing I'm getting at, in a way... but there's other files out there too. Don't limit yourself, try any files that seem like they'd help; less commanding, more gradual, no special effects or anything like that... you just want inductions, no need to rush her.

Hope that helps.
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Postby ocntrl » February 2nd, 2012, 5:44 am

Try 'How to listen to a file' to have her understand how to listen to files you find here.

Then follow that up with 'Deep Trance (Extended Version)' so she understands what hypnosis is about at what not.

From there you can take it anywhere.
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Postby Plaat » February 8th, 2012, 11:17 pm

She sounds like my king of girl. Lucky you.
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Postby demigraff » February 9th, 2012, 8:42 am

I'd say you'll probably be better off with a real hypnotist who can help you with this kind of thing. There are certainly a couple of skilled people who will help someone learn to trance more easily. I know of at least 2 professionals (on the therapy side) who do this as a sideline if you're in the UK.

It might save you a lot of time, because different people respond to different things, and a real person can see her responses, breathing and expression, and adapt in real time. Maybe you could persuade her to try a session on GTalk or skype, or even in RL if you can find someone nearby.

My insurance has expired, so I'm no longer practising professionally. But I suspect that it wouldn't have covered this kind of thing anyway; so if you're interested I'd be willing to try and help. I always offered free sessions for as long as it takes to find a technique that works for you :D
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Postby captainoblivious666 » April 24th, 2012, 12:07 am

I know this was a thread made awhile ago, but here are my suggestions. write your own script using and analytical vehicle or a confusion induction. 80% of the population is non analytical, but non anayltical techniques wont work on a analytical person very well, while analytical techniques work on everyone to various degrees.

have you done the balloon test or postural sway to determine which she is?

another idea of mine is have her try corpse pose. its a yoga position where you lie comfortably on the floor the backs of your hands face down.

yet another is, try conditioning her for a while to acclimate her mind to being consciously in a alpha state. meditation is a great way for this to progress.

these are broad catch all things. another reason could be simply because she doesnt have rapport with the person in the recording, try reading her a script yourself, that could solve the problem as well.
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