Advice to help achieve trance.

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Advice to help achieve trance.

Postby Nifty255 » February 11th, 2012, 11:05 pm

Hello all,

Sorry for yet another "can't be hypnotized" topic. I am trying to use various hypnosis files, usually with no drastic changes involved, like Jadyn's orgasm prevention file, and admittedly with at least a bit of results. (It was difficult to get there!) But I can't seem to get good results from files. Specifically, I try to follow the instructions of the file. "Imagine that every number you count from 10 to 0 relaxes you more." I try to follow this and meet with some degree of success, but once I get into the file, I start to drift off into not paying attention. During this I am not thinking about anything specific either. It's almost like sleep at this point. Then I sort of "snap" back out of it and am back to trying to follow the induction. I thought I might have been focusing too hard, but simply ignoring the file and thinking my own thoughts gets me nowhere in the first place. Any advice? I have studied a bit about hypnosis and understand generally how it works, but can't figure this out.
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Postby ocntrl » February 12th, 2012, 11:50 am

Just allow the drifting of and thinking about nothing specific to continue.
If you wake from the file when the awakener count happens and feel like the wakener wants to make you feel, you were in a good hypnotic state.
If you wake feeling sleepy or after the count ends you were probably just drifting off.
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Re: Advice to help achieve trance.

Postby Tangy » February 24th, 2012, 2:19 pm

Nifty255 wrote:Hello all,

Sorry for yet another "can't be hypnotized" topic. I am trying to use various hypnosis files, usually with no drastic changes involved, like Jadyn's orgasm prevention file, and admittedly with at least a bit of results. (It was difficult to get there!) But I can't seem to get good results from files. Specifically, I try to follow the instructions of the file. "Imagine that every number you count from 10 to 0 relaxes you more." I try to follow this and meet with some degree of success, but once I get into the file, I start to drift off into not paying attention. During this I am not thinking about anything specific either. It's almost like sleep at this point. Then I sort of "snap" back out of it and am back to trying to follow the induction. I thought I might have been focusing too hard, but simply ignoring the file and thinking my own thoughts gets me nowhere in the first place. Any advice? I have studied a bit about hypnosis and understand generally how it works, but can't figure this out.

Do not try to use hypnotic files to trance just breath deeply in and out in and out through your mouth just keep doing this and trance will come.

Bright ideals with safe outcomes Moving forward. :idea:
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Re: Advice to help achieve trance.

Postby Jadit » February 27th, 2012, 6:25 pm

Tangy wrote:Do not try to use hypnotic files to trance just breath deeply in and out in and out through your mouth just keep doing this and trance will come.

That was a good one, for the first time i could really feel a file starting to have a clear effect on me. So far just warm feeling, tingling, body being very stiff and so on. So with my conscious mind i was doing just that; breathing, relaxing and going blank of all thoughts. Not even listening.
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