Pillow Talk

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Pillow Talk

Postby PhantomDog » August 14th, 2011, 2:24 pm

I was wondering if anyone, and how many people, have tried that ad for pillow talk?

I don't have money right now, but when I do, I want to either get that book, or some parts for my computer.

I'd like to know how many people tried, and who had had success/failures with it, as well as a few things to expect.

Thanks :)
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Postby PhantomDog » August 17th, 2011, 11:08 pm

Going on 200 people viewed this topic...

Hasn't anyone decided to try that yet? It seems interesting, and if I had $30 I would spend it even just to find out if it works or not. The concept that it could seems like enough to me to make one check it out.

Anyone care to try it and let me know? :\
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Postby angel123 » August 18th, 2011, 4:35 pm

Nope not seen it and not done it sorry I can't help
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby PhantomDog » August 21st, 2011, 1:48 pm

So I got a few dollars and got the EBook version.

Seems to be REALLY good stuff. Indirectly describes stuff like what causes the confusion induction to be so powerful, what to expect a woman to feel, and that you need to understand those to progress, to minimize it's contents.

Good stuff, and even though I've only read about 40%, it's really working better than most files here.

My wife sees herself as property by default, even the day after being hypnotized. She has had a taboo about it for a long time, where her taboos would override what she was feeling then she would lash out and break the cycle, or it would mostly wear off overnight.

After just one trance, she decides to go absorb herself in cleaning or something to distract herself when she feels that way, which reinforces how she feels subconsciously.

I just need to read more from the book to learn how to make it where she actually ENJOYS it, because right now she is down feeling it's who she is and something she has to accept, with the taboos still there, just not winning out.

The data is there in the book, just need to read more for a better understanding. But considering it's only halfway through, I'd say that's not bad at all! ;)
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Postby PhantomDog » August 26th, 2011, 10:21 am

I just wanted to post and let people know that, while the book is good, the site is very unreliable.

I had to format my computer a couple days after I downloaded the EBook.
When I purchased it, it said I could access it from the download page for X amount of time.

When I went to download it after formatting, it wasn't there. After almost a week, and 3 or 4 emails, they still haven't responded. So Beware of readreadbooks.com
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Pillow talk

Postby HypDom » September 5th, 2011, 3:48 pm

I have the book and he references this site so that is why I came here. That book is sort of an intro to erotic hypnosis for me so I am studying it and trying to learn more about induction and gaining some confidence before I try it. I don't want to fail to trance when I do try the scripts.
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Postby desty » February 26th, 2012, 4:48 pm

The long induction actually works, although none of the three triggers have yet to work. I'm planning to use the Life Binding techniques to help redirect my wife's stress and addiction to caffeine to, er, better uses ;)
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