I've been working on a set of scripts, and would welcome any suggestions for other things I could add. These are all triggered by certain objects, making it harder to trigger by accident. Some of them work in combination, as listed below. All additions and sugggestions are much welcome.
- Feel like a baby or toddler
- Uncoordinated, and have difficulty standing or holding objects
- Lowered attention span, fascination with bright colours and stuff
- Ask an adult if you need the bathroom
- Can't hold it more than half an hour
- or if offered a sweetie after saying you need to go
- Can't hold it more than half an hour
Pacifier + Diaper
- Increased trust for 'mommy'
- See/feel whatever mommy says you do
Pacifier, without Diaper
- Trance trigger, for strengthening suggestions
- Look forward to being diapered, and can't resist
"Big boy pants" (adult underwear) over diaper
- Feel like a toddler, very insistent you're not a baby
- Can just about walk, feed yourself, colour, etc.
- Feel very proud about all these things
- Want to be as "grown up" as possible
- Know you don't need the diaper any more because you're a big boy
- Sure you don't have accidents
- Wet without thinking at the first opportunity
- Both surprised and ashamed at this
- Sure you don't have accidents
- Won't do anything dangerous or break anything in the absence of an adult
"Big boy pants" without diaper
- Regain all adult skills and control, reverting all other suggestions
- Remember how things felt, while understanding which feelings were natural and which were triggered