Is there a girl who would try this as an experiment?

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Is there a girl who would try this as an experiment?

Postby jcdps » January 26th, 2012, 10:41 am

"How do I make my girlfriend attracted to other women?"

Clearly, this only works if she's willing, unless you strap her down and force her to watch while providing vaginal stimulation with a vibrator . By the way, if you do that, variable stimulation is best. Constant stimulation eventually numbs out the parts, so you'll want it to ramp up and down in speed for best results. She won't be able to avoid getting aroused, and will eventually associate thinking of sex with women with getting turned on.

This animation switches to a second part after about 3 minutes... wait for it!
Here is the link:

I would never tie someone up against their will, but I'd be very curious if someone tried this out and reported the results.
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Postby Triggernewbie » February 13th, 2012, 2:03 am

i tested that file with a girlfriend of mine.
She is into bondage and so i tied her up and gagged her. I set up the file and insert her a dildo with light vibration for her entertainment. She was moaning and was surprised what she saw. I left her and after 20 mins i heard her climax. I stopped the file and untied her. I ask her how she felt and she said i need a girl. I said i am not a girl. And she answered maybe i make one out of you. So i think it is effective.
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Postby jcdps » March 5th, 2012, 10:37 pm

Awesome story, thanks for sharing! Let us know if there is additional progress made.
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Postby Triggernewbie » March 7th, 2012, 8:07 am

the effect worn off the next day.
So what should i do? Well there was some rope, my girl and a vibrator. So i thought some reinforcement had to be done :-)).

She was not so happy abtout it. She was happy about being tied up and about the dildo. But then i gagged her (she is so chatty) and she ask mmmmpfh. I think she meaned what are you doing.
So i started the file and the vib. About 20 mins later she had a climax. But i thought better safety first, so i let her cum two times more. She was somehow changed as i untied her.
She asked me what that was and were other girls are. I explain her that hypnosis stuff and so on. She was curious about it and looked at many sites. A week later we meet again and she meaned she would like to test something with me. I agreed and she said i should undress. I did and she began to wrap me up with saranwrap until i was completly mummified. She secured it with ducttape and put me on the bed. After that she set my penis free and i was unable to do anything against it. With an evil smile she gagged me and said i have a surprise for you and started rubbing my penis. Hard erected she stopped rubbing me and started a subviewer file. "Enjoy it my little girl .", she said and left for an hour watching the file. Unable to free myself or climax i had to watch it. I felt how it changed me and i wanted to dress like a maid. She came back after an hour and said time for your medicine and ungagged me.
Before i could say what do you mean, she started to rub my penis and let me cum into a glass.
Then she ask me "Melissa time to wake up" and i felt completly obedient to her.
She asked me "What is your name?" And i tried to say mike but only Melissa left my mouth.
Then she asked me: "what are you?". I tried not to answer but i could not resist to say I am an obedient sissy maid. Good she smiled and had me drink my cum.
That day she had me dressed then in a maid outfit and let me serve her.

At least my effect worn off the next day. But i meet her again next week.
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Postby ParanoidLord » March 9th, 2012, 11:32 pm

Your story's pretty kinky, but the odds are your girlfriend had an interest in feminizing men before you started experimenting on her. It doesn't appear to be in the subfile, but it's hard to tell without risking brainwashing.

Anyways, a small part of me thinks we should try the SWF on men for the sake of amusement; it's not designed for them, but it might lead to them becoming (if only briefly) lesbian transgirls if they can get the implications.
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Postby Triggernewbie » March 12th, 2012, 2:13 am

I think too that the feiminzation part was already in her but the file interested her more in girls.
She also went to a lesbian bar to seek a new friend for her. So it seems it has some effect.
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Postby jcdps » March 18th, 2012, 8:23 pm

ParanoidLord wrote:Your story's pretty kinky, but the odds are your girlfriend had an interest in feminizing men before you started experimenting on her. It doesn't appear to be in the subfile, but it's hard to tell without risking brainwashing.

Anyways, a small part of me thinks we should try the SWF on men for the sake of amusement; it's not designed for them, but it might lead to them becoming (if only briefly) lesbian transgirls if they can get the implications.

They have a file for guys too. Just erase the last part to get to the page with the link I posted. There are many other links.
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Postby rmsnk83 » August 8th, 2012, 6:11 pm

Triggernewbie wrote:I explain her that hypnosis stuff and so on. She was curious about it and looked at many sites. A week later we meet again and she meaned she would like to test something with me. I agreed and she said i should undress. I did and she began to wrap me up with saranwrap until i was completly mummified. She secured it with ducttape and put me on the bed. After that she set my penis free and i was unable to do anything against it. With an evil smile she gagged me and said i have a surprise for you and started rubbing my penis. Hard erected she stopped rubbing me and started a subviewer file. "Enjoy it my little girl .", she said and left for an hour watching the file. Unable to free myself or climax i had to watch it. I felt how it changed me and i wanted to dress like a maid.

I am curious, what file was it that she made you watch? Do you know where it can be found?
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Postby Mandrache » August 29th, 2012, 12:25 pm

I read women get aroused (wet pussy) by (naked) women anyway. Not the same as attracted to or turned on by I guess though.
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Postby jcdps » November 1st, 2012, 5:47 pm

There is a file for guys on that site too. It's easy to find from the link I put. Just remove the end part to go up a level.
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Postby Scarlett_S » May 26th, 2013, 1:52 am

I'm bumping this because I click this link frequently and I'm starting to lose track of the thread. Sue me, I'm lazy.
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Postby swmnkdinthervr » May 27th, 2013, 4:21 pm

Be careful where you go on that site, there's malware there...but not on the file in that far...
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Postby Scarlett_S » May 30th, 2013, 11:14 pm

I've been on that site tens of times with no issues. Just don't download anything, I suppose.
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