Full company

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Full company

Postby brainslug » March 14th, 2010, 7:13 pm

So, I really like the concept of the female company in bed and I think that it would be a good idea to make a full on company file. Maybe you could choose female, transexual, and males. But unlike the in bed file, you could trigger them anytime that you wanted and if you were alone, you could talk to them. They would follow you around and generally make you feel comforatable until you untriggered them. You could, of course order them to take off their cloths or have sex.

Also, just as a suggestion for all files, and I don't know If I am the only one that feels this way, but I am not too fond of the addictions in almost every curse file. I understand that there are people with that kind of fetish, but jeez. I have decided against 2 really good files ( milky and chocolate cum). Just sayin, I can't speak for everyone there.
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Postby Realm » March 14th, 2010, 11:50 pm

Like an imaginary friend file. This could be of interest even to people who aren't looking for erotic material, as long as you don't use it as a substitute for real-life friends lol.

As for the files on this site that carry addictions with them, they fall under the very large category of things on this site that aren't my cup of tea either. But obviously there's an audience for those files or they wouldn't be here. Are you saying there are files here you'd like to try out but you don't because they also program you with undesired effects?
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Re: Full company

Postby dottie » March 15th, 2010, 10:57 pm

brainslug wrote:Also, just as a suggestion for all files, and I don't know If I am the only one that feels this way, but I am not too fond of the addictions in almost every curse file. I understand that there are people with that kind of fetish, but jeez. I have decided against 2 really good files ( milky and chocolate cum). Just sayin, I can't speak for everyone there.

Well that's why they're called CURSE FILES.

In fact many of them make little sense without the curse/addictive qualities.

If you think you'd like to try the effects of a particular curse without the addiction, make a request for it -- maybe someone will make one up for you.
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Postby humili8kat » March 8th, 2012, 5:53 pm

I would lke something along these lines, but I would like to see one a little differant. How about, if you have other personeas the "imaganary" friend you trigger could be them. Then you could talk with them. A verriation would be that if you don't have someone else in youre head, you could create a "virtual" friend with there own likes and dislikes, rather then a "friend" you give orders to.
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Postby ParanoidLord » March 9th, 2012, 11:22 pm

A few people have expressed a desire for more 'company in bed' files on the original EMG file's comment page. I haven't written anything to that extent, but if someone made a version that gave the user a woman's body, I would definitely download it and practice with it. In fact, since I've been making scripts at a somewhat regular pace, I might even try my hands at it if I have the time.

As for the subject of company outside bed - that'd definitely be more difficult, but there's a market for it. Might lead to some split personalities if not handled carefully, though.
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