Interesting discovery

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Interesting discovery

Postby Lostone0 » March 5th, 2012, 8:04 pm

This is an interesting discovery for me which solidified my belief that hypnosis can cause changes.

I had a dream last night that I was just sitting in a dining room reading a magazine when someone came in and started pushing me to get my hair cut. (It's been about 3-4 years since I last cut my hair so it's down to between my shoulderblades and I've been doing my best to take good care of it) Naturally I declined several times and went back to reading my magazine. After a while I went to the living room to avoid her while she disappeared to somewhere in my house.

when I finished reading the magazine I looked up and she was there with a cleaver like Knife and was walking towards me. Naturally I got up and backed as far away as I could from her, and she said If I wasn't going to cut my hair then she would, and started swinging the knife at me. I take tai chi regularly so instinctively I was blocking her strikes narrowly missing the sharp blade. after a mis-swing The blade came down along my neck. deep enough to bleed but shallow enough to not kill me.

Now the entire time this dream has been going on, it felt extreamly real to me. Every surface, movement, texture, impact I could feel to the point I actually believed it was real. So when the knife went across my neck, I felt the cut.

At this point I kicked the crazy lady away to the point she slid across the floor dropping the knife. As she got up she said "What are you doing? You need a hair cut!" I tried to answer that I don't want nor need a hair cut, but all I felt was air raising up my throat and out my mouth soundlessly. no matter how I tried I couldn't speak.

Freaking out, I ran outside out of range of the crazy lady at which point everything blurred and I woke up.

Immediately when I woke up I ran to the bathroom and checked the mirror where I saw a blemish of a healed wound right across my neck where I was cut in the dream. And it wasn't just me. Other people have noticed too to the point that I feared talking all day in case it wasn't a dream and I really am Mute. I STILL fear talking

It's also got me thinking if a dream can do that, then hypnosis can really do more than people give it credit.
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Postby Jeshi » March 8th, 2012, 2:34 am

Or maybe you were sleeping in a position that caused neck pain and that influenced your dream rather than the other way around. If it's just a red line then there's so many things that could easily have happened while you were asleep that affected your dream.

If your heart skips a beat while you sleep, you'll have a heart attack in your dream. One theory is that dreams are meant to prepare you for situations that could come up in life, no matter how ridiculous they are, so if something happens to you in real life while you sleep, then you'll immediately dream an exaggerated version to "prepare" for if it had been worse.

If you slept face down on a pillow, then a part of the pillow could have pressed into your neck and caused a slight chocking sensation. Then the dream would be an extreme.

Also it could be that the dream affected your psychology and so you were holding/rubbing your neck a bunch and then the mark showed up later.

The part about fearing that the dream had been more real makes perfect sense with and without the preparation theory. If I have a dream where I get in a car crash, then I'll feel uncomfortable driving a car when I wake up. That's only natural.

The dream isn't going to wreck my car though.
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Postby Lostone0 » March 8th, 2012, 3:13 pm

I'm pretty motionless when I sleep. I normally sleep with one arm under my pillow, wrap the pillow up around my eyes above my nose, and use my other arm above that to hold it in place. so the rubbing the neck thing couldn't have happened as I had woken up the same way I went to sleep.
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Postby Jeshi » March 9th, 2012, 6:02 pm

Lostone0 wrote:I'm pretty motionless when I sleep. I normally sleep with one arm under my pillow, wrap the pillow up around my eyes above my nose, and use my other arm above that to hold it in place. so the rubbing the neck thing couldn't have happened as I had woken up the same way I went to sleep.

Or maybe you just return to the same position before waking up, but still move when you're asleep enough not to notice.

Also, maybe something happened before the dream that took time to make a mark, like a bruise.

It's just that your idea of a dream being the cause of a mark showing up on your neck not only defies what we know about the capabilities of the human brain but also defies what we know about reality itself and how it separates itself from dreams and fiction.
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Postby zzzzz » March 9th, 2012, 6:26 pm

Jeshi wrote:
It's just that your idea of a dream being the cause of a mark showing up on your neck not only defies what we know about the capabilities of the human brain but also defies what we know about reality itself and how it separates itself from dreams and fiction.


We do not know so much about the brain and also not so much about reality

We only think we know

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Postby Hank01 » March 13th, 2012, 9:00 pm

Okay, here is another story. I was lying in bed beginning to fall asleep. I was listening to a file, not sure which one. All of a sudden, I felt my body being turned over onto my stomach and felt someone climbing on top of me. It felt so real and I kept thinking to myself that I was only dreaming, but I remember turning around and could feel his body with my one hand. He was tall, blonde, very tan, I know-so cliche, but he was beautiful and I felt him entering me from behind and it was an amazing feeling. Then, unfortunately, I woke up and it was over. It has been a week and I still can recall it like it happened last night.

Any thoughts? If so, how I can I have it happen again?
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Postby QueenCleopatra » March 14th, 2012, 7:56 pm

I think you need to remember which file you were listening to when you fell asleep. That will almost certainly reignite the dream and the experience, maybe make it last a little longer.

Even better is, if it happens again, and you realise it is happening and you are dreaming, then it is a lucid dream over which you can have some degree of control. Clench those sphincter muscles while he's riding you and reciprocate the pleasure. In fact, I think you should look up the lucid dreaming phenomena. It's a skill that can be developed.


Hank01 wrote:Okay, here is another story. I was lying in bed beginning to fall asleep. I was listening to a file, not sure which one. All of a sudden, I felt my body being turned over onto my stomach and felt someone climbing on top of me. It felt so real and I kept thinking to myself that I was only dreaming, but I remember turning around and could feel his body with my one hand. He was tall, blonde, very tan, I know-so cliche, but he was beautiful and I felt him entering me from behind and it was an amazing feeling. Then, unfortunately, I woke up and it was over. It has been a week and I still can recall it like it happened last night.

Any thoughts? If so, how I can I have it happen again?
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Postby Hank01 » March 15th, 2012, 9:03 pm

Wow, thanks. I'm going right to the files now to find one. Thank you!
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