Help with Cursed Forced Gay! Something weird happened!!!

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Help with Cursed Forced Gay! Something weird happened!!!

Postby zbit » April 9th, 2012, 4:43 pm

I was gay before I downloaded the file.

I downloaded it to share with a friend.

I played it to hear the content, NOT to trance/actually USE it (I'm already gay, what can happen?), and it's backfired.

I only listened to literally less than 30 seconds of audio, I skipped through most of it just to hear what it was like.

All day today, though, I've been finding it increasingly difficult to get off to guys. Instead, girls.

I know, fucking weird right?

I don't know what to do. I thought maybe listening to cursed force bisexual would fix it?

I don't want to change, I'm happy to be gay and I don't want to have to tell everyone I know "Oh by the way now I'm straight".

Please help. Please don't give me any of that "Oh, just go along with it!" stuff, because I did not even freaking trance to it.

Is my mind just fucking with me?

Ideas? Thoughts? Help?
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Postby VeryGnawty » April 9th, 2012, 5:50 pm

I'm guessing you had a really strong desire to be forced into something, and the CFG got you thinking about it, and now your subconscious mind is trying to make you straight.
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Postby Jeshi » April 9th, 2012, 10:42 pm

There's absolutely no reason why that should happen. The file tells you to only like guys, and that you don't like girls.

If you skipped through it like you did, you shouldn't have even heard enough to go into trance and accept any kind of accidental suggestions either.

Hypnosis files don't magically alter your mind, they just convince you of things using psychological trickery. A very deeply rooted convincing, but convincing none the less. The hard wiring of your brain can't be changed.

You're probably just making shit up/pretending, either to us or to yourself, but if you actually don't want to be made straight then you can't and won't be made straight. The same thing goes with CFG. The guys who turn gay are always guys who wanted to be, or at some point realized they'd rather be gay and went with it. All the guys who genuinely wanted to stay straight did stay straight. And that's just with straight guys, who tend to be more dubiously straight than they say because of society. Openly gay men are all a lot more rigid because if you're so sure about liking men that you'll risk homophobia, then you aren't fluid enough to be changed.
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Postby Midnight68652 » April 12th, 2012, 1:56 pm

I have to agree with verygnawty. You subconsciously wanted to be forced into something and it picked up something from the text that switched you.
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Postby angel123 » April 15th, 2012, 12:35 pm

If it's only because you don't want to tell everyone you are straight then I don't see the problem. I love being straight and I am very happy with it :)

Why shouldn't you be ? :)
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
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Postby Jeshi » April 17th, 2012, 10:53 pm

angel123 wrote:If it's only because you don't want to tell everyone you are straight then I don't see the problem. I love being straight and I am very happy with it :)

Why shouldn't you be ? :)

Well, I do understood that if they actually were "made straight" how awkward it would be. You make everyone accept that you're gay, probably go through a lot of drama, and then go back on it and tell them you're straight after all? It's just weird and people will think it's weird and if you're the kind of gay (such as I) who are the Sassy Gay Friend's of various straight girls then they'll probably feel really betrayed.
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Postby Tangy » May 17th, 2012, 4:31 pm

Jeshi wrote:
angel123 wrote:If it's only because you don't want to tell everyone you are straight then I don't see the problem. I love being straight and I am very happy with it :)

Why shouldn't you be ? :)

Well, I do understood that if they actually were "made straight" how awkward it would be. You make everyone accept that you're gay, probably go through a lot of drama, and then go back on it and tell them you're straight after all? It's just weird and people will think it's weird and if you're the kind of gay (such as I) who are the Sassy Gay Friend's of various straight girls then they'll probably feel really betrayed.

Maybe it is not the Girls that you like maybe it is the Male to female Transgenders you are attracted too. :lol: :lol: 8)
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Postby Midnight68652 » June 1st, 2012, 10:39 pm

Well there are 3 possibilities. 2 stem from the same source.
First is unfortunately your making it up.

Though if you arn't there's.
Second, You were so into being forced into something subconsciously that while you were thinking about your straight friend while listening to bits of the file you actually hypnotized yourself with the amount of focus you were putting into (like how people get stuck and zone out while playing a game watching a movie reading a book) That your subconscious read Forced Straight. From your conscious thoughts.

Third is more likely. You were focused so much on turning your friend gay. You put yourself into a focus trance and your subconsciously said turn straight.
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Postby mondaytuesday » November 22nd, 2012, 10:52 pm

Words fail me in describing my disappointment that by clicking on a post entitled "Help with Cursed Forced Gay! Something weird happened!!!" I get a story about a homosexual fantasizing women.

Someone owes me a story about a handsome frat dude spending the afternoon giving head to every football player in the SEC.
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