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Postby outkast1728 » April 18th, 2012, 8:09 pm

I have a question regarding ethics when hypnotizing people, is it wrong if you hypnotize someone to be your slave then they buy you gifts of their own free will even after you tell them they don't need to?
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Postby Konton » April 19th, 2012, 1:44 am

It's best to clarify that part with them or thier subconcious. To them the idea of thiging may be part of slavery. If they honestly think it is and you don't feel comfortable with that tell them and help them find a different channel for those feelings to go through
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Postby rugbyjockca » April 19th, 2012, 6:41 am

I think it depends. Personally, I've made "gifts" to one 'tist (I also have a premium membership here, btw) when I could afford it. Partly because it's out of gratitude for all of the work and effort my master puts into running his site and being available by email or chat whenever I want to chat, and partly because it's a bit of a turn-on for me to feel like I'm showing my devotion.

I feel comfortable with this because I've never felt pressured, my master has suggested a dozen non-financial ways that his slaves and subjects c an feel like they contribute, and none of his files or my live chats have ever asked money of me when I was under (or when I wasn't: it is entirely presented as "IF you like my work and IF you can spare it, here's how..."). I had the time to build trust and respect with my master, and the amounts I give are about the same as ordering a pizza once every other month (which, as one of those jock-wannabes, I shouldn't be eating anyway).

I'm well aware that there are predatory tists out there, including those who will, once invited into a community, IMMEDIATELY spam every member they meet offering to "help" them whether they want it or not, even after they've been asked to stop.

The tist-subject relationship is really individual and by necessity requires a certain amount of trust, which means that the tist does need to be very careful about crossing that line. If a tist isn't making the donation a requirement, and they provide alternative options for the subject to get the same "perks" (eg, not saying "Yes, you can wear a dog tag, but wouldn't you feel better if you gave a bit?" and instead letting the subject themselves choose how they contribuite: by sending emails declaring their devotion, or by posting pictures to a community, etc) then I feel it is ethically fine.
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Postby Tangy » April 19th, 2012, 1:18 pm

BIG NO NO love is giving Freely. you ever charged yourself?
Treat everyone as you would Treat yourself.

Moving Forward :idea: :arrow: :!:
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Postby Scottythegimp » May 6th, 2012, 2:18 am

Don't see aproblem with this a slave doing something to please their Master or Mistress is a lovely sign of devotion, as long as they are doing so with money they can spare and aren't missing bills or running up credit.
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