TG101 et al

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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TG101 et al

Postby gdrileyx » May 2nd, 2012, 2:56 pm

I have been conceptualizing how to set up a feminization program. This is a complicated topic, because different people want to dip into the pool at different depths. Some people want to find the will to fully transition, and others just want to fantasize about how green the grass is on the other side of the fence. So the 100 and 200 level classes will avoid stressing permanency. But the higher level courses will work towards more powerful and more permanent changes.

The metaphor that sticks in my head is a college. You might just take classes in a subject, or you might major in it. There are introductory courses, advanced courses, theory courses and labs.

I think the main difference in my approach is this. Most hypnosis files involve the subject giving over control to the hypnotist. My approach is that the role of the hypnotist is to guide the subject to learn on his own. That's the difference between high school and college. I'm not going to just tell you what to do or how to think. I want to use hypnosis to teach you to figure out your own journey for yourself. That's why these files spend so much time teaching, some of which might seem to be off topic. But it all fits together.

I don't really know if I want to spend the time to make TTS versions, rather than creating more classes. I would just encourage those who think they prefer the TTS to give the voice versions chance to grow on you. Maybe you won't hear it as a female voice at first, but I think that in time you will.

I will add classes to the curriculum as I am inspired to take on a particular topic. I am not going to do all the 100 classes first, and then the 200's.

I strongly recommend that, as prerequisites, people who listen to these files listen to Lady Rio's LRWomanly, and my Mind's Eye files.

I will have TG111 out soon, and then a 500 level class of pure female fantasy next. Princess Slut would probably be a 700 level class.
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Postby Plaat » May 2nd, 2012, 11:06 pm

Very well thoughout
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Postby fefemartins_82 » May 3rd, 2012, 5:21 pm

I really love Lady´s Rio Womanly.. it´s amazing record.
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Postby gdrileyx » May 11th, 2012, 12:33 pm

I did the TTS voice version of TG111.
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Postby Winterdream » May 12th, 2012, 12:46 am

It's really good work, much appreciated.
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Postby gdrileyx » May 12th, 2012, 1:14 am

Thanks! Maybe you could could give me a good rating and review? Not everybody reads the forums.
Posts: 56
Joined: May 9th, 2006, 12:00 am

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