Going Under With 2 Masters

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Going Under With 2 Masters

Postby No_X_in_Nixon » May 7th, 2012, 11:06 pm

Back when I was college my roommate was talking about hypnosis one night. I told him I learn about it in high school but never had anyone to try it on. So we tried it... unfortunately I never got him to go under. After a few tries he told me it was something about my voice that just didnt let him go under.

He ended moving the next year and needless to say I havent tried it again since :cry:
I was wondering if I could use one of the going under file on here to get someone to go under then switch to me for more commands.
Posts: 2
Joined: February 7th, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby Konton » May 7th, 2012, 11:27 pm

Hmm in this case I'd say you need to practice, and know that some people just don't respond well to some voices. It's nothing you should feel bad about, but if you want to try and do hypnosis for yourself you should try some more once you've got the c onfidence
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Joined: July 10th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby ProfessorPig » May 7th, 2012, 11:46 pm

i have switched between files from different authors without a problem before. it seems like with some people that the slightest thing will take them out of trance so what works for me may not work with others.

i have been dabbling in hypnosis with my girlfriend and she has synesthesia so she sometimes has trouble with my voice causing physical sensations that make it difficult to trance
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Joined: July 21st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby No_X_in_Nixon » May 7th, 2012, 11:48 pm

Confidence has never been a issue.

As I was trying to put my roommate under I was becoming frustrated and mad; I think I was trying to make my voice sound more forceful... Maybe that was my problem, hum.

The problem now is that I cant find anyone to practice on.

somehopper wrote:it seems like with some people that the slightest thing will take them out of trance so what works for me may not work with others.

I thought that might be it. My voice just wasnt working for him. Too bad I didnt know about this website back then :x
Posts: 2
Joined: February 7th, 2012, 1:00 am

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