by gdrileyx » May 9th, 2012, 12:33 pm
You also have to learn how to listen and fall into a trance. A small percentage of people are auditory-learners, but most people have to practice listening and learn to listen. You might also find that background music helps you focus on listening to the track - or it might conversely be that music backgrounds mess you up.
Switching hypnotists, as you try different files, is not helping you either.
I suggest you listen to my starter files, Sleep Now and Mind's Eye, because there is nothing in them that you can resist. They are not trying to get you to do something that part of you does not want to do. This will help you learn to listen better, and fall into trance easier.
If you are seeking feminization, then you will find that my earlier files plant triggers that will effect you in later files.
Last edited by
gdrileyx on May 10th, 2012, 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.