Psychic abilities

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Postby VeryGnawty » July 9th, 2005, 11:08 pm

I know several people (including myself) who have varying levels of Empathy.

So yeah, I believe in telepathic stuff.
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Postby missypuss » August 1st, 2005, 11:58 am

Empathy is not the same thing tho is it Very Gnawty ?? Isnt Empathy just a way of saying you feel for what someones going through . I think that I believe we can all feel transference from each other from time to time and that depending on how centered you are that is something you will either be aware of or find incredibly hard to deal with .
Depending on where Im at in my life on a daily basis I can spend time with some people and have a deep desire to kill myself afterwards or go and wash myself raw or feel incredibly tired .. through talking to my LM I got to understanding that this is how the person I was with was feeling and theyd transferred that feeling to me. Now I recognise it more and am aware straight away if I can handle certain peoples "Stuff" or if not Il pass them to someone who doesnt feel such strong feelings from being in there company.... :roll:
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Postby gurlbidesign » August 1st, 2005, 12:47 pm

Probably exists, never seen an example of it personally.
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Postby Trance01 » August 2nd, 2005, 3:29 pm

I think it exists to some extent but not in the "i see dead people" way.

For example you can tell what someone is thinking by the way they move,talk,look around and behave. So i thinkk psychic abilities exist in this way, it is more down to earth.
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Postby DaytonaMaster » August 2nd, 2005, 8:21 pm

I most definitely believe in psychic abilities. I have had numerous dreams that have come to pass. My problem is not in believing, but in finding a way to control this ability. I even know when a dream is premonitory, by a full body tingling when I awaken. I “saw” my wife long before I met her. I “saw” our wedding bands before she designed them. I have twice “seen” Myself accepting a check for $42 million from our lottery commission, but get excited and wake up just when they are verifying the winning numbers, so I don’t know which to play. (If someone could create a file that allowed Me to get those numbers, I would be happy to split the winnings with them.)

Some people have psychic abilities, and some do not. Some people have musical abilities and other do not. Just because one person does not have/believe in such abilities, it does not mean that they do not exist. The true test can only be revealed when a person is able to use these abilites themself, otherwise they might think that it is all just some much bovine excrement.
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Postby nicosali » September 22nd, 2005, 1:18 pm

I dont know if this fall in the category of psychic abilities but sometimes when I dream with bugs something bad happens to me , the last time that I dream with bugs my credit card was cancel , before that I had others dreams , after one of them the bill of the telephone come and the total was $800 for calling to UK and I never did that!!. What do you think?
nanu nanu
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Postby nuit09 » March 14th, 2006, 3:44 am

This is the target i used for my telekinesis practicum.

you can also build one yourself if you are cheap. Just about everyone i exposed to this target was able to control it at a range of a few inches. my goal was a little more difficult than that as i'll explain later.

there are also other suitable macro PK targets such as floating particles in a cup or bowl of liquid, a light styrofoam ball tethered to swing from a fixed point. pieces of confetti a candle flame, etc.

as you get further along you might consider placing a barrier between the target and your breath, air displacement, heat and so on. i used a domed glass display cover with base purchased from hobby lobby to help rule out mundane explanations.

However at first don't do that because it is often productive to cheat as a beginner to illustrate what you desire to happen (to your symbolic speaking subconscious) when you are trying to move the target. after a few trials you should discontinue the "cheats" and actively seek to thwart mundane mechanisms that are not PK.

Keep a journal with complete record of date, time, conditions, emotional state and state ofrest and your physical fitness (are you ill?) detail your procedure including any mental imagery, attempts to channel esoteric energy and so on. limit practice time to a reasonable brief time and go on to something else. repeat the above. if necessary alter your procedures.
I used multiple procedures and types of visualization to reinforce my intent will and psyche myself up.

Eventually i was able to exert full control over the targets motion, direction of spin starting and stopping it at will (with approximately a .6 to 1.6 second delay) from across a 20 foot room in addition i was able to perturb the rotor out of it's plane of rotation from about 3 feet away.

I was unable to increase the output to useful levels of work from there although i gave up and lost interest before i could explore many means of augmenting my effort. i simultaeously was able to deflect a shielded candle flame and cause it to flare. eventually i might get around to exploring it further.

among my methods were manipulating esoteric energy points to open them to energy flow, the telekinesis kanji kuri of ninpo, the LBRP, the kabbalistic cross, the CBL, actually willfully hallucinating rotation, imagining the energy my "aura" reaching out a tendril and spiraling around the target like a miniature galaxy or a dark star syphonig material from a companion star, using ritual trappings of elemental fire and manifestation such as appropriate incense and so on. Heck, i even imitated the scene from starwars where Luke telekinetically summons his light saber. I'm not proud; i used as many methods of reinforcing my desire and will as i could manage simultaneously or sequentially.

And while it is possible that i have been fooled by some mundane mechanism i failed to control for i do not think so. i tried to eliminate any natural spoilers i could think of. i tried replication the effect with the heat of a candle, powerful light source photon pressure, static electricity from a rubbed balloon i even jumped up and down and played my stereo loud to try for harmonic resonance. i also obeserved for turning during times when i was not trying to move the rotor. the majority of the experiment was performed with the target in a glass display case which fitted into a circular groove in a hard wood wooden base to eliminate breath and other air currents. i guess the only thing i cannot rule out that i know of as a possible explanation is bournelli's theorem; which is a principle of aerodynamics related to the surface area of an airfoil and it's effect on air pressure and hence lift. i do not believe it could account for what I observed ( because the motion was not continuous, was reversible appeared to follow my willing it and so on.) but i cannot rule it out with complete certainty.

I'm sure even William of Ockham would forgive me for concluding based on the above that the most likely explanation left is telekinesis is real.
Ockham's razor has been formulated various ways over the centuries. one of them used by the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes is if you elliminate the impossible what is left no matter how unlikely is probably the answer. I think i have at least made a valiant effort to follow that maxim.
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Re: Psychic abilities

Postby Casey » February 22nd, 2018, 6:43 pm

Psychic abilities. Yes, they are real, Yes, they can be learned. But psychic abilities are like any other senses. One maybe stronger in clairvoyance or visions, and seeing spirit while the next person can only hear them... verses another person can sense another person or objects feelings as if they are their own like empathy.

This gave me an idea for another file series..
Yes, their are many types of psychic vampires as well..

The biggest issue with many psychics and one just learning their abilities is their fear or the ability making it into a mental illness. There is a definitely a difference between hallucinations and valid visions.

One thing many starting off with is to learn to trance or go into an alternative state of mind. Which i know since you are all into hypnosis here you already know that state of mind.

I will gladly answer any question I can about psychic or Shamanic practices through my own experiences...

So feel free to ask it may take me a day before i get back to them...
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