Please help improve my script

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Please help improve my script

Postby demigraff » June 5th, 2012, 6:44 am

Here's a new script I'm about to record. If anyone has some tips on how to improve it, that would be much appreciated.

This is an induction, designed to be placed before another file. It should act as a modifier, making it so that wearing a diaper is a trigger for the following file. I wrote this because several interesting-sounding files are "always on", so some people who'd like to try them maybe can't.

I'm hoping that if you put this induction before any regression-type body file, it will let you regress whenever you wear a diaper. Or add an "only works when diapered" clause to a trigger.

Diaper Induction wrote:Now, when you listen to this file, you should be wearing a diaper.
You know that's going to make you feel safe,
and feel comfortable.
And while it's possible to go into a trance in whatever way you like,
you know it can be so much easier
when you are feeling comfortable.
You might find that wearing a diaper helps you to feel other things.
Maybe when you wear a diaper you feel younger, or feel helpless.
Or you relax, or feel like a little girl.
It's good to feel those things, to feel whatever you want to feel,
from being safeand comfortable in your diaper.
But whatever else you feel,
you are now going to feel yourself slipping into a nice, deep trance.
The feeling of wearing your diaper,
of feeling so comfortable, and protected,
is just going to make it even easier to sink deeper and deeper still.
I'm going to count down from 10 to 1,
and with each number, I want you to imagine that you're going to feel
waves of relaxation flowing out from your diaper.
Taking you deeper and deeper into trance.
Maybe you've been in trance before,
and you're already starting to feel yourself sinking down as you remember those feelings,
or maybe this is new to you, and you will be surprised how easy it is.
But as you sink into trance,
it will just get easier and easier to feel all the things I say,
to find yourself getting more relaxed,
and more accepting of the things I describe,
with each number that you hear.
As I start to count down,
You might realise that you were already relaxing,
looking forward to how good it's going to feel,
to sink down deeper and deeper still.
Feeling those waves of relaxation flowing through your body,
imagining how good the next one will feel as I count
Each wave of relaxation a little stronger than the last.
And the more you relax,
the more that helps you to feel the things I say,
the easier it will be to imagine the next number,
taking you even deeper, finding it ever easier to relax.
To sink deeper and deeper still,
your trance going stronger with every number, and every word.
It doesn't even matter if you notice, as I count the next number,
just how deep you are sinking into trance.
It doesn't matter if you feel yourself sinking so deep,
and becoming so accepting of my words.
Or if you just enjoy imagining how relaxed the numbers might make you,
and don't even realise how deeply you're accepting my words.
Because whether you notice or not, every time you hear me count down,
it will be easier and easier to accept the things I suggest you should feel.
Imagine just how deep you will sink as you hear the next number,
and feel the waves of relaxation spreading even more easily through your body.
And if that number makes you feel so relaxed,
you know it will be even easier
to feel even more relaxed, even more accepting of my words,
when I get to
and you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper still.
Whether you're so deep now that you are only aware of how completely relaxed you are,
or whether you're still consciously imagining yourself relaxing
even more as I get to the next number,
you know how good it feels to imagine yourself relaxing so much,
to imagine the relaxation flowing through your body,
to feel it getting easier and easier to imagine everything I say.
And as I count the next number,
even if you don't realise how much it affects you,
you will be so focussed on these words.
That feels so good,
to hear the number,
and to find yourself relaxing so easily.
Whether you're thinking about my words,
and about how good it would feel to sink deeper and deeper when you reach the next number,
or if you don't even need to be aware of the words I'msaying,
and you can simply enjoy feeling the things I describe.
Whether or not you're even aware of yourself sinking deeper and deeper,
as you hear the next number,
you can imagine yourself sinking almost as deep as you've ever been before,
and know that when I finish this countdown,
you will be deeper than ever before. I'll just
say the next number, and when you hear it,
you will be able to imagine yourself accepting
every word you hear,
as easily as you accept these wonderful feelings of relaxation.
You can imagine how good it will feel,
to be so deep and relaxed,
and you're already looking forward to the next number,
waiting for it,
ready to sink deeper than you ever have before,
and accept my words completely.
And here it is, taking you even deeper now: 1.
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper still.
Accepting my words completely,
because this is exactly what you want to feel.
And any time you hear me count down in future,
it will be even easier to accept my words,
and to relax,
even if you don't remember the words as you feel them.
And soon, you are going to hear some more words.
They may be my words, or a recording by someone else.
But when you hear them,
you will feel the things they describe,
as real as the relaxation I'm helping you to feel now,
as real as the perfect comfort of wearing your diaper.
It feels so good to imagine the things I say.
And whatever those words tell you tofeel,
you will find yourself feeling.
And you will feel those things,
any time you wear a diaper in the future.
Yes, that's right. The next file is going to give you
some instructions. Things to do, or things to feel.
And as long as you wear your diaper,
you will feel, or do, what those words have told you.
And any time you wear a diaper in future,
you will be reminded of how comfortable it is,
and how comfortable you are now,
and all the suggestions in that file,
will come flooding back.
As long as you are wearing your diaper,
you might not need to remember what those words are,
or what they make you feel,
or what they let you do. You know you'll be safe,
following those words,
because your diaper keeps you so safe, and comfortable.
So you can follow those words,
even if you don't need to consciously remember them,
whenever you wear a diaper,
those words will be real for you.
And now, in just a moment, those words will start.
So you want to focus even more on my voice,
and on the feelings of comfort it gives you.
I'm going to count down again, from 3 to 1 this time,
and every number will make you even more ready to listen,
and accept, and trust
the words you hear,
as your diaper makes you more and more relaxed.
Until you can feel and do everything those words describe,
every single time you wear a diaper,
now or in the future.
3, Looking forward so much,
to feeling what that file is going to do for you,
2, Relaxing more and more,
maybe even knowing how easy that relaxation will make it,
to accept whatever the next file says,
1, so completely ready
to feel the suggestions you are about to hear.
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Postby kiram » June 5th, 2012, 3:20 pm

i like it--a lot!
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby wohermiston » June 7th, 2012, 7:52 am

This is nice. I have been recording my own scripts and one of the most powerful things I have done is to use my name. Personalizing the script really helps I think. But in generic scripts that cannot be known. So it may be an interesting twist to impose a nickname on the listener. and use that sprinkled throughout to better personalize the suggestions. also, i think you might add that in addition to feeling safe, that the diaper will protect you from embarrasment and also give great confidence. Hope that is helpful.
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Postby stan » June 7th, 2012, 12:01 pm

if a person wanted to chain a few file bodies together you could create a wakener.

that also re-triggers any effects from the preceeding files and acts as the very first reinforcement of the idea
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Postby Duckypin » June 9th, 2012, 1:55 pm

wohermiston, great suggestions! I like it a lot. I also like the idea of personalizing the script as well as my own voice leading me into trance. It is my voice engaging my subconscious to encourage the process.

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Postby demigraff » June 10th, 2012, 3:59 am

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm editing this one now.

One thing I'm still not sure about is the nappy/diaper thing ... I've got to the point now where both words seem incongruous to me, which isn't a good thing. ("Diaper" doesn't exist in British English, my native dialect. But hearing "nappy" is always a little surprising because most files say "diaper")
Maybe I'll record 2 versions. Which one would you like to see first?

stan wrote:if a person wanted to chain a few file bodies together you could create a wakener that also re-triggers any effects from the preceeding files and acts as the very first reinforcement of the idea

I'll probably try to record 2 more short files to go with this one; an awakener with some reinforcing suggestions, and a short deepener to go between multiple body files.

wohermiston wrote:also, i think you might add that in addition to feeling safe, that the diaper will protect you from embarrasment and also give great confidence. Hope that is helpful.

That was what I originally intended; but I couldn't find the right words to express that without breaking the flow. Maybe if I move part of it to the beginning, and hybridise the file a little with a double-tap induction.

I'll see what I can do with it, at any rate. Many, many thanks :)
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Postby demigraff » June 12th, 2012, 8:33 am

OK, the file is up now ^_^ Any reviews much welcome. This was a first recording attempt, and I mixed up the words a little, but I think it should be just as good.
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

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