alternatives to pleasure motivated suggestions?

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alternatives to pleasure motivated suggestions?

Postby ProfessorPig » June 26th, 2012, 2:15 am

i would like to make a file for myself decreasing my desire for pleasure. my problem is suggestions that work for me are based in the idea that following the suggestion leads to pleasure. anyone have any ideas how to bypass this?
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Postby Jeshi » June 26th, 2012, 4:55 pm

The only alternative really is to use negative reinforcement, which isn't as effective or enjoyable. So I guess like "It would cause you pain not to X when the trigger is spoken"
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Postby BeMine » June 26th, 2012, 7:01 pm

I'd consider a different approach than just negative reinforcement. In this case, because it's kind of a "backwards" approach, I'd try to aim for teaching a lesson of sorts, about how you're a person who isn't meant for pleasure, that it isn't right for you. Perhaps you'd want an example of someone who was "right" without pleasure, and a suggestion that you should follow their example.
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Postby ParanoidLord » June 26th, 2012, 7:14 pm

Building off the last idea, try using language along the lines of:

[code:1] "If you were a pleasure person, you'd feel pleasure from thinking about [x suggestion]. However, you don't, which means you're not cut out for that sort of thing. " [/code:1]

This is apparently one of the techniques used in the "Little Miss Squidgy" series on this website, and it's supposedly one of the more effective files on the site. You'll want to make sure that the suggested thought isn't something the average person would find pleasurable, whether it be painful or not (depending on the tone of the file).
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 3rd, 2012, 5:37 pm

this could have some interesting effects on weightlifting , bodybuilding or for that matter any other physical training . if you could convince a person that the weight training and the pain in the final lifts was actually pleasure ..that could be productive. granted, you would need to filter out the destructive pain from the constructive pain.. ie building muscle or ripping your shoulder out of it's socket.

but I have to admit ...there is a bit of a masochist in me, and my training ...
" you gotta want it "
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Postby Jeshi » August 4th, 2012, 9:12 pm

joecomp2000 wrote:this could have some interesting effects on weightlifting , bodybuilding or for that matter any other physical training . if you could convince a person that the weight training and the pain in the final lifts was actually pleasure ..that could be productive. granted, you would need to filter out the destructive pain from the constructive pain.. ie building muscle or ripping your shoulder out of it's socket.

but I have to admit ...there is a bit of a masochist in me, and my training ...
" you gotta want it "

I think there's some kind of "pain is pleasure" file on the site somewhere, just not specifically about weightlifting.

When I got a cartilage piercing, the piercer explained it to me like this: "There's two kinds of pain, good pain and bad pain. Bad pain is unexpected or unwanted. It hurts and you don't want it there. Good pain happens with your consent, you know when it's going to happen and you want it. That kind of pain actually feels good. It makes you feel good about yourself, and you walk away with a sense of power over your body. It doesn't bother you at all because it was with your consent."

So to differentiate between muscle soreness versus ripped muscles, you could use the good pain/bad pain thing. When you lift weights, you are implicitly giving consent to feel sore afterwards. That makes that good pain, you're expecting to be sore. And good pain is pleasurable. It is actually indistinguishable from pleasure. That's just what pleasure feels like.
But if it hurts more than you expected, if it's more than just soreness, then you didn't consent to that and you'll be able to get the pain checked out while still tolerating it, and can learn the lessons that bad pain is supposed to teach us.

Also I still don't understand how a file to make you cease receiving any kind of pleasure could work. Eliminating desire for pleasure is one thing, but pleasure itself seems difficult because if the file works, like you wanted it to, then you wouldn't be satisfied with it! It's like a paradox. The desire to eliminate desire is a desire, but without that desire you won't try to eliminate desire. What do you feel after a file works that's supposed to get rid of pleasure? Not accomplished, that's a form of pleasure.
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