Sleepy Story - Should I record this?

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Sleepy Story - Should I record this?

Postby demigraff » August 16th, 2012, 2:32 pm

Hi folks,
given the success of my last "story format" file (I got a couple of compliments!), I've started writing another. If you have any suggestions about things you'd like to see in this story, maybe you could let me know. I'll finish writing it in the next day or two if anyone shows interest, and then try recording it when I get a chance.

I'll probably update the script in this first post as I add to it, so check back if you want to follow my progress.

Sleepy Girl wrote: Hi,
You might call this recording hypnosis, or you might prefer to think of it as a story. I hope you enjoy the story however you think of it.
You might find that as you listen, the story seems more and more real.
Maybe you even start feeling and doing the things that the girl in the story does.
If you're very suggestible, you might find yourself acting out the things in the story,
maybe now while you're listening,
or maybe later while you're in bed alone.
If you find that you can really imagine how the girl in the story feels,
that's a good sign that you'll be able to do all the things she does. Maybe while you're listening to the story,
or some time in future, even if you have to listen a few more times before you really learn how feel those things.
If you find yourself feeling how the girl feels as you read this story,
you'll know that's making it easier for you to do the things she does,
either now or in future.
And that won't worry you at all,
because you've chosen to listen to this story,
so you know you're interested in finding how those things feel.
And knowing it's going to happen to you,
just like it happens to the little girl,
will make it even more real.
If you've listened to my other stories,
you'll already know how well this will work for you.

Now, you might already have noticed that as you're listening to my words,
you've already started to focus on them.
Maybe you're ignoring any other sound in the background.
Its only natural, after all,
to tune out any distractions when you're really interested in a story,
and in finding out how the little girl is going to feel.
So as I tell you how relaxed the little girl is,
you might find your mind is filled with things that relax you.
And as she sinks deeper and deeper into sleep,
you'll imagine how that feels,
and find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into trance at the same time,
feeling more and more everything the little girl feels.
Until it seems so natural to you,
after you've listened to this story a few times,
letting it feel more real every time,
that any time you go to bed wearing a nappy,
like the little girl in this story does,
it will be lmost automatic, like a habit you don't want to break,
to find yourself acting and feeling just like the little girl in the story does.

So, let yourself imagine a little girl. She's not a baby any more,
she doesn't have to wear nappies.
Except when she goes to bed, because this little girl might sometimes wet the bed.
That's nothing to be ashamed of for a little girl,
though she might get a little embarrassed,
and she knows she'll grow out of it soon enough.
But now the little girl is getting ready for bed,
and she knows that in bed, she needs to wear a nappy,
so that if she has an accident in the night,
she won't make a mess.
Her nappies now are underjams, or drynites.
They're made for big girls, who know they aren't babies any more.
So the designs printed on them are suitable for a girl who's six or seven years old.
They aren't babyish, like real nappies,
so that makes her feel more comfortable about putting them on.
And after she's put her nappies on, she climbs into bed.
The girl is tired, and she's comfortable and ready to sleep now.
You know that feeling well, so you can easily imagine how the girl feels as she yawns,
and closes her eyes ready to sleep.
But even as tired as she is,
the girl doesn't drift off straight away.
So she lets herself count sheep, imagining them,
because she's heard thats how you fall asleep.
And she knows it works well,
every number she counts will help her feel more and more sleepy,
Less and less aware of how her body feels.
Until she slips into a pleasant, warm dream,
and doesn't even notice that she's stopped counting,
because the dream seems so real,
and she's sleeping so deeply that she doesn't need to think about anything.
Counting one,
imagining a fluffy sheep jumping over a gate.
It looks so soft, like a big comfortable matress,
making it so easy to feel oh so sleepy.
She can imagine snuggling up in a big wooly cloud, and letting all her cares drift away.
And another sheep jumps over the gate, two.
Even just imagining it makes it so easy to drift deeper into sleep,
becoming more comfotable.
Her dreams becoming more and more real as any thoughts of the real world fade away.
And three, another sheep goes past, floating like a cloud.
This dream seems so real, and its so easy to just focus on the dream
and not be distracted by any other feelings.
Four, seeing another sheep, counting another number.
Now they might even seem like clouds, with a little girl floating among them.
She feels so comfortable,
her body is so light,
she doesn't need to feel anything.
Her eyes are closed now, she couldn't open them if she wanted to.
She's already so relaxed,
thinking about nothing but the sheep,
and the dream seeming more and more real as she counts each one.
Sinking deeper and deeper,
so completely relaxed
and the more she sinks into this comfortable dream,
the easier it gets to go deeper with every number
to let the dream become everything
Still going deeper and deeper,
until you won't even notice when the numbers have stopped,
that she is so completely entranced by her dreams
that nothing else can get her attention.
And if that girl notices that she's stopped counting,
the realisation of how deep she is will help her sleep even deeper.
Seven, every number now
drifting in the dream,
not needing to think about what is real
so safe,
knowing that whatever happens,
She doesn't have to worry about anything in the dream,
because she doesn't need to think about anything,
and every breath,
anything that might distract her
instead helps her to relax even more completely,
sinking down deeper and deeper still,
exploring the dream.
And she's dreaming about nice things now,
like a walk in the woods,
strolling along beside a babbling brook as the animals come and talk to her.
She's so deeply asleep now that she might not remember the dream,
it might be gone by the time she wakes,
just a few images to remind her
of how much she enjoyed it.
The little girl doesn't need to remember her dream to have enjoyed it,
and you don't need to think about these words to enjoy my story,
it just happens.
And the little girl wanders easily from one dream to another,
happy and enjoying herself,
she doesn't need to worry or to think about anything.
And now she's lying in her bed,
still feeling oh so sleepy.
Maybe she's awake, or maybe this is another dream.
It doesn't really matter. She's so sleepy,
she doesn't need to think about it.
She knows that even the slightest hint of relaxation,
would take her straight back to another dream,
and she wouldn't even remember waking.
She doesn't need to think now,
doesn't need to move,
it'll be so easy just to lie here, so comfortable,
and relax into another dream.
She realises that she needs to pee,
that's a feeling you can imagine easily.
maybe she should go to the bathroom.
But dreaming like this feels so good,
and she doesn't want to move.
Her need to pee grows stronger,
and so does her desire to slip into another dream.
She knows that feeling,
the fullness inside her,
the urge to pee,
is the only thing keeping her awake,
if she even is awake.
And as soon as that feeling is gone,
she will be so relaxed, she could slip straight back into the deepest sleep you can imagine,
and carry on dreaming.
She likes the dreams, the dreams are good.
You're enjoying them so much.
So the more you need to pee,
the easier it will be to dream again,
to sink down even deeper and make the dreams more real.
She doesn't need to think about it.
She just lets go and lets her pee flow.
She doesn't need to worry,
she knows she's wearing her Drynites,
she can just let it happen.
So she feels safe, and calm,
and as the pee flows out of her body,
the calmness of dreaming flows back into her mind.
Sinking so deep, so completely relaxed,
knowing that this moment isn't important,
she won't even remember it when she wakes,
in among all her exciting dreams.
And as she sinks deeper and deeper,
the dreams becoming more and more real,
you might be sinking deeper and deeper into trance.
You might find that you imagine the little girl,
and do just what she did,
any time in the future when you wear a nappy in bed.
It will become easier and easier to dream
about the little girl,
every time you imagine her sinking deeper and deeper,
not needing to think, just letting it happen.
Whatever happens to her.
And you know you're going to sink into a deep, deep sleep now
just like the little girl.
Maybe she'll remember her dreams,
or maybe she won't. It doesn't matter.
She doesn't need to think about it, it will just happen.
And in the morning, she'll awake feeling so completely
refreshed, and alive
from sleeping so deeply all night long.
You know how good that's going to feel, don't you.
So let yourself sink even deeper now,
and drift off into a deep,
natural sleep.
Last edited by demigraff on August 22nd, 2012, 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby zzzzz » August 17th, 2012, 3:56 pm

Great! Nice idea :-)
I like the dreaming part too, maybe this could be extended a little with some dreamscape of being little and acting like a little one? (so one ends up dreaming the things mentioned in this file?)
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » August 19th, 2012, 3:36 pm

Oh hey~ I didn't see this here. ^^

Mmm, this sounds like a lovely file, but I feel that the suggestions for wetting the bed are a bit light if that's the main focal point here; they seem to be only touched upon lightly to the point where they may not really have an effect.

However, is the suggested dream supposed to allude to wetting the bed? If so, I think the subtlety may work here. :3

Otherwise, I can find this to be a really nice file to fall asleep to.
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Postby demigraff » August 19th, 2012, 3:55 pm

Hey :)

I've not put the suggestions on yet; but I figured that imagining the little girl going to sleep was a good metaphor for a deepener.

The main objective for the file (just like the TV one) is to help you imagine being the little girl in the story; so the casual mentions so far aren't supposed to be taken as suggestions. Might be foreshadowing, though, if that's the direction you'd like the story to go in.
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » August 20th, 2012, 11:16 pm

Yeah, that's true, it is very fitting for a deepener, and I'd imagine the foreshadowing would be a good priming technique; even if the suggestions aren't direct, the mind would make connections, especially if there is intent before listening. :P Sounds like it could segue into a lovely bedwetting conditioner though. I'd love that! <3

I think your concept is a very lovely one for those who are susceptible to this kind of guided imagery. Returning to trances with the listener constantly associating with the little girl could lead to all sorts of fuuuuun situations. I really like it~

Just bought two cases of 56 diapers, so I'm sooooo ready~ xD
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Postby demigraff » August 22nd, 2012, 1:55 am

EntrancedVulpine wrote:However, is the suggested dream supposed to allude to wetting the bed? If so, I think the subtlety may work here. :3

Otherwise, I can find this to be a really nice file to fall asleep to.

Bedwetting ... Check
A file to fall asleep to ... Check

Just edited the first post; let me know what you think. There's one or two areas that are a bit ropy, but I'm not sure what I can pad them out with.
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Postby demigraff » August 22nd, 2012, 6:29 am

Grr ... *Mutter*grumble*

Just recorded this; finished off, and found that bringing another app in front of the recorder pauses it; so I got nothing.

I'll have to try with Audacity when I'm home, though that means I'll have traffic noise and housemates' conversation in the background. Can anyone suggest how I could find somewhere quiet to record?
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 22nd, 2012, 7:06 am

demigraff wrote:Can anyone suggest how I could find somewhere quiet to record?

There are some tricks to hook up a good microphone up to an iphone, with that you can record everywhere. Due to flatmates I personally prefer driving someplace remote and recording in the car. The only thing I have had mess up the recordings i have done in the car is rain.
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » August 22nd, 2012, 11:26 am

demigraff wrote:Grr ... *Mutter*grumble*

Just recorded this; finished off, and found that bringing another app in front of the recorder pauses it; so I got nothing.

I'll have to try with Audacity when I'm home, though that means I'll have traffic noise and housemates' conversation in the background. Can anyone suggest how I could find somewhere quiet to record?

That's awesome, Angel. I can't wait to listen to and experience this file. I hope you haven't finished recording it just yet; I love how it sounds so far, but a personal request would be to cause some sort of "dependency" on the file.

The fact there is good emphasis on how great the dreams will be is already a good way to keep listeners (or me at least) listening and wetting routinely, imo. <3

I was thinking that the file could have an effect that, with repeated listening, the listener will/might wet the bed even if they don't go to bed diapered, which will cause them to want to listen more to ensure that they are diapered, which itself will further serve to intensify the effects.

If this isn't your cup of tea though, I understand.

Also, I'm not sure if the "knowing she'll grow out of [wetting the bed]" bit would be positive toward those trying to grow -in- to bedwetting, but it might not be a problem.

After all, she's simply speculating; no one said it had to be true. =P
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Postby demigraff » August 25th, 2012, 3:12 pm

Thanks for the feedback :-)
EntrancedVulpine wrote:That's awesome, Angel. I can't wait to listen to and experience this file. I hope you haven't finished recording it just yet; I love how it sounds so far, but a personal request would be to cause some sort of "dependency" on the file.

I'm not sure about that. I'll consider some encouragement to listen again, but I don't want to get too close to'addiction' territory. I tend to think stuff like that belongs in payfiles, so you know people have really thought about it before listening.

EntrancedVulpine wrote:The fact there is good emphasis on how great the dreams will be is already a good way to keep listeners (or me at least) listening and wetting routinely, imo. <3

Indeed :) I suspect that as long as you're actually enjoying the experience, that may be enough to keep you listening. Though I may add some stronger suggestions in later versions, if there's enough people who want it.

EntrancedVulpine wrote:I was thinking that the file could have an effect that, with repeated listening, the listener will/might wet the bed even if they don't go to bed diapered, which will cause them to want to listen more to ensure that they are diapered, which itself will further serve to intensify the effects.

I was thinking about that, too. Possibly I could make an alternate version, if I can find some space quiet enough to try recording.

EntrancedVulpine wrote:Also, I'm not sure if the "knowing she'll grow out of [wetting the bed]" bit would be positive toward those trying to grow -in- to bedwetting, but it might not be a problem.

After all, she's simply speculating; no one said it had to be true. =P

I don't think it will be a problem for most; it may even help you get into the mindset of this little girl. (Not to mention that "I will grow out of X" has "I currently do X" as a subconscious rider; which can be put to interesting use, for example in the script Age Confusion)
If you find its bothering you, let me know and I'll see if I can tweak the script a little.

Again, thanks for all the support :)
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Postby EntrancedVulpine » August 25th, 2012, 5:16 pm

demigraff wrote:
I'm not sure about that. I'll consider some encouragement to listen again, but I don't want to get too close to'addiction' territory. I tend to think stuff like that belongs in payfiles, so you know people have really thought about it before listening.

Understandable. That works two ways too: While it weeds out those who may wrecklessly jump into files that should be given more than a quick thought, it also works well to enforce the idea of "hey, I paid for this, so I better be listening to this often to get my money's worth!" It'd amplify the addiction.

demigraff wrote: :) I suspect that as long as you're actually enjoying the experience, that may be enough to keep you listening. Though I may add some stronger suggestions in later versions, if there's enough people who want it.

It's just a personal quirk, I guess. I like the idea of the file pulling you back to it. I can't wait to see the finished product though, in either case.

demigraff wrote:
I don't think it will be a problem for most; it may even help you get into the mindset of this little girl. (Not to mention that "I will grow out of X" has "I currently do X" as a subconscious rider; which can be put to interesting use, for example in the script Age Confusion)
If you find its bothering you, let me know and I'll see if I can tweak the script a little.

Again, thanks for all the support :)

No problem! I love these sorts of files; it's hard to find something unique in this category, so I'm happy to help in any way I can.

That's a good note on the logic behind that phrase. I like it! Age Confusion was a very interesting script. Confusion techniques abound! The assumptions though did seem really effective, as did the semantic word play and bouncing around the context.

In the case of your script, it probably would really do a number subconsciously for the listener once they start associating with the girl more strongly, with that presupposition that they are a bedwetter. :) It seems like it will actually be quite effective in hindsight!

I do really enjoy being that little girl though. *giggles* She definitely needs those diapers!

P.S. Thanks for all the consideration~ Adding the bedwetting bit and making this a file that rounds off into true sleep is really nice~
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Postby demigraff » August 26th, 2012, 5:39 am

Well, version 1 recorded. I'm expecting family home soon, so probably won't have time to record any alternates today. But I'll give it a try next time I have the privacy.

I think there's 3 options here:
  • Language - (Nappy/diaper) ... is there any other parts I'd need to change for a US version?
  • Trigger - Train the listener to wet the bed (only when listening/in future/when diapered)
  • Gender - (boy/girl) in the story

The one I've uploaded so far is (en-uk;nappy;girl), but I'm happy to do requests for the other combinations. And, as I'm very poor at present, if anyone can offer a small donation I'll do your preferences first.

I've actually got ideas in mind for 2 more stories with the little girl; which I'm going to do when I have time.
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