Female Second Personality

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Female Second Personality

Postby KamisoriYuri » July 26th, 2012, 4:02 am

Hello all!

After lurking for a long time, I finally decided to create an account to discuss my goal!

I'm trying to create a second female personality that has her own voice inside my head. I've thought about it quite a bit for the past few months, and I am prepared and even eager to deal with the consequences. I love this kind of thing.

I should explain that I am a young male, and I have all the equipment necessary to create fairly high quality hypnosis files.

I want to know if any one on this site has had any experiences with creating second personalities like the one I am trying to describe. I know there are a few threads here and there, but most of them are duds. There was a file which created a little girl personality which grew in age and in strength, but I haven't been able to find it.

I also want to know if there are any recommended files for creating a second or alternate personality. They ddon't need to do exactly what I want, because chances are, I'll just rerecord them with my own modifications, but I looking for some ideas.

My name is luke, and her name is Lily. Right now, I've been practicing with hypnosis files for a year or so now... I'd like to think I'm getting pretty good at trancing. Anyway, right now, Lily only exists if I try to inject her into my thoughts... basically thinking from a different perspective.

What I'm looking for is having an entire second personality inside my head... one which talks, thinks, and can even control my body... It defeats the point if it feels like I'm just imagining it, and have complete control.

If I get some useful help from this thread, then I promise to keep everyone frequently updated.
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Postby cubes » July 26th, 2012, 9:51 pm

Maybe try experimenting with giving her a unique way to speak to you, like by writing or typing. Don't force it, just start typing to her, tell her what you think stream-of-consciousness style, and keep going. The idea would be that your stream of consciousness starts tending towards her talking back, and it may feel like the words are just flowing out without you planning on saying them (via the pen or keyboard).

Just an idea. I think giving her a more tangible voice is a good way to start feeling like she has an independent inner monologue too.

I've played with this idea on and off for a while, using the EMG's Keyboard Curse as an aid, and had some luck feeling like I wasn't the one talking. Seems like it might help you too.
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Postby duality99 » July 26th, 2012, 10:41 pm

You sound like me haha. I embarked on this adventure for a while with the goal of a personality that could control me as well. I had to abandon it though because it just got too weird. Nothing really substantial became of it, I never really lost control and she never really gained any control against my will. But just talking in my head to an imaginary person made me feel schizophrenic and in the long term I didn't really want that.

I know the appeal though trust me haha. Just the fantasy was very different from the reality. Anyway your experience may be different than mine. I'd say you'd be better off making up your own script. It's a really simple concept, you just have to give your subconscious mind the instructions to make it happen.

One thing to consider, your subconscious mind during hypnosis is very sensitive to suggestions. You have to be 100% comfortable with what you are doing, otherwise it will be rejected. If you do want her to have complete control over you, that has to be ok with you.
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Postby KamisoriYuri » July 28th, 2012, 1:39 am

You see... that is very interesting, as already the primary form of communication with her, beyond trying to hear her internal monologue... is that I write in a different style of handwiritng than I normally do.

To put it a different way, she communicates to me at the momeny through handwriting. Right now, I'm trying to get her to define herself some; finding out what she likes, what she looks like, etcetera.

It still doesn't feel like it is entirely 'her'... but I think I'm making some interesting progress.

I have to admit, she isn't there for domination of my personality, rather to support me with additional changes, and just generally to keep me company. I already believe I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of having 'someone else' in my head... but we'll have to wait and see how well that really stays.

I'll keep you updated... but please, keep the suggestions rolling!
How well does the magic keyboard file work? I've heard it's fairly successful.

Likewise, do you think something like a modified form of 'Curse Female Takeover' would work?
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Postby bumhead142 » July 28th, 2012, 5:56 am

Hi, i've been looking at this file for a couple of days now as well as Spirit Bond Part 1. I edited Cardigan's Deep Trance induction in the place of EMG's because I don't really warm to EMG's voice. I'm pretty mediocre at trancing, I don't all the time but the times i do i'm pretty sure it's deep, I am fairly positive about the whole experience but i'm not really seeing any effects as of yet.

I can't help but think i'm forcing the voice out because I have a split second where my brain thinks of something and then the young female persona talks about it straight after. All i'm getting is my head voice at the moment, you know where you read something and the voice says it in your head. She has a higher voice and all but I cannot help but think that it is meant to be more than that.

I already know what she is called, wears and what she looks like, I didn't really decide them but I guess that is good. Her name is Maddison but she wants me to call her Maddy.

Is there any other files you recommend for two personalities other than the two I have: 'Curse Female Takeover' and 'Spirit Bond Part 1'?

Also is there any advice you can give in helping her come out?

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Postby duality99 » July 28th, 2012, 5:45 pm

KamisoriYuri wrote:You see... that is very interesting, as already the primary form of communication with her, beyond trying to hear her internal monologue... is that I write in a different style of handwiritng than I normally do.

To put it a different way, she communicates to me at the momeny through handwriting. Right now, I'm trying to get her to define herself some; finding out what she likes, what she looks like, etcetera.

It still doesn't feel like it is entirely 'her'... but I think I'm making some interesting progress.

I have to admit, she isn't there for domination of my personality, rather to support me with additional changes, and just generally to keep me company. I already believe I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of having 'someone else' in my head... but we'll have to wait and see how well that really stays.

I'll keep you updated... but please, keep the suggestions rolling!
How well does the magic keyboard file work? I've heard it's fairly successful.

Likewise, do you think something like a modified form of 'Curse Female Takeover' would work?

Ok well in that case I'd say getting some results wouldn't be a problem. A modified form of Curse Female Takeover could work, but I'd say just write your own script. Female takeover has that domination element to it, so by the time you finish modifying it you will probably have a completely different script.

You seem like you've got a good idea of what you want, I'd say just form that into your very own script. My biggest piece of advice I could give you is find an induction that you like and are comfortable with. Getting you into a highly suggestible state is usually what yields the most success, the suggestions themselves aren't as critical.
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Postby KamisoriYuri » July 29th, 2012, 4:47 pm

Right now, as it has been for the past few weeks... is to develop the ability to utilize instant trance. I'm going to continue trying to use an instant trance trigger while I plan, record and edit the file for my female personality. I belive I'm finally starting to make some good progress with quick pulling myself out of trance, and then using the trigger to quickly drop back down, to develop the feeling of droping down. Any suggestions to help work with the instant trance?

Tell me... Do you think I should use a female text-to-speech program to make the audio... and do something more along the lines of 'her' doing the files... or should I just record using my own voice... I'm reasonably comfortable with doing either.
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Postby KamisoriYuri » August 18th, 2012, 9:01 pm

For the past few weeks, I've been improving my instant trance file, and I really feel that it is starting to work for me... I still go through the whole induction file, to get even deeper, but I feel like the instant trance trigger is really starting to work.

I've also created and started listening to the personality creation file... It's been well over a week now. I know these things take time, but I've haven't seen the slightest of effects yet. Still, I'll keep listening.

I often times have trouble getting started with making a file, or think of the right words to use...

Does anyone here have any suggestions on what kinds of language, or more importantly, specific suggestions? Preferably suggestions which have worked with you in the past.

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Postby ParanoidLord » August 18th, 2012, 11:41 pm

Well, firstly, if you think the files you're making are of high quality, upload them here. It's a cliched sentiment, but whatever.

Anyways, I recently posted in the [url=http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=9266]other[/url] big female personality thread suggesting that actively imagining and visualizing the female personality might strengthen it. I know it goes against what you put in your first post, but doing it might help you break any hidden mental resistance you have. Otherwise, keep working on your trancing skills. The deeper you go, the more things will work. I also recommend using some utilitarian files like EMG's "VisualizeHelp"; anything that will enhance your ability to visualize, hallucinate, etc. WMM's sister site (Hypnofiles) might come in handy for that.

As for language in a file, one thing you might want to do is basically set up your suggestions in loops. Take a few suggestions, mix in at least one thing which you already experience, and set them up in the file so that one idea leads to another, and that the last idea leads to whatever you initially had in the first place.

Example: "Desire to perceive a second female personality inside your mind" -> "Perception of some of your thoughts as belonging to this female personality" -> "Belief that the female personality's thoughts are not yours" -> "Feeling that the female personality is getting stronger" -> "Desire to strengthen your perception of the female personality". If your mind accepts it, you not only get stronger effects, but stronger motivation from your suggestions.
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Postby Tangy » August 28th, 2012, 9:39 am

ParanoidLord wrote:Well, firstly, if you think the files you're making are of high quality, upload them here. It's a cliched sentiment, but whatever.

Anyways, I recently posted in the other big female personality thread suggesting that actively imagining and visualizing the female personality might strengthen it. I know it goes against what you put in your first post, but doing it might help you break any hidden mental resistance you have. Otherwise, keep working on your trancing skills. The deeper you go, the more things will work. I also recommend using some utilitarian files like EMG's "VisualizeHelp"; anything that will enhance your ability to visualize, hallucinate, etc. WMM's sister site (Hypnofiles) might come in handy for that.

As for language in a file, one thing you might want to do is basically set up your suggestions in loops. Take a few suggestions, mix in at least one thing which you already experience, and set them up in the file so that one idea leads to another, and that the last idea leads to whatever you initially had in the first place.

Example: "Desire to perceive a second female personality inside your mind" -> "Perception of some of your thoughts as belonging to this female personality" -> "Belief that the female personality's thoughts are not yours" -> "Feeling that the female personality is getting stronger" -> "Desire to strengthen your perception of the female personality". If your mind accepts it, you not only get stronger effects, but stronger motivation from your suggestions.

The file Already exist here it is I hope this helps I Know you posted this thread in July A Little late but i just saw your Thread Have Fun Little Girl :wink:

The Mis-story of this file it does turn you into a little girl i Originally develop this file for myself and decided to Share Here.

• Name: Personality takeover
Description: Your Real Personalty,keep me informed on your progress By special request , everybody can use this file.permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams have fun
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-08-15 Downloaded: 35 Length: 15:43
Voice Gender: Ambiguous
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 1.0000 Total Votes: 1 Comments: 1
Permanent Link: Personality takeover Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File
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Postby KamisoriYuri » August 31st, 2012, 7:50 pm

Thanks a bunch for the tips and suggestions.

I'm still working on this... I would post my own files, but they are all very specific towards me, so they wouldn't be much use to anyone.

At the moment, I'm taking advantage of the instant trance trigger(which now works quickly, but still not instant), and I'm using a suggestion list of six very specific but basic suggestions on loop.

So it goes:
Instant Trance Trigger
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Instant Trance Trigger
Suggestion 4
Suggestion 5
Suggestion 6

I've been listening to it for a couple weeks now... Today(or rather last night) I finally decided to take the time and really really focus on it, to memorize the lines... I wasn't very deep in trance at the time(at least, I don't think so) but I have a feeling that getting it all really ingrained into my memory will help in the long run.

In terms of overall progress... I'm still waiting and willing to let her take full(but temporary, of course) control of my body.

I'm having conversation with her a little more often. At first, I would only think of her once or twice a day(only to realize my neglect and the end of the day!) but now I'm thinking of her on average about once an hour(sometimes more often, sometimes less... depending on what I'm doing.)

She seems to fade away while I'm doing more intense work, or persuing leisure, like watching tv or video games... which makes me sad, because those times are exactly the times when I want her around... but I focus on the plot or the work, and she ends up taking a back seat.

Any suggestions to brining her out while working or playing... or in my dreams, or all the time? I wouldn't mind taking the backseat while she watches tv or works... even if she technically isn't doing anything(Basically a mirror of what is happening now... me taking a back seat while she is in control of the body and watching tv, rather than her taking a back seat while I watch tv... just as an example)

I've been recording my progress in a stats journal...
I've listened to the initial long files(like a regular EMG file) 43 times over exactly 31 days.
Then stopped with those files, and I made the suggestion file that I mentioned, and I've listened to that(it's on a 15 minute loop) 9 times over 8 days.

Is that enough? I try to aim for at least three times a day... but I usually only manage once a day.

What about accelerators? Are those files any good? I've tried to use them before, with completely separate files... but I've never had any success with really any file that I've ever listened to.
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