Help hypnotizing my subject

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Help hypnotizing my subject

Postby milesprower1010 » November 15th, 2012, 4:40 pm

My girlfriend and I have been experimenting with hypnosis for a long time now and can't seem to get it to work quite right. She goes into trace just fine, but has a hard time following my suggestions, namely about getting fucked in the mouth- that's the one we want to get working. She says she "kinda feels something," but no cock. I've thought that maybe I need to increase her suggestibility somehow, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this. In addition, she may be experiencing this adversity because she's never felt a cock in her mouth- and we're separated physically at the moment so I can't personally fix that. I'd like any help I can get on getting past thisroadblock where she just can't feel anything I tell her to. It's worth noting that she follows instructional commands, such as "when I say x your right arm will raise," but nothing else seems to work.
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Postby Foxfuz » November 15th, 2012, 10:54 pm

To fix the knowledge of the feeling of cock in her mouth I would suggest her to buy a dildo to practice sucking on for a few days to get the feeling stuck in her subconscious.

For the help with suggestibility tell her these three basic rules to help effectiveness of files:(1) follow each suggestion of the hypnotist to the best of your ability, (2) do not analyze the hypnosis or trance, (3) if you get distracted then you need to return your attention to the hypnotist.

Also if you can give me more details of your girlfriends obsticle for getting results, please feel free to pm me and I will reply asap to answer your questions.
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Postby HypnoCactus » November 16th, 2012, 10:15 am

If you are inducing using a progressive relaxation technique, you may want to switch it up a little to progress into a guided imagery deepener. i.e. it goes from "your arms are nice and relaxed/filled with sand/whatever" to then "picture yourself at the bottom of some stairs" then from the stairs to a door, through the door is a garden, the garden is secluded (all the while deepening with words like "peaceful" and suggestions like "nothing else matters but following my voice." Once in the garden, talk her through a sexual experience based on what she has experienced, and progress it to the end where instead of holding a cock in her hand, for example, she guides it to her mouth and then describe the action of the cock, not what she is supposed to feel.

This isn't the only way, but it's just some ideas. If you need any clarifications, then ask here or pm.
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