Do Subliminal Files Actually Work (while awake or sleeping)

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Do Subliminal Files Actually Work (while awake or sleeping)

Postby WatDo » December 9th, 2012, 12:31 am

The kind I'm talking about is the files that has no other noises but the words of a normal file altered to where they sound like beeps that follow along with the words being spoken. Like the subliminal used here:

So here's my questions:
1) Do subliminal messages register in the brain while awake or sleeping?

2) Does ANYTHING being said (normally spoken, subliminal, etc) actually absorb into the mind while sleeping?

3) If it does work, does the volume have to be at a certain level for maximum efficiency? A special type of headset (earphones, earbuds, etc)

4) Is there any easy way to keep the speakers in your ears/on your ears while you sleep?

I find that hypnosis actually messes up my sleep patterns, as fun as it is, I don't think I could constantly use files everyday like they should be. So I was wondering if it can be done while sleeping. Oddly enough, I don't recall having any nightmares while listening to tracks. If anything, it'd be dreams that would include things being said in the file. Although, that could be because I wind up listening to the file 2~5 times before finally falling asleep (I only use the body of files while doing this so it's much shorter than a full file). That would mean the last things entered into my mind would be the things I heard from the files.
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Postby curiousguy92 » December 9th, 2012, 12:39 pm

I can't speak to the effect of subliminal files from here, because I've never stuck with one long enough to see results, but in general, yes subliminal messaging works.

I was in a coffee shop the other day, sitting around the corner and down a ways from where the speaker system was, and I couldn't actually hear what they were playing. I could tell something was there, but not what it was. Then, Abba starts going through my head, and I'm like "WTF did that come from?"

So I pricked up my ears and really focused, and they had the song playing that was in my head. My brain heard it before my ears did, so in my experience, subliminal messages do register in the brain, at least while awake. I don't know about while sleeping.
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Postby zerohour » December 9th, 2012, 11:30 pm

if it doesn't while sleeping im 75% sure I've seen a free file on here that lets you take in files while sleeping.
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Postby zerohour » December 9th, 2012, 11:31 pm

also im not sure if this is true or not but I've heard you have to be exposed to the subliminal for a while before it takes effect.
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Postby zapnosis » December 10th, 2012, 4:18 am

1) Awake is probably better, but theoretically both should work.

2) They do say so, but I've not seen any evidence of it myself.

3) Probably, if you find out do let us know!

4) I saw something on Amazon that was an under-pillow speaker... that might be worth looking at. Otherwise, you just have to try different things.

Hope that helps,
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 10th, 2012, 5:46 am

According to my 1st year psych textbook, subliminal messaging has a small but statistically significant effect. *shrug* It works, but won't rock your world overnight.
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Postby lams » December 10th, 2012, 10:11 am

4) sleepphones a head band with speakers in it
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Subliminals can be heard.

Postby silk0ff » December 14th, 2012, 4:48 pm

I only have experience with one person, who has been exposed to subliminals regularly while in trance already, resting in a bed. I have placed them under a particular ocean wave track. I know the sub wording is understood, because of obvious arousal at particular places in the track, and other appropriate reactions at specific and consistant times.

How well it works in this case is more a matter of the wording of the sub track I use and what I am trying to accomplish, as well as how resistant the trance partner is.
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Re: Subliminals can be heard.

Postby Tangy » December 17th, 2012, 5:12 pm

silk0ff wrote:I only have experience with one person, who has been exposed to subliminals regularly while in trance already, resting in a bed. I have placed them under a particular ocean wave track. I know the sub wording is understood, because of obvious arousal at particular places in the track, and other appropriate reactions at specific and consistant times.

How well it works in this case is more a matter of the wording of the sub track I use and what I am trying to accomplish, as well as how resistant the trance partner is.

I have not heard of anyone giving any real success story's lately, but we are still working at it you should hear something soon enough.
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Postby WatDo » December 18th, 2012, 3:53 am

Well I guess it doesn't work for that particular track. While listening to the subliminal version of muscle bound nothing happens. While listening to muscle bound the trigger works unless I try my best to avoid it. But the other effect kicks in and it keeps me awake. Otherwise no notable success from subliminal files for me (at least the ones where the voice is too distorted).

The Male Energy file with that annoying loud background track actually does work even if the only word in the file I can understand is... "Grow" or "Go". One of those. I think subliminal files may actually work if they are not too distorted.
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Postby orator » January 5th, 2013, 4:57 am

I'll go ahead and approach your second question, first.

Instinctively, I find it hard to believe that any sort of external learning, hypnotic or otherwise, could take place when any individual is in an unconscious state. Though auditory processing whilst unconscious does continue to occur, this is more to do with threat detection than being a channel through which an individual might absorb more information. Sort of a 'was that noise a bear?!' system to stop us getting eaten in bygone times.

What's more, considering the extensive benefits of good rest for learning, and the disruption which could occur easily from having sound constantly play to a system designed to wake you up when you're asleep, I'm not sure listening whilst sleeping is the most effective plan.

There have been some interesting finds in the past few years on learning whilst sleeping ([url=]example[/url]), but I think that you'd be better off listening to whatever it is you want to listen to whilst you're awake and ready to absorb something, rather than when your body, and mind, are trying to recover from the day.

Further, if your main motivation for listening to hypnosis files whilst you sleep is because listening to hypnosis files in the day is causing sleep disruption, it seems a little counter-productive to do it whilst you're asleep and, as a result, end up giving yourself more opportunity for sleep disruption in turn.

Good sleep hygiene, like using your bed only for sleeping, going to bed and getting up at the same time, and listening to the files you choose at the same time, every day, will probably be more helpful.

And even if you want to disregard everything I've put and still try listening at night, any suggestions which go beyond even basic levels of understanding would probably have a hard time slipping in anyway.

Sorry to disappoint, but I guarantee you'll have more success with regular day listening and good sleep hygiene that you will with overnight subliminals. [/url]
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