Can anybody offer tips to achieve trance?

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Can anybody offer tips to achieve trance?

Postby Evangeline » January 9th, 2013, 2:38 am

I cannot recall if i have posted this question before but, I am still have trouble with achieving trance it seems. Can anybody offer any tips or tricks they use?" I have tried repeating the induction words in my head as they are spoken and that seems to relax me better, but not enough to achieve a trance. Any help would be greatly appreciated as theres 1 or 2 files id really love to get to work for me ^_^
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Postby PowerHoden » January 9th, 2013, 5:36 am

First of all. You most likely have been in trance without being aware of it.

Trance is such an natural state of mind, that most people arent consciously aware when it happens.

The problem which alot beginners have is that they have wrong expectations.

You dont necessarily black out or are free of thoughts. A trance is simply a calm state of mind with slowed down thoughts. The deeper you get, the more your mind calms and your thoughts slow down.

So just let it happen. Thinking "Am I in trance now?" is just snapping you slightly out and therefor counter productive.

Also try with induction files and/or easy effects at first. Alot of beginners try too strong effects. And when those dont work they lose motivation and it gets frustrating. Its alot more efficient to start with easy effects to have small feelings of success.
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Postby Endo » January 9th, 2013, 4:07 pm

I'm guessing you used a file like Bubble or Blank? One that has it's own induction/deepener, then gives you a trigger phrase to put you back in trance, then has an awakener? I use Bubble, and the day after the first listen, the trigger worked, but it was rather weak. All it really did was slow my breathing and my thoughts a little. It may take a few more listens to the file in order for you to get to a "traditional" trance level when using the trigger, but you should get to a "feelable" trance soon.
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Postby Foxfuz » January 10th, 2013, 12:02 am

What works for me is 2 things: 1) just listen to the hypnotist, 2) silence any thoughts that appear in your head.

Hypnosis doesn't take much effort, you just have to listen to the hypnotist and have him/her take you down. You need to let go of distracting thoughts.

To go into trance feels just like watching television or watching a movie. You don't "try" to watch a movie, you just watch it.

If you want more info/details on trance, just give me a pm and I will explain more on what you need to know to enter a successful trance.
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Postby ocntrl » January 11th, 2013, 4:11 am

Foxfuz, that is a great way of putting it.

You don't think about watching a movie, you just do it.

That should be the attitude when listening to a file.

Thanks for wording it that way because I will be using that when talking to people having issues with trancing.
Trance... everyone can do it.
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Postby Foxfuz » January 11th, 2013, 5:23 pm

Your very welcome.

Also, think of hypnosis as more of a guided meditation. The hypnotists job is to put you into a state of trance. Trance is a state of concintration.

What the hypnotist does in an induction is bring you to a state that stops you from being distracted by thoughts and to keep your attention exclusively to the hypnotist. It's like learning. When your in school you listen to the teacher and you make conections in your head without realizing it because it's natural. All you did was pay attention in school/collage and you learned. Same concept with hypnosis. Except with hypnosis, you can be put into an even deeper state of concentration.

Hypnosis can also make you belive something as true where previously you would have thought to be wrong. Say like, you are hypnotized to belive your a dog when a specific word is said. Well, you have learned and now belive that when that word is said you will belive yourself to be a dog.

Why does this happen? It happens because, when you stop your critical analysis (your conscious filter) you will let information in and belive it to be true no matter how odd it is. For example, you are a dog. Now, if you thought "what do you mean? I'm not a dog, I'm a human." well then that goes to show that your conscious filter just detected an odd piece of information and choose to filter that out because it's absolutely ridiculous. But in a state of hypnosis, you will hear that information and it will pass your concios filter (at the time the conscious filter will be asleep) and you will belive you are a dog if it's bot against your personal values.

Any questions on this?
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