Sissy Flie Ideas (With Pictures)

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Sissy Flie Ideas (With Pictures)

Postby Pantheria » January 7th, 2013, 4:37 pm

I have been looking at pictures on a great website and I feel that using these pictures as a reference/ starting point there could be some really great story files we could get from them (as you will see some of the details could be ignored like the fact that in the first one there is an orc)

Here is my favorite:

And in decreasing order of priority:

I think the main thing that I like about these is that the crossdresser/sissy is clearly gagging for it and I think that's what needs to be done in the file to have the subject feel like they want these things to happen.

Oh and finally I would rather not have anything permanent.

So this is my starting point, anyone and everyone is able to expand on this. With a little teamwork and imagination I think we may have an awesome file in the works.
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Postby Endo » January 10th, 2013, 1:15 am

I'm definitely not a fan of sissy files, or sissy-type things in general, but I'll drop a comment of help here. It seems to me that these sorts of story files (something is laid out in the file body, then the user hallucinates it happening to them once they wake up) are generally very hard to get to work. The user needs to be very susceptible to hypnosis, and needs to trust the writer completely, and they also need to want the hallucinatory experience on a very deep level. If you can make a file that manages to induce the hallucination in the user with relative ease, then you'll've set the bar and an example for these kinds of files in the future. I wish you luck with this idea.
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Postby ParanoidLord » January 10th, 2013, 3:11 pm

In general, you would have greater luck having the user hallucinate while under as opposed to waking up and then trying to immediately go into a hallucinogenic state.

On the other hand, visual aids to trance have been done, although generally they're reserved for subliminal viewing. I don't know enough about how keeping one's eyes open (in order to look at things) during trance affects the quality of it, but if a listener can trance with their eyes open, they probably can experience the content of pictures relatively easily.
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