Confused on multiple levels.

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Confused on multiple levels.

Postby furryfanfive » January 4th, 2013, 1:52 am

First I just want to say please bare with me I'm a very kept to self kinda person who doesn't talk much, especially about things like this >.>, This site is my FIRST experience with any form of hypnosis, I've mainly been listening to the file "curse fucked by a dog" and, I think the trance part is working, I mean I want to listen to it over and over again, I find myself not wanting to move, and I get a kinda drifting/floating sensation especially when he gets to the counting part, but I don't have much experience with anal (only a doggy dildo that I only have used like 3 times due to issues, yea I'm weird but that's not the point) I can imagine myself in a room on all fours perfectly, a large dog coming up behind me and sniffing me, I can feel his weight on me and my hips kinda buck from a 'thrust' but I don't actually feel anything inside or even really touching me besides a warmth pressing on my back.

I only listened to this for 1 night and many many times so what i really want to know is if its better to listen to the file only once or twice a night, or put it on a MP3 and leave it going all night (like i did). Also i know what Subliminal is, but what is Binaural? is it better/easier to use? sorry if this was really long and kinda dragged on, I kinda rambled i think cause I'm extremely nervous even about typing about this sorta thing :oops:
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Postby zapnosis » January 4th, 2013, 4:40 am

Hi Furry, welcome to the site! We're all a bit weird here. What I would recommend with files like these is listening once or twice a night, every night if you can. You are actually doing very well for one nights trancing, I would say. One thing that may help, rehearse in your mind the feeling of something entering you, or how you would imagine it feels, or how you would like it to feel. Hope this helps.

"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby orator » January 5th, 2013, 5:08 am

Hello FurryFanFive,

Just as a slight idea, it might be beneficial for you to experience hypnosis and trance more generally before you approach such a complex and demanding file. Which, truly, is what this file is. And, as such, which means that it's impressive that you have such results already, such as the weight and warmth you described.

But you are new to trance. And so it seems natural to me that you might be having difficulty with enjoying and being comfortable in trance. As such, getting some more exposure to the feelings of being in hypnosis, with the many fine files here on warpmymind, could really help, in turn, this curse file slide further inside you.

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Postby IAcurious » January 5th, 2013, 8:26 pm

Hi, furryfanfive -

That's an exciting message you posted.

I'm responding primarily to answer the questions you asked. But before doing that, there's something you need to understand.

Our bodies always tell the truth. That makes words unnecessary for the subconscious mind. So you must pay attention to automatic responses - like goosebumps and arousal.

I'm going to tell you exactly what makes your message exciting. And, that might seem a bit conceited. But your body will tell the truth, even if you try to hold back. This is the type of truth that grows. And you might even find yourself returning again and again to this message... This message of all the possibilities open.

You're a keep-to-yourself kind of person. You took a big step. Your first forum posting was a BIG step. That's something to be proud of.

As you composed the posting for this forum, something caused you to recognize a feeling of nervousness.

I kinda rambled i think cause I'm extremely nervous even about typing about this sorta thing :oops:

Without instruction and without experience, you instinctively did something that only excellent subjects do... you looked inside yourself and then you communicated what you felt.

You did it by instinct. That's something to be proud of, too.

There's more.

There's an entire forum just for success stories. But you chose a different forum to ask questions. And that reveals something. It reveals this is just a beginning - and you know it. You know there's more to come.

And if this is just the beginning, then this more than fantasy. This is real.

And if this is real, then maybe this moment is when all the possibilities open... This very moment leading beyond anything you've ever imagined.

It's unimportant whether you consciously understand the full impact. You can understand all at once or discover it gradually. Either way, it's exciting.

And it's time to address the questions in your posting

You asked if its better to listen to a file only once or twice a night, or to loop it all night. That's easy! There are two fundamentals that confirm limited listening is better.
    1) When a man feels contented about life (in general), and when he's free of distractions like hunger, full bladder, tiredness, then trance is easier; more certain.

    2) There's a saying in show business... leave 'em wanting more. That's equally true about trance. Yes, you really can keep your mind "hungry" for more; "hungry" for the next time.
You also asked: What is binaural?

Binaural beats are a naturally-occuring audio phenomenon that occurs completely within the mind.

If you're familiar with the doppler effect, then you know exactly what's meant by the term "audio phenomenon". It's freaky when you hear it and kind of fun. The DE occurs because of compressed/expanded soundwaves. Many people can hear it simultaneously.

By comparison, binaural beats occur completely within the mind - affecting only one person. It requires the capability of hearing (both ears) and it requires headphones/earbuds being worn.

Without words, binaural beats invite a man to relax. And I've already told you words are unnecessary for the subconscious mind. When binaural beats are combined with a verbal hypnosis invitation to relax - it's quite powerful.

And now that your questions have been addressed, one final time, it's a pleasure to tell you: That's an exciting message you posted.
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Postby furryfanfive » January 6th, 2013, 1:12 am

Hi again, with another question. I read what you guys said and did a bit of my own research on the subject, I both tried another file (pack rape me from hacksaw) and before hand attempted to imagine/feel what 'it' would be like before I listened to the file, I ended up coming to two anomalies think would be the word for them: first the trance part, it felt both weird and right at the same time, for the first bit I felt like I was falling into myself, if that makes sense (it still kinda doesn't to me, sorry) then after that the next 'sensation' was kinda like, floating, but not just like going up or staying in the air, I don't know how to explain it honestly, if you have by chance listened to the file, the way the audio is how it goes from side to side, almost like its swaying, it was kinda like i was 'floating' with his voice.

The walking part I'm still kinda in shock about, I could swear to you it was real, I could hear the fountain's water running and bubbling, the people chatter about the park, the grass softly crunching under my feet. I could see everything, which is the oddest one to me, to see a place I've never been, that probably doesn't even exist, to see the people walking around, the only odd thing was, no faces, just blurs. I could smell it all to, the house, the fresh air (also weird considering I was in a stuffy room), the dogs prowling about me. and last of all I could feel it all to, the glassy surface of the nothingness/space when I was on all fours, the dogs getting on top of me one at a time, their breath on my neck, their members pressing against my backside, my face burning with embarrassment as I was being watched by a group of people while have dogs mount me one after another. again I couldn't actual feel anything inside of me, by my hips were thrust or pushed forward by the force of the humping, I could feel it start to enter, but once it got past my um, 'entrance' it seemed to just, disappear?

Then another weird part, and kinda scary to. The end or 'awakening' was suppose to you counting down from 500, reach 1 and you 'awake' I only got down to 2 or 300 something, when my arms gave out and i fell forward to smack my head, after I got over the fact that my upper body wasn't strong enough to hold me up for 500 seconds without slipping, I realized I had actually been on all fours, while I was 'under' the audio file became an almost background noise, doing nothing but narrate the world he had created around me, when I went back to listen to the audio I found he had actually instructed me to get on all fours, but I didn't really recall it, or even following the command, but I had. to be honest it scared me, it scared me pretty bad to realize the power that someone could have over me through a 10 mb audio file, to know it was made as a general thing, not even truly meant for my gender and it could still grasp me like that. and even though I was terrified of this 'power' it had over me, IAcurious was defiantly right about one thing, I settled back down, hopped my arms would hold up better and hit play again, I was hungry and wanted more.

what I really want to know though, is this what hypnosis is suppose to be like? is that what trance is suppose to feel like? does the audio style on that clip have a name? what should I look for in a file to get better at being hypnotized, I know everyone is different, and works better with different types of files, that isn't what I mean, if ones like "curse fucked by a dog" are to be considered 'advanced' what should I look for to start with?

also sorry if this seemed like it had more then it needed, or just really choppy, I'm still embarrassed by this kinda thing, but now I'm exited to, I've never felt pleasure like this before in my life.
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Postby IAcurious » January 6th, 2013, 9:05 am

Nice job! You did it again.

- You looked inside yourself.
- You found a familiar feeling of embarrassment.
- You also found a feeling of excitement and pleasure like never before.

Once again, you did what excellent subjects do. You communicated what you felt. This is what makes it possible to confirm with certainty.

Yes. This is exactly what hypnosis is like.

So you must follow those feelings. Trust them. They come from inside yourself and they are your personal truth.

Sooner or later, you're going to encounter a hypnosis situation that feels different from your personal truth. Maybe an off-balance feeling, or a "not quite right" feeling. When that happens, it's another type of confirmation. It confirms you're going in a wrong direction.

I want you to, furryfanfive, notice I'm ignoring other things described in your latest posting - the actions, the sensations, and the things you found odd. Those things are fun. But they are not the confirmation.

The confirmation is found in the feelings of excitement and pleasure like never before.

furryfanfive wrote:what I really want to know though, is this what hypnosis is suppose to be like? is that what trance is suppose to feel like? does the audio style on that clip have a name? what should I look for in a file to get better at being hypnotized, I know everyone is different, and works better with different types of files, that isn't what I mean, if ones like "curse fucked by a dog" are to be considered 'advanced' what should I look for to start with?

also sorry if this seemed like it had more then it needed, or just really choppy, I'm still embarrassed by this kinda thing, but now I'm exited to, I've never felt pleasure like this before in my life.
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Postby furryfanfive » January 14th, 2013, 1:38 pm

instead of just making a whole new post, I'm just going to add it to this, for reasons I don't feel comfortable posting I was backer acted (held against my will for up to 72 hours due to medical purposes) for the full 72 hours and didn't get a chance to listen to the hypnosis files the entire time I was there for three days, will this affect how well the files work at all? thank you for your time.
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Postby IAcurious » January 14th, 2013, 5:41 pm

Welcome back.

There's a saying in show business... leave 'em wanting more. As opinion, I believe periodically taking a break from hypnosis is good. It allows the mind to be eager to resume.

That's what you've done. You've had a break.
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Postby furryfanfive » February 6th, 2013, 11:38 pm

Again a new question but just using the same post again, I'll just keep this one short; I was looking at some files to see if I could find one that peaked my interest, normally I listen to the first part of a file while still looking around to both save time if i don't think the files is for me and to preview it to again see if said file is for me. Normally the file has no effect when I'm not really listening to the whole thing like this, but this one file did something to me, I'm not even sure how far I got into the file but all of a sudden boom, i went out like a light; it wasn't long either, roughly 10 minutes, from the part of the file i went out at to the end, and it had to be right at the end because my player was on the repeat one setting and I came to drenched in sweat to hear the start of the file again. I'm not sure if the sweat was from what I heard or because I was laying under a heavy blanket at the time but that's not quite the point. Is this suppose to be part of hypnosis? going under with 0 recollection of what the heck just happened? I wasn't even sure of what the file said until I went back and played it again (I skipped the opening part that time, it freaked me out a bit at the time and I wasn't in a hurry for a repeat performance.) oh and if it really matters the file is called 'french maid meets demon lover'. Guess i didn't keep it quite so 'short' sorry.
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