I have been toying around with the idea of hypnosis for a while, in the past I tried a few clips but was never able to go under. I went on the route of video hypnosis, which also never really took me under but it definitely did change my sexual preferences a lot, sites like anna malice are one example. Anyways, I currently am a 20 year old university student, and don't really want to become a sissy, I have a girlfriend in a long distance relationship and aspirations for my life, I kind of want to live a normal life and have a wife kids ect... but on the other hand, the first time I put on panties was around the age of 13, and there is a sissy side to me. I also had multiple gay encounters when I was younger, with other boys... On the other hand, once again, I love girls and used to be very attracted to them.
For the last couple of days I have been practicing trancing with ocntrl's deep trance file, but I never achieved a real trance effect, more of deep relaxation. Tonight I will listen to the file again, and then play Little Miss Squidgy and Little Miss Squidgy Panties. I really want all of it in a way, but I don't want it on the other hand.. I don't know what to do. But I am taking the plunge. Please let me know of your opinions if you care at all, I need some help...