by sissirobin » February 8th, 2013, 10:10 am
Personally I cant see a problem with the detail/communication that file users have been reporting through this page. A hypnotist cannot possibly hope to be able to troll through every persons journal for a tit-bit of information on how a file has worked on a subject. Granted there are those who are inclined to provide every detail - down to their favorite breakfast cereal.. BUT.. I would rather see these boards vibrant and full of conversation than for them to trail off into short responses like "It worked" or "It made my cock shrink".
Also having good and interested responses from both the hypnotists and the subjects aids and encourages success and confidence - for the hypnotist making the file and the subject listening.
So to sum all of this up - I would say that the way the boards here are progressing are a win win for the site as a whole..