seed of a script

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seed of a script

Postby demigraff » February 20th, 2013, 1:22 pm

This idea just came to me ... Maybe I'll develop it into a script, or see if anyone else likes it.

Now, you probably know by now that many of these recordings might instruct you to forget the words. To forget what you're going to find yourself feeling, or doing. But that doesn't mean you won't take in the suggestions. In fact, the words can go even deeper into your mind. Maybe it's because you focus so closely on the words that all you're aware of is the current sentence. The words are so important to you, filling your mind so completely, that you don't need to remember the words I've already said, and you might not even be able to remember the beginning of this sentence already as your attention is drawn away by what I'm saying now.

You're going to try listening to my words, and focussing more on the suggestions I'm giving you, and that will make it even easier to focus on the words as I say them, because you don't need to know what I said a minute ago once your mind is ready to obey those words, deep in your subconscious mind you know the feelings I've decribed and you can imagine those things and feel them, even as these words fill your consciousness. And you're going to find if you haven't already that you want to write down these words as you hear them, whether writing on paper or typing on a screen, so you've got some kind of record of the words that control your mind. But you might find, sooner or later, that the more you focus on my words, the more confused your conscious mind becomes. You're trying to follow two words at once, as you can't type as quickly as I'm speaking, and at the same time you're trying to hear the words I'm saying, and take them into your mind where you can remember them, and to write the words I said a moment ago that are already slipping so deeply into your mind that you aren't sure exactly what they were. And so you'll have to stop writing sooner or later, and then continue writing what I'm saying now. You know you can fill in the gap later, so you just write a few words, or a few lines, until you find you can't keep up again. And every time this happens, you will find it easier and easier to let those words slip into your subconscious mind, where there is no need for you to remember them, you can feel their effects without needing to be aware of anything but the words you are focussing on right now.

And then when you have listened to this file and written as much as you can, you will know that you can go back and fill in the gaps, and you know that every time you have to skip writing a word, the urge to listen again later will grow just as quickly as the effect of those words on your mind. You might already know by this point in the file that when you have finished the recording, if there are still gaps in the script you've written you will need to listen again, and you will feel the urge to finish writing the script grows even stronger as you come to feel these suggestions morre and more strongly every time you listen, even when my words are so deeply embedded in your subconscious mind that you don't know what the suggestion I've just given you is.

And in the future, you will find that you are also eager to listen to my words, and to write them down. And any time you see I've recorded a file that interests you, you will feel an urge to listen to that file and write that down too. And you will know that if you listen to hypnosis files by another author, too, that their words will be even stronger if you choose to write down the things they are saying; and even as you are following the words you've written already, at the same time hearing the words I'm saying, that little confusion will make it easier and easier to find yourself following these suggestions as you write them down. And if you listen to a file, whether mine or from some other hypnotist you trust, then it will seem only natural to send the scripts you have written to the hypnotist, or to post them online where other people canread them, if there isn't already a script for that recording.

And now that you've nearly finished writing down these words, you can either let yourself wake fully, or wake just enough to go back to the beginning of your writing, ready to fill in the gaps as you sink deeper and deeper into trance and take in all my suggestions.
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

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