Best Way To Go Down Deep?

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Best Way To Go Down Deep?

Postby WatDo » April 21st, 2013, 2:52 pm

I have been debating on what're some good ways to zonk out without having to spend 12 minutes for each file. I need as much motivation as I can get, and a the bodies of the files I use are about 60 minutes long without the induction or awakeners.

Are there any powerful but short induction files that you guys use? Triggers only work for me if there is some "set up" before hand and if the trigger is used a lot during the induction.

Do you guys have playlists of just one induction followed by only the main bodies of the other files? I don't know how to set up a playlist exactly... Or is it something like induction, body, induction, body, induction, body, awakener?
Posts: 189
Joined: August 29th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby Endo » April 21st, 2013, 4:32 pm

I value my sleepy time, and I value my wakey time. Hypnosis time isn't either, so I try to minimize everything, and I've been experimenting with 5 minutes of solid isometric tones, no real introduction. I seem to get the same state of hypnosis, but when the body starts, it does surprise you a little, which may knock you out of trance.
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Postby HornyDude » April 22nd, 2013, 10:30 am

Last edited by HornyDude on July 10th, 2013, 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Long Beach, CA USA

Postby WatDo » April 22nd, 2013, 8:08 pm

That's hella helpful, you two. I guess I'll just do a few snips here and there in audacity to come up with a good 60-minute session.
Posts: 189
Joined: August 29th, 2012, 12:00 am

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