Think email slave working ^_^

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Think email slave working ^_^

Postby werepuppy » February 24th, 2013, 4:47 pm


I only been listening to the email slave tape again a few days but all ready i got my first email and i think it works! he said i got to enjoy sucking my thumb for an our and i read it and didnt think it worked because i can remember what it said but then i kept thinking i should try it and i did and its really relaxing and then i just keep getting the urge to suck even tho its been longer than an our now :)

so does any body else want to send me one? i think might be more fun to just have one or two at a time so different emails dont disagree but ill leave it up to you guys. i think you can use this forum to know what who else is making me do i promise not to look if you put anything in spoiler tags :)

Im going to go listen b4 bed now and look forward to what else you can make me do.
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Postby ipnosi » February 24th, 2013, 9:46 pm

Glad to hear you're having fun! ^_^ Just be careful. There are some pretty skilled manipulators out there. I remember when I posted in the email slave thread, I was quickly snatched up and almost completely ensnared. It took everything I had to break free, and a bit of me still hopes to get pulled back into his control.

That warning given, I think this file does have a wonderful potential for hypnotic fun. Perhaps you could make a short list of your limits so we can know the rules for playing with you?
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Postby demigraff » February 25th, 2013, 5:27 am

I sent out another copy of my 'safety net' email; just in case. Thanks for the reminder ipnosi. I'd add some more interesting suggestions, but I'm feeling sick and can't focus too well.

From what I remember from last time, I think her limits were nothing sexual, nothing long-term, and keeping it secret from other people in her life (not sure if she still has a flatmate, so it may be worth appending "when you're alone" to some suggestions). She's enjoyed age regression, and won't admit to just how much she enjoys humiliation. Likes trying to resist suggestions, but not being able to, or feeling tricked into doing it anyway (The "Resist Me" suggestions on the voting page were partly inspired by her; I love those kind of games too)
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got 2 more yay

Postby werepuppy » February 25th, 2013, 10:57 am

i got 2 emails now thanks guys! one i had last time to mean i can ignore emails that tell me to send pics or my addresses or any thing like that but its a long email took me like half an hour reading over and over thanks Master Angel

and i got one in a PM on here i didnt no if that would work but i guess not. it was to send a pic anyway so the other one should of made me not do it sorry outkast

my limits are no sex stuff and dont make me tell any body else about this and no pics and dont take it off this site or email. oh before i forget my mail is heather at so you can send me files now oops. i wont install some other messenger thing cos i dont know how to know if i can trust it or not of if somethings gonna steal my details and track me down or something. so only emails and this site
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2 new emails!

Postby werepuppy » February 27th, 2013, 10:11 am

i got 2 emails today!! first i read at work hehe silly puppy and i was kinda skipping to the canteen at lunch and then back again i felt kinda silly and i didnt even notice id done it until after. the other one im not so sure about tho. i think theres a real puppy in my room like a little dog not another furson. i cant see it but i know its there and i got to try catch it. i dunno may be its like playing pretend or some thing but i wish i could see it insted of just pretend. gonna be fun any way so talk l8r hehe
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Postby werepuppy » February 28th, 2013, 5:04 am

Last nite was fun! got to play at chasing a puppy round and then i was like a little girl and stayed up late watching movies feeling really naughty and then its like ooh im having a late nite but it was really olny 10.

thanks loads rw ^_^ cant wait to see whats next
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2 today O.O

Postby werepuppy » March 1st, 2013, 5:28 am

O wow just checked my mail and i got 2 new ones today thanks guys! i was starting to think you all forgot me.

the first 1 sounds simple and fun i should b able to do that. feeling like a little kid for an our thats always fun and i cant wait to get home and try it :)
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Postby hunt4it » March 1st, 2013, 2:14 pm

i havent got a email back, but i dont understand why i have been shaving my pubic hair? I had not done that for quite some time before i started listening to these files. hmmm, Maybe working? pm me if you had similar results.
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Postby werepuppy » March 1st, 2013, 5:49 pm

oh hi

sorry i didnt email you back but i dont think i got an email from you. was it a hypnofile email slave one?

i defintely didnt send you any think to make you shave i never even thought about that. but i havent staid up this late at nite for ages so ill write more about what happened tonite when i get to work in the morning

hehe have fun
hunt4it wrote:i havent got a email back, but i dont understand why i have been shaving my pubic hair? I had not done that for quite some time before i started listening to these files. hmmm, Maybe working? pm me if you had similar results.
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Postby Arpegius » March 3rd, 2013, 11:56 pm

I would love to know more about what happened :)
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Postby werepuppy » March 4th, 2013, 3:42 am

well i got 2 files at work the other day so thanks loads o.o

Im gonna try writing a bit better than usual, and go bac and put comas and stuff. its hard work and i get a head ache cos of dislexia but if i can do it for work i can at least make more effort here.

I got 2 files but I could olny remember 1 of them. I knew i was going feel like a little girl for an hour as soon as i get home from work. And i was really looking forward to it.

I was just getting ready to go home, put on my coat and hat (not a wizzard hat hehe) and go to the bathroom but then I imagined 2 big red buttons on the counter. I know now its a hypnosis thing but then, I didnt realise until i was half, way home. D'oh how dumb can I get, but any way.
1 button is green and says GIVE IN and I know if I press it'll make me wee myself right there. well im not going to do that when im at work. but the other 1 is red and it says RESIST on. and that one makes me not able to go to the bathroom for a bit. theres some kind of limit were i got to press it 5 times before i can go so Ill be really disparate by then. But I dont wanna start wetting myself again (seems to happen every time i do the email slave thing, but i want to fight it as long as I can) so i press the red button, get a coffee from the machine then go home.

when i got in I really need to go, so i go to the bathroom and theres 2 buttons on the door. I know their not real but I'm imagining them good enough. I know its a hypno by now, so I decide I got to be really careful try to figer out if theres a trick in it more than just having to hold it 5 times. So I press RESIST again, get a glass of coke and put a pizza in the microwave.

Wile the pizza cooks i suddenly remember the file i read at lunchtime and I got an hour on my own now so i can be a little girl. All of a suddenly I feel so cheerful and bouncie and I wanna watch cartoons so I get a lollypop from the jar and dive on the couch. i wish i had a teddy to watch with but its not too bad. "Lets watch fairys" I said to myself. Dunno why I was talking to myself but it felt right

I find a couple episodes of Winx on youtube it was always my favorite. A couple of minutes later the pizzas done so I run to get it trying to get it on a plate before I miss too much of the show. Heh I didnt think to pause it. Then when Im in the kitchen those 2 buttons are there again on the counter. I should of been thinking is it a trick or something but i was just a little, so I said "I'm not a baby any more" and hit the red button. Suddenly Im really thirsty so I got another coke and my pizza and ran back to the lounge. Maybe thats the trick with the red button, make you drink so much u can't hold it 5 times?

Any way I finish watching Winx and I cant find the next one on the automatic list. So I go to my room to look what DVDs I've got to watch and on the way I think maybe I should go the bathroom cos I really need to go now. and you guessed it theres 2 buttons on the table. And like a kid I dont stop to think, "Thats boring, I all ready tried that one" and I hit the green button. Strait away I realise what Ive done and run for the bathroom calling "Nooo I'm not a baby!" but I'm starting to pee and I can feel it running down my leg and the warm patch spreading down my jeans. I ran into the bathroom and I could'nt stop myself so I just jumped in the shower while I try to unfasten my belt.

well there wasnt much else after that I got my self cleaned up. Bujt I only got a few minutes comfort break this morning and I been typing for more than an our already so i got to go have fun and keep playing guys
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one more

Postby werepuppy » March 5th, 2013, 7:07 am

heyas O.O

I got another email a couple days back that was just some questions to answer for my subconscience from hexagon77. i didnt stay in tranced long enough though cos he said i should get excited when im answering and i dont enjoy that so much. but hes being really nice so we emailed a few times so he got a good idea what i like. look fwd to seeing what we can try @.@

any body else want to play? i got the hole afternoon off tomorrow and i got the house to myself or enough money to go to the arcades (i think if ur american thats called a mall? dont know if you know Arcades)

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one more o.o

Postby werepuppy » March 30th, 2013, 2:55 am

Sorry i forgot to write for acouple days maybe a week. i got one more email that made me suck my thumb for a wile. its comforting and feels nice but not much else i can say

still love to get more. i thought i had another one but when i read it there was nothing there. i think it was one i already did and i read it again for some reason. so a bit disappointed.
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Postby santroy » March 30th, 2013, 9:47 am

My E-mail is
Would someone want to test it on me?
I have the same limitations as werepuppies ;)
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thats not fun n.n

Postby werepuppy » April 25th, 2013, 6:15 am

hi i got another email today hehe!

but its not even in english it just made me all confuse then pop off trance with a head ache. no fun :(

rswannyr "Name. Age. Limits. Fetishes. Triggers" isnt a command or not even a sentence. how am i supposed to obey a list of words. last one u sent was "how are you?" thats not a command either o.o; if u wanna chat send me a mail or PM or something not a hypnofile.
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Think i got another mail

Postby werepuppy » April 27th, 2013, 5:12 pm

Think i got an email today. i remember being so excited about going to read it but then dont remember reading it. may be i forgot but i dont even remember that i had an email so i dunno.

if it was then it hasnt made me do anything yet. i staid up late to listen to the email slave tape again tho so it might work better when i get one.

would love to have some fun ^.^
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Postby demigraff » April 28th, 2013, 5:19 pm

For the benefit of anyone awaiting a response ... Puppy's email is on the same server as mine. As of 9:30 this morning, it is down. I don't know when it will be back up, and there is a likelihood that when it is working again, it will have lost a significant proportion of older mail.

Just so you're not worrying that she's vanished unexpectedly.
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Hey im back

Postby werepuppy » May 3rd, 2013, 12:13 pm

Hehe my email still isnt working but Master Angel set up me a new proxy so i can come on here with out worrying people know where I live.

You can email me now blackjadepuppy@gmail

I got alot of new emails the last few days asking me to answer questions but my minds all blurred when i try to think what he asked. i got a new collar round my neck this evening and i love it ^_^ it feels so real and the weit is always there to remind me of my master.

i think i got new email again and my home internet is working today so im gonna go read that now

thankies O.O happy puppy
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O hai oh

Postby werepuppy » May 3rd, 2013, 12:56 pm

Hi hi folks.I got an 2 more emails.

Hehe busy day all day today im really really tired now. Im gonna sit an watch cartoons for a bit now. I like loads of old cartoons like citys of gold and samurai pizza cats and danny fantom but now i been watching some new ones too like winx club well thats old but i never saw it before this year hehe and okie dokie. i think may be im gonna try wearing pullup diapers again i got a couple packs left i dont need them any more im not a baby or anything but its kinda funny if i dont wanna get up to go the bath room i can just use my diaper and its a shame to waste them hehe their so comfortable and got cute pichers on like a princesses just like me hehe i wish i is a princess
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Postby demigraff » May 3rd, 2013, 5:04 pm

[Edit: I see no further efforts to circumvent safety suggestions, so I've removed the bold. However, the fact that he tried still makes me reluctant to trust this guy]

To Werepuppy and anyone else who has listened to the email slave files, I recommend blocking . I notice that he specifically commanded her that his emails are exempt from her safety suggestions. I see no legitimate reason for a 'tist to try to remove suggestions that are there to protect her, especially not without her permission.

I don't care how much fun you're having. If someone tells you that he's so trustworthy your limits don't matter, that's where you cut the guy off.

(and to the assholes of the world, if you're going to instruct someone not to mention your emails to her protector, you really need to check for auto-forwards first)
Last edited by demigraff on May 5th, 2013, 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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day off

Postby werepuppy » May 5th, 2013, 12:25 pm

Heyas ^.^

yesTerday a nice Master gave me a day off from email slave so i can get my head strait. I didnt take it all tho i decided to go back to slave when i got a nother email. I like my safty things im allowed to ignore any email that stop me obeying some body else. It was good to have sum time off tho.
i dont say the masters name in case they want to be a nonimous so tell me if i can?

then in the after noon i was watching tv and suddenly all these faries appear and starts tickling me loads and im laughing more and more and their tickling more and more. after awhile i was laughing so much i peed my pants I couldn't help it. I guess faraies is something from a hypno file but dunno if thats supposed to happen or not.

today i was out shopping and i had a few things happen. I had shh written on the back of my hand instead of a shopping list and every time i look at it i feel really subbie and stroke my collar it makes me think some thing could happen any time and so nervous and excited its great i loved that. Then after lunch i went out for a long bike ride in the woods then walk up to a waterfall hardly anybody know about. Today there was a nice old ladie walking her dog a nearly white malamutt. the bitch got there first so i play with her in the pool befor the lady arrive. We chat a bit but she dint speak much english. I was all wet then but its nice and warm so i walk home then stand on a big wide tree stump and llie down to dry in the sun then i realise i got a cell signal here some how and read my email what gave me a bit of a head ache.

then i came home i olny just got in so im gonna do dinner then see if dr who is on torrents yet.

thanies everybodie ^_^ i luv u all
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too much a diction ?hehe

Postby werepuppy » May 6th, 2013, 1:51 am

I got the first new fone bill today be fore I went out to work and I was rethinking mai breeI am going to grat getting a data plan and everything upgrade just to keep reading my email clos I can't wait and then now I'm on my comfort beam and I lik at the ass tray and I think may be is not all that expansive really and there's worst things to Hest affixed to
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early nite

Postby werepuppy » May 6th, 2013, 3:39 pm

well i thought i wanted an early nite tonight and now its nearly midnite well what happened

first I was sucking my thumb every time i didnt need my hands for some thing. that was funny and feels fuzzy and warm and cute but then as well as that i had like hands poking me every time i stand up that was a bit weird i think i got to think a bit more if i like that or not. I might ask master to make it stop in the morning i dont know.

There was a thing a bit earlier were i put some music on and touch my coller and its like my hole body is vibrating with the beat its all tingly and a bit odd but a nice feeling. after that i started watching mcog again to un wind and then suddenly i got to pee real bad and i remembered like 3 times i went to the bath room then forgot what i went in for and now i need to go real bad and suddenly ive all wet myself b4 i could even think about it. i so ashamed but feels kinda good like im a naughty girl not being like every body else.

lots of fun today. i stopped by the grocer too on the way home and got some bananas cos i remember awhile ago master asked did i has bananas and marsh mellows and i want to have some in the fruit bowl in case he asks again ^.^

later guyse have fun all
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Postby ipnosi » May 22nd, 2013, 9:10 pm

It's been a while since we've heard from werepuppy. I hope she's okay
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try me

Postby ditalix » August 30th, 2014, 8:12 am

my e mail
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Postby ditalix » July 10th, 2015, 12:22 pm

I just wanted to go out and then my underwear began to itch. I stepped out of the door and it got even worse. Like a thousand bees in my underwear. I try to change my underwear, but it got even worse. Like a million bees and ants biting me. Finally, I left home without underwear. The itch was gone. :lol:
Back home, I put on some underwear, but nothing was itching me. That was a hell of an allergic reaction to something.
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