Good induction files, help.

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Good induction files, help.

Postby kori » April 26th, 2013, 3:07 pm

Could sombody please recommend me some good induction files that have worked for you, so i could merge them with some files i have, and also something for the voice change that happens when one file end and other begins.
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Joined: November 16th, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby demigraff » April 27th, 2013, 4:05 am

Imagine your brain is like a maze, and trance is a place somewhere inside it. The induction, then, is a map or set of instructions to help you get there. Maybe the standard "move and more relaxed" script is like telling you to solve a maze by keeping one hand on the wall; its easy, but doesn't work for all mazes. And the confusion induction is like using a piece of string so you can remember where you've been: it works well, as long as you have enough string.

Over-extended metaphor, I know, but what I want to say is ... just because an induction works well for someone else, doesn't mean it'll work well for you.

As far as the changing voices go, I know at least one of my inductions has the suggestion to stay in trance even if the voice changes. I believe Cardigan did one of those too ("Over to next file" or something? My memory's a little vague).

Or, you could ask a 'tist to re-record your favourite body in the same voice. If you find one of my inductions works well for you, I'd be happy to record a body to go with it if you have the script.

Good luck, anyway :)
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Postby WatDo » April 27th, 2013, 8:39 pm

Blank also has a suggestion that lets you play another file that has a different speaker. However for me, my files need to be very literal. If it gives me the option to either move to the next file or wake up, then it'll ruin my deep trance...
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