Curse files

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Curse files

Postby Hank01 » April 29th, 2013, 5:56 am

I have some success with some files here, but can't get a curse file to work. Can someone offer me some advice? Thanks.
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Postby Endo » April 29th, 2013, 8:45 pm

Which file, specifically? I can address this question generally, or specifically, so I'll start with a general answer. Basically, are you listening often enough, long enough, etc., do you really want the file's effects, do you trust the 'tist, is the file written/spoken comfortably for you, etc. Do you often use binaurals, was this file with/out binaurals, did you feel that the induction was as effective as the other inductions you've used, (I feel this one's important, if you're used to an induction, you will associate that specific induction with trancing, so it can be weird if you change inductions.)

These are some general questions to ask yourself to evaluate the potential effectiveness of a file. If you listen sporadically, even over a long period of time, or you're unsure of the effects, don't trust the 'tist, or something is just off or "wrong" with the file, it can make it harder for the effects to, well, take effect. This is why I like to write my own files, because I trust myself and my voice, and I know that I want the effects of my own file. I also write in a way that appeals to me. I use extra effects (binaurals, isochronic tones, etc.) that I know work for me. I can take care of all these little hang-ups, and then all I've got to deal with is finding the time to actually listen to the file.
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Postby Hank01 » April 29th, 2013, 9:50 pm

Thank you for that great reply. Lately I have been listening to the muscle beast file along with the muscle bound file. I listen to the beast one every night before I fall asleep and again every morning at 6 for about 3 times. I have been doing that for about a month now and still don't see any effects.
Probably one problem is that I have an iPad now and can't seem to listen to
any files at all. I listen the the beast file from my iPod but that does not have an induction, just the body. I don't know why I can't listen to files anymore on my iPad. My laptop died and got the iPad to replace it.

I have also noticed that the files, from my iPad, that I have had some success are ones that not EMG's voice. For some reason if I listen to someone else's voice I will have some success. I have never had success with one from EMG. I don't have a clue why that is.

I have started to listen to YouTube Binaraul files. I am trying to be patient and hope they will work as well. Is there a secret to listening to them?

I thank you in advance for any advice you can send my way. If I could download or even just listen to a file on here with this iPad, I would definitely become a paying member again. Right now there is no point in paying on here and not being able to listen to anything.
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Postby Endo » April 30th, 2013, 12:53 pm

You may be OVERlistening. I suppose you may also not like/trust EMG. The only "secret" to binaurals is that you have to listen with earbuds/headphones. I don't have an iPad, are you able to sync music to it like with iPods? If you are able to sync songs through iTunes, then there may be something wrong with yours or the way your iPad and computer are interacting.
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Postby Hank01 » April 30th, 2013, 9:49 pm

I am able to download music from the iPad store onto my iPad. I don't think there is anyway I can load songs from the iPad to the iPod like I used to with my old laptop. I will have to visit Verizon and check it out. Thanks for your insight and understanding. If you can think of anything else that might help me succeed with the curse, I'm all yours.
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Postby Endo » April 30th, 2013, 10:14 pm

If the fact that the file presents itself as a "curse" might put you off of it a bit, then try to edit out the permanence suggestions. Those suggestions might make the files more accepted by some people, but if you're a dominant personality, they might interfere with your conscious personality a bit. They work well with addictive or submissive personalities, though.
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Postby Hank01 » May 2nd, 2013, 9:44 pm

I have always thought myself more of a dominant personality but I also have a very addictive side to me as well.mmaybe that is why I have been listening to that file for a while now. I almost need to hear it to fall asleep and start my day. Soon the effects should start to work. The file does say something about things working slowly. Patience is not one of my strong characteristics for sure.
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Postby Endo » May 2nd, 2013, 10:45 pm

I know the feeling. I've only managed to get one file to work over the past year, and that was Bubble. I just give up on files too quickly.
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