terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby PowerHoden » March 25th, 2013, 7:24 am

Last edited by PowerHoden on July 17th, 2014, 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby paulsd23 » March 25th, 2013, 8:39 am

im listening now :)
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Postby masterdo77 » March 25th, 2013, 9:15 am

If i place a bet i pay the price if i lose. Thats the reason why i didn't bet, but all others which played the game should pay the bill!
If you are interested message me here or on Skype (masterdo77). Cam and mic needed, like to see and hear you while under.
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Postby robindf1 » March 25th, 2013, 3:58 pm

PowerHoden wrote:
robindf1 wrote:What did you expect, though? Nothing is really compelling anyone to listen.

Pride is compelling you to do it.

You have gone with the bet and you should take the consequences. Else you are just pathetic if you cant stand to your own word.

I could have a tiny dick or I could not make good on some bet I made on the internet while I was horny. You have to do better than that if you want to compel anyone.
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Postby PowerHoden » March 25th, 2013, 6:15 pm

Last edited by PowerHoden on July 17th, 2014, 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby robindf1 » March 25th, 2013, 7:10 pm

Still not quite doing it for me. Thankfully. I hope you do manage to get someone else suckered in.
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Postby WatDo » March 25th, 2013, 8:01 pm

Considering what this file does, I think you'd have to be an a-hole to try and sucker someone into doing it. If you have to pressure someone into doing it just for your own sick pleasure, that's probably when you've crossed the line. Then again this site is for this weird kind of thing so meh.

robindf1 wrote:Still not quite doing it for me. Thankfully. I hope you do manage to get someone else suckered in.

Good for you, sir. Enjoy having a dick that's still usable.
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Postby boomsmee » March 25th, 2013, 9:06 pm

As much as I enjoy seeing other people getting transformed, I do see the reasoning behind him not wanting to listen, and did not bet myself because I do not want to have a non reversible effect on myself. But then again he did make the bet knowing full when what he was getting into, so in my opinion since he made the bet and lost, he does owe a debt, however I believe there is more than one way to pay a debt, and suggest a compromise. Instead of listening to the curse of the teenie weenie file, I suggest we let him pick from different curse files of similar magnitude that can be removed with a removal file after a period of time, but because he wouldn't listen to the originally agreed on file the time should be extended, 3 months of listening. I have chosen the following 3 files as they are of similar magnitude, they all have had advocates of the files being effective, they are all free, all are removable within a year of starting, and have a removal file available. Robindf1, feel free to pick from the following 3 files:

1. Curse Stroke Sissy
2. Curse Forced Gay (if straight)
3. Curse Bed Wetting

So robindf1 pick your poison, And do keep in mind that even though this is a longer commitment, the effects of these files can be removed after you have finished listening if you do not like the effects. Let us know your choice, and keep us updated weekly on the effects.
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Postby robindf1 » March 26th, 2013, 11:43 am

Nevermind...I looped the curse from my speakers as I slept. No changes...yet.
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Postby WatDo » March 26th, 2013, 11:11 pm

robindf1 wrote:Nevermind...I looped the curse from my speakers as I slept. No changes...yet.

Bad idea. But ok.
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Postby Jamess14 » March 27th, 2013, 3:01 pm

I'll listen to it for a few days, don't really think it can work. :)
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Postby regulus » March 28th, 2013, 7:50 am

i haven't been able to listen to the file as much due to work and my only camra broke >.< just one thing on top of another .. i'm sorry guys
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Postby WatDo » March 28th, 2013, 6:50 pm

Jamess14 wrote:I'll listen to it for a few days, don't really think it can work. :)

RULE NO1: If it can't be reversed, don't listen. You may regret it if it does work.

I thought files here didn't work. But yet here I am, with a slightly bigger cock. . . So much for not working.
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Postby Jamess14 » March 29th, 2013, 10:09 am

That's just it, I believe it can sorta work short term by you not getting really hard so it'll appear smaller or whatever. The part I'm not really convinced is it being permanent and really noticable on your daily life.

But hey, maybe it'll prove me wrong. :wink:
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Postby jearns » April 1st, 2013, 2:24 pm

Listened to the subliminal file last night - disliked the weird noises and background was disruptive. I've listened to these penis shrink files maybe once every two months.

I downloaded the normal file and listened while awake once, and again while awake where I edited out some of the parts I didn't like and shortened the file. Honestly, I hate nipple play, so I cut those out.

With this new edit, I was going to try doing it some more. I tried to get hard today and it was very difficult to actually maintain an erection to take a "before" pic. I usually am around 5.75" hard and peak at 6 right at the horniest moment before climax. It was very hard to obtain it today.

Let's see how it goes with my modified version of the file!

Don't ask me for it; I don't know the copyright crap. I edited it on my own for my own use, and not sure if I can share it. Sarngolia did an OK job, but I like to tweak files to fit my needs, so I can trust the file more.
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Postby diode168 » April 3rd, 2013, 7:40 am

I have the urge to make a this file is a less painful version of the pain Olympics joke.
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Postby BearBoy83 » April 3rd, 2013, 11:44 am

everyone who replied to this thread I've secretly hypnotised you and made your penis shrink regardless of whether you listen to the file or not
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Postby regulus » April 4th, 2013, 8:42 am

uh huh right lol
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Postby boomsmee » April 4th, 2013, 5:16 pm

Ignore him. I secretly hypnotized him to make him think he secretly hypnotized everyone on this board.
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Postby hurryfy » April 4th, 2013, 11:09 pm

So how much would one need to listen to this file for it to have an effect? Because I only listened to it about 3 or 4 times over the course of last weekend but didn't figure it was enough to really do anything. Lately though I've noticed that my dick seems a bit smaller than usual and I'm wondering if its possible that the file actually is affecting me
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Postby masterdo77 » April 5th, 2013, 12:28 am

A few guys listened only once or twice to this file an lost their package over the next weeks.
If you are interested message me here or on Skype (masterdo77). Cam and mic needed, like to see and hear you while under.
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Postby robindf1 » April 5th, 2013, 12:44 am

My dick is safe!
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Postby BearBoy83 » April 5th, 2013, 12:28 pm

boomsmee wrote:Ignore him. I secretly hypnotized him to make him think he secretly hypnotized everyone on this board.

ah reverse psychology
very clever ;)
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Postby cloudrider07 » April 5th, 2013, 4:09 pm

Its cool to hear new people just starting off.
My little package is as small as its going to get. 3.5" hard. It can pull in soft. Without effort, I can go days just forgetting about sex and not even get hard.
I feel softer and its soo nice now to feel such a small package that does not get in the way. Without even noticing it, I sit and stand without the restriction of the boys being in the way, so I notice that I naturally take feminine poses. The other day I was talking to someone while standing, and I put my left foot to the right of my right foot and stood cross legged like you see girls do.
My testosterone has really eased up. I feel less hindered by it and appreciate things like beauty, submission, and even smells more. I actually had my t levels checked, and I didn't before I started listening, but its at 270 for a 30 y/o male. It should be between 500 and 900. Its kind of humiliating and hot to know there are average men my age in large numbers out there with 3x more testosterone than me.

I don;t remember liking or wanting to be less of a man before listening, but now i love it.
Comments or questions?

I'll be around here and there, and cant wait to hear new progress from people.
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Postby PowerHoden » April 5th, 2013, 5:08 pm

Last edited by PowerHoden on July 17th, 2014, 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jearns » April 6th, 2013, 5:58 pm

listening process is going well.

I don't always notice it, but using a urinal today, I REALLY noticed that my cock looked small when using the urnial. totally hot thought. when i was going under and he kept saying penis shrink, i kept thinking of that image of me going to pee and my cock looking really small.

small penis images have been flashing in my head when i listen to the file, so i am def. really internalizing it.

i'll take an update photo on monday (1 week after my 1st update photo with a ruler, but have a "pre" photo without a ruler)

my cock and balls feel tingly sometimes. is that a sign it's working :)
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Postby mondaytuesday » April 6th, 2013, 6:16 pm

teeny weenies tingle. Yep. That is a sign for you. Mine tingles and when it tingles it tightens and shrivels really tight and the tighter it gets, the more it tingles cause everything is bunched up.

i can't use the urinal anymore cause weenie too teeny. i have to sit.

or sometimes I know my new infant weenie belongs in a diaper. and then it has to go in one. but when I have on a diaper, I feel so different and stuff.
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Re: yeah

Postby jearns » April 6th, 2013, 6:21 pm

mondaytuesday wrote:teeny weenies tingle. Yep. That is a sign for you. Mine tingles and when it tingles it tightens and shrivels really tight and the tighter it gets, the more it tingles cause everything is bunched up.

i can't use the urinal anymore cause weenie too teeny. i have to sit.


Nice. Glad to know it's working :D

I also try my best to sit to pee, even with my (probably less than 5.75") weenie. My usual rule, which I only follow 50% of the time, is stand for a urnial, sit everywhere else.

Any other tricks to speed stuff up?

I also noticed its hard to get hard sometimes! Loving it. Hoping that the testosterone doesn't go too much, I edited out a lot of the ball shrinking, but I kept some in, so it shrinks a bit, I think up till the 12 year old size.
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teeny weenies

Postby larrn » April 6th, 2013, 11:20 pm

Have listened on and off over the last year. My penis is 2" soft and about 5" erect.
Should I listen more and hope for a smaller penis.
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Postby jearns » April 8th, 2013, 4:27 pm

After 1 week, seems I lost 1/4". Are those good or bad results?

Like feeling the "tingle" :P

Photos here:
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french loser under curse

Postby virginchasteboy » April 30th, 2013, 7:51 pm

Hello I have listened to the curse of teenie weenie twice not sure it would work.

I can't get a hard on since I did even if I masturbate for a long time or watch exciting videos. I also have the impression that it has already shrinked a little but maybe it is just a feeling?

I do hope it works I would really like to become completely impotent and to get a tiny piece of dangling meat and to become like a young teen, obedient, chaste scorned,laughed at and mocked, commented.

I woud like to know if it still works if I listen to it while sleeping and also if I listen to it during the day but not being concentrated on it. I would like to hear the curse in the most efficient way so that my balls and sex shrink up to the point of almost being gone so that this summer even a 12 year old could laugh at seeing me on a naturist beach.
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Postby PowerHoden » May 1st, 2013, 11:01 am

Last edited by PowerHoden on July 17th, 2014, 6:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

Postby Tangy » May 1st, 2013, 12:27 pm

privateidaho03 wrote:respects to master sarnoga ... my palms are sweating and i'm shaking ... just to realize how quickly his teenie weenie curse is working.

i didn't really think it through before i listened to the file. famous last words? the idea reminded me of an old fantasy of mine and i thought i'd check it out ... i didn't even listen all the way through!

two weeks ago i had a pretty big cock ... 7"+ long by 6" around. today i've been edging for hours to get a really firm erection, and the biggest it gets is ... get this ... 5"! i can't believe i've lost 2" of my manhood in two weeks!! and i've also lost about an inch in girth! wtf?! i really had no idea it would just work ... like this. how long do i have left? if i keep shrinking at this rate... maybe a month before all i've got is an "angry inch!!"

i don't have money for a curse reversal right now. i don't even see one for the teenie weenie curse listed on the site! wtf am i supposed to do!? the weird part is, i'm kinda falling in love with idea of having a teenie weenie. i feel ambivalent about even reversing the curse. the creepy part is, i know the "me" i was two weeks ago, would never have been cool with this. no fucking way dude! i have been an avid pussy fucker for fifteen years!! no chick is gonna wanna fuck me after another month! holy fucking shit WTF!!!!???!

If you are serious about becoming a men again Sweaty then here is my file please post a praise report for me on the site under success Story's that's all I Ask .

Welcome to WarpMyMind!

Close• Name: Cosmic Fire Deprogrammer 3
Description: Deprogram those pasty little files that you changed your mind about, or made a mistake listing too Anyone can use. feedback please Permanent
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-02-23 Downloaded: 131 Length: 13:14
Effect: Permanent Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human
Total Votes: 2
Permanent Link: Cosmic Fire Deprogrammer 3
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Postby virginchasteboy » May 6th, 2013, 2:59 am

I am still wondering if the curse is efficient if I listen to it while sleeping and if it is efficient if I listen to it during day time but not being concentrated on it.

I would be glad to get advice of experienced and serious people on this matter.

I am still listening to the curse and have added some other hypno to try and increase the destruction of my sexuality and sexual life and to worsen my situation. I hope they all work.

I am still unable to get hard even if I masturbate for a very long time and watch exciting videos. I hope will become completely and definitively impotent, worthless, frustrated and humiliated and that I will be laughed at,mocked, commented, scorned like a ridiculous very young teen slave.

I am entirely smooth since a slave boy can't be entitled to have any hair either, not being a man.

For those interested here is the list of the other hypno filesI have added to my list to listen regularly:

sarnoga's Teenage boy bitch 1 and2; curse castration, curse chastity vow, curse ccp, Cals' chastity, Cals curse w bineural effects.

I hope all this will succeed in ruining completely and definitively my sexuality and sexual life and that I will be exposed as the useless worthless pathetic loser I am.
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Postby regulus » May 6th, 2013, 3:35 am


Oh geez I lost a inch v.v I don't know if I wanna keep doing this
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Postby MrLes » May 6th, 2013, 9:02 am

very nice regulus... keep listening
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Postby regulus » May 6th, 2013, 9:31 am

But ....but.... OK I guess so
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Postby MrLes » May 7th, 2013, 9:32 am

you enjoy your teeny weenie... you like it getting smaller an smaller
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Postby regulus » May 7th, 2013, 12:32 pm

But I don't wanna lose all of it ^\\\\^
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Postby KIY » May 7th, 2013, 2:42 pm

Maybe you can find someone to lose it for you...? :P
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Postby jearns » May 7th, 2013, 3:44 pm

regulus wrote:http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_itemId=129982

Oh geez I lost a inch v.v I don't know if I wanna keep doing this

hot. mines down like 3/4 but i havent listened in like 2 weeks so the effect is wearing off I feel.
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Postby virginchasteboy » May 7th, 2013, 3:53 pm

I have put 6 pics of me in the "show me your cock" gallery so that everyone can see the present state of my nullification.

I can't get hard any longer.

feel free to comment

the pics are of virginchasteboy
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Postby regulus » May 7th, 2013, 5:17 pm

Yeah I'm not that lucky lol
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Postby maskedanonymity » May 8th, 2013, 3:16 am

I've been reading over this thread and really found this file interesting, so I finally listened to it a couple of times a week or so back, and I've since seen some small results, but still waiting for more.

If I could get a little help I just have one question about this:

Is there a guaranteed age regression feeling associated with the effects of the file, like MondayTuesday was talking about? I hope not, since I'm not into that at all personally. I just want to feel like an adult guy who's...*ahem* inadequate ;) And I don't want to be able to go back on it, so I want to stick with this curse file if I can.

I understand that in hypnosis nothing will happen unless some part of you wants it, but then again I'm not an expert, so I thought I'd put it to you guys.

Thanks. :)
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Postby regulus » May 8th, 2013, 2:05 pm

Only bad thing is know my boxers feel too big
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Postby cloudrider07 » May 10th, 2013, 5:32 am

regulus wrote:Only bad thing is know my boxers feel too big

Its time to replace them with panties then, boxers are for men. Besides the tightness of them will help reduce blood flow and make the file work better and faster. Soon you will not feel the tightness of the panties anymore, and thats when it will invert in you when your soft. From my experience you will also see different and humiliating looks from women when out. I suggest you wear tight pants to reveal your shrinking member and you will enjoy the humiliation, i know you will.
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Postby regulus » May 10th, 2013, 7:06 am

Scary feeling today my weeny was tingling .. it didn't hurt just felt strange
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Postby regulus » May 12th, 2013, 4:13 pm


Not a whole lot of change but deffently softer now
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Postby regulus » May 13th, 2013, 12:17 pm

Well I'm done .... I feel as though I should stop with this I do want kids someday lol... plus I need to focus on my real life ....
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Postby virginchasteboy » May 14th, 2013, 7:39 pm

Hello to all I am still working on the complete and total destruction of my sexual life and sexuality. The desire and sexual needs are still there which is important otherwise it wouldn't be interesting not causing any frustration, suffering nor humiliation but I can't get the slightest beginning of erection even if I masturbate for a very long time and watch exciting videos.

I think that thanks to Sarnoga's Curse of the Teenie Weenie and Limp Clitty training loop I am becoming completly sexually inadequate and uninteresting hopefully in a definitive way.

I am looking forward to see my useless smooth dangling piece of dead meat shrink to nothing so that I can be exposed publicly for everyone to have a good look at and a good laugh.

I would be very glad to know what people think of me and the pics I have put in the album on this site and would also be very glad to have answers to the questions I have asked in this discussion which haven't been answered by anyone yet.
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