basically it's not secrete that I possibly have three personalities. two Japanese girls with me inside my head buttttt.. I noticed since my hypnosis has been working{trust me long story on how i did that.} the thing is I can only triger two of the personalities and I confused. the hing is i think the problem lies in the fact that I have one trigger that does both girls. I say "me so horny me love you long time and i become straight Japanese school girl I think. the fact f the matter is the turn off words are ya-we and That seem to turn me asexual "completely.>" I can't get it up t nothing but when I am in school girl mode. "again I think." I am that pretty much. the problem is there is a lesbian personality in there some where and I am trying to figure out how to trigger it,
plus one last thing. the words don't turn my personality completely yet. I guess I'll have to figure it out because I hate to lose my lust for women at all.