Can't get over a hypnotist that abandoned me

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Can't get over a hypnotist that abandoned me

Postby Jadit » May 14th, 2013, 7:13 pm

I'm sure some of you are familiar with Elena at ... so am i for well over a year. Then i happened to write something in file comments, and she bans me without any warnings. Giving no chance to explain what happened and so on. She just blocks my emails without reading them, saying FU, and that i should never listen to her files again.

I can guarantee 100% that she raised an issue out of absolutely nothing. Problem is, her files are the ones i was learning hypnosis with on almost a daily schedule. I can't get over something like that :( I still like her, and everybody related to the whole community, but i hate that she doesn't understand me. Her files are unique, something i can't find similar anywhere else. I can't listen to her files with hard feelings, and that puts my whole hypnosis subject, and my whole life a mess.

Here i am writing this in the middle of the night, because i couldn't even sleep, thinking about this issue. And it's now well over a month after it happened. I've been trying to get over it by learning to listen to other hypnotists, but it's just not the same, especially with these feelings lurking behind.

So i need someone to help me contact Elena and speak for me. I have written her many very long emails, without receiving any response. I will also answer to any questions you might have about it.

Well, the whole thing started on file comment (i found it a little funny that the nickname included "lady", but her voice was that of a male):
"Dear lady, you have a very male voice :)"

Turned out that he is a she (transgender female), and that some might find that a little offensive. Who knows, i asked her, and she didn't care. It's like Elena hates all male in general, is that it? I do some crossdressing myself, and wish i was born female myself, so why would i do such comment, with offensive thoughts, if i am among the offended people category myself? I also tried to explain to her what i meant by that, but was too lazy to write a long message back then:
"Hi, i appreciate the new hypnosis files, but i would hope more with female voice. This is because i listen to many Elena's files such as Obey Women, Submissive female form, and so on, which make female voice much more effective. So male voiced files are partially contradicting to many other files in this site. But sure there still are many people who prefer male voice aswell."

All in all, file description didn't say what gender the file was voiced on. I only wanted to let others know which one it was, because it can make a huge difference.
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 14th, 2013, 10:49 pm

i too am a big fan of elena's work. i wish she had a better microphone though. i am sorry to hear she permabanned you as well, people make mistakes and say the wrong things sometimes.

i am not surprised you are still yearning for her files. not only is her command of language is strong and her files are creative and well thought out, but she also has suggestions to increase devotion in almost all of her files. rejection is tough even without hypnosis thrown in the mix.

it irks me a little that there are so many files out there to enslave subjects to a master who is no longer active. perhaps someone should make a general release file like deprogram all but more geared towards these kind of situations.

there are quite a few other hypnotists out there who do that mix of story and functional hypnosis but most of the good ones i can think of are male, not as prolific, and dont cover the same subjects she does. i hope you find someone who works well for you.
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Postby Jadit » May 15th, 2013, 2:51 am

You don't seem much moved from my file comment itself, in fact i have talked to few others about it and none of them are. I could use honest opinions about it too, was it that severe that Elena had to come at me with "What the fuck is wrong with you?"? If she's really the kind hypnotist i thought she was, does that make her worthy to even try to follow?

I happened to mention to her quickly that i disagree the way she uses curse words in her public forum posts very often. She didn't see anything wrong with that. :roll:
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Postby Endo » May 15th, 2013, 10:58 am

Transgender people are rather touchy about most gender topics. "Real" people are different from how porn portrays them, and shemale porn is really offensive to most transgendered people, and a lot of shemale porn is faked. I have a tumblr blog thing where I reblog shemales and a bunch of other kinky stuff. I've never had someone call me on the carpet for using the industry terms, but I've seen it happen to other tumblrs. Most people don't know how to talk to transgendered people, just because there are so many misconceptions and questions that need answers, but the transgendered community knows all these answers, so they get angry whenever an outsider asks annoying questions that "everyone knows the answer to".

I think she was out of line. You made an innocent observation, and no matter how offensive it seemed to her, she had no right to react like she did. A person in a position of power should be able to talk to someone without being offended by an ignorant comment.
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 15th, 2013, 12:21 pm

Jadit wrote:You don't seem much moved from my file comment itself, in fact i have talked to few others about it and none of them are. I could use honest opinions about it too, was it that severe that Elena had to come at me with "What the fuck is wrong with you?"? If she's really the kind hypnotist i thought she was, does that make her worthy to even try to follow?

i dont know the whole story and i dont know what she was thinking so its hard for me to make a comment on either of your actions. one thing i can say though is that doms are in a positon to help their subs grow into better people. if your sub is doing something you dont approve of you are in a position to modify their behavior and help them grow into better people. i dont think saying "fuck you, go away forever" is a very effective way of doing that.

it important to remember that even though we build up doms as these figures of devotion that at the end of the day they are just as human as the rest of us and are also equally capable of making a mistake.
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Postby Jadit » May 15th, 2013, 3:05 pm

Thank you for those words. They do help me get over it, even if real solution cannot be found.
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Postby Mutazoa » May 15th, 2013, 10:01 pm

All I can say is, some people believe too much in their own hype. All too often I've witnessed site owners and moderators banning people for minor stuff just because they could, rather than having a solid reason. When tist's do this to their subs it's even worse. I've never been a big proponent of Elena...not really a big fan of tists that work addictive suggestions into their files to MAKE you keep buying them....and then to cut some one off cold turkey for any reason is just plain irresponsible.

Fortunately there are plenty of tist's in the sea and you should have no trouble finding another. Failing that, Elena's files are should I say....not always available strictly from Elena....
Sex is like Tennis: It should leave you sore, sweaty and breathless, and is almost always better enjoyed with more than one person.

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Postby Endo » May 15th, 2013, 10:44 pm

Heh. ^That last bit. Drop a 'tist with time on their hands a link, and see if they can hook you up with an addiction recovery file. Or, if you can script, try peice-mailing one together from some scripts for porn, cigarette, or other addiction recovery files.
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Postby Jadit » May 16th, 2013, 4:53 am

I don't think i need to bother with erasing files, luckily. Because i'm hard to hypnotize, i was still practising the basic thing of getting under. For best result to that i should have avoided changing hypnotist if at all possible. But i can tell that the practise is not in vain, changing hypnotist is clearly not the same as starting from scratch. Some of the feelings carry over, or get even stronger.
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 16th, 2013, 12:13 pm

Jadit wrote:I don't think i need to bother with erasing files, luckily. Because i'm hard to hypnotize, i was still practising the basic thing of getting under. For best result to that i should have avoided changing hypnotist if at all possible. But i can tell that the practise is not in vain, changing hypnotist is clearly not the same as starting from scratch. Some of the feelings carry over, or get even stronger.

i think its a good thing when you are starting out going into trance to listen to many hypnotists and find out what styles and techniques work best for you and then focus in on specific files. they all bring something different to the table and what you learn from one will usually cary over into the others.
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Postby Jadit » May 18th, 2013, 6:01 pm

More news on the story
That was defensive, but smart move, and she still does not understand at all what she did. There is only 1 reason, and 1 reason only that i made post to esuccubus forum, that she doesn't answer to any other of my contact attempts. She is an ignorant child.

I don't really like this guy. He said something I thought was disparaging about Lady Josephine, and when I told him I disliked what he said, he said it was a misunderstanding. I was willing to think about it.

She was willing to think about it? Yeah right, all i heard from her was:
"What the fuck is wrong with you?... <insert hurtful content> ... I do not want you associated with my site, commenting on it, listening to any of it - because you said josie has "a very male voice", you are ignorant and hurtful, if you do not understand why, you are proving the "ignorant" part. I will not receive future emails from you."

In this thread i already proved to you that i "understand why". It is difficult to find a person on the whole internet, who is as deeply against racism and all hostile talks against minorities, transsexual and what not. I defend their rights whenever i get the opportunity.

She made a permanent barrier on me, someone who only tried to solve things with peaceful diplomacy. *Imagines her putting fingers in her ears and sing Lalalalalalalaaa*

But in all seriousness, intent is not to hurt her, quite the opposite. I am a fan of her, and i want to listen to her files again with no hard feelings. I want to get my point across to her, one way or the other. In doing so, i'm also defending all of you hypno-people. If she pulls her hair off so easily with me (one of the most peaceful people on the planet), then i can imagine she could ban any one of you just on a whim.

Regards to Lady J thing, "Come at me bro", with best arguments you can muster. Nothing that i wrote in "ban-cause-comment" was hurtful on any imaginable level, and i still have respect for her. Elena's own interpretation was out of the box.

Thanks for your support, i hope.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » May 18th, 2013, 6:53 pm

I'm sorry for your experiences Jadit but sometimes, regardless of circumstances, right or wrong, you just have to move on.

Hypnosis makes it hard because, and this is a theory, when listening to a hypnotist it as if they actually "talk" directly to our feelings! It's a very intimate and personal way of communication and thus, hard to get over. I have felt this way to and in almost the exact same situation. Something I wrote, a story, and shared, with the hypnotist, was taking the wrong way and I was banned.

Life's a funny thing sometimes. All the best,
- uw_
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Postby Jadit » May 18th, 2013, 7:02 pm

Some also say "Some things are worth fighting for!", "Never give up!", and so on :) Well, through my efforts i have never lost my calm yet. Reasonably thinking there should be hope, if all cards are played well.

Sorry to hear it happened to you aswell. Hope you weren't as attached to his/her files at the point. It's shame that hypnotists can do that... aren't there any unspoken moral rules for hypnosis, to prevent this from happening?
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Postby MistE » May 19th, 2013, 5:32 am

Heyo all.

Of course, Jadit has posted only the positive parts of his story, and left out the fact that the original cause of my complaint was his referring to lady Josephine in the following way: "Hey "Lady" you have a very male voice" on the entry for her first file's comment material. Lady Josephine is trans, and this comment therefore irked me considerably and I barred him from the forums. I then found out he was going to other web sites and bringing the dispute public which is his right, and I remained silent about it because it's not my place to go stalking someone to other websites and complaining about them just because I found them hurtful to me and potentially hurtful to one of my co-tists. A part he conveniently left out of the story.

Jadit later explained that he felt there was a language barrier there. Which I sort of accepted until he started sending abusive mail to my inbox. So I had to block him on gmail, fair enough! Everyone has the right to say what they want and I respect that, I just don't have to allow it in my personal inbox. So he began spamming me on niteflirt, where I park some of my files for sale as payment mails and take contributions. Sooo I deleted those mails and moved on. So then he began posting things about this on my site - appeals for unbanning, complaints, statements he would hurt my reputation until I did what he wanted.. So I blocked him there on his new account, which he used to get around the original ban. I note at this point I had taken no serious punitive action. I informed him I rather didn't want people who ARE transphobic or insulting to me or my friends listening to my work or commenting on my site, but I did nothing that would prevent him making a new account, downloading from my site, or just enjoying himself and having a good time.

Then he began posting on my own personal forums saying "the story must be heard!" and talking about how since he was going to spam my forums every day, it would eventually get out and make my reputation suffer. I doubt this is seriously the case, and I wouldn't even be bothering to post here if he wasn't dragging this public. I IP banned him last night because he explicitly threatened to spam my forums.

I'm cool with owning what I did and being forthright: Jadit rubs me the wrong way. Especially this threatening, extortionist behavior that came AFTER the perceived insult to Josie. Allow me to share the now-deleted-and-ignored tumblr ask question he sent me:

"So you decided to IP ban me, i am a little disheartened to see that. Unfortunate for you, that is not a barrier to me. Oh well, you'll see the full story on the forums tomorrow, day after that and so on until you come back to your senses. I know there is more than dark heart still in you, i just have to warm it up a bit. Problem is, the more people get to see it, the more your credibility will start to crumble. There are many cases in history where dictators were taken down. -Jadit"

I posted about this on my site and he made two comment posts from a new account, evading the block and ip ban, and has indicated he will continue switching ip addresses and evading the block, forever, until I do what he wants. Just sharing another perspective - his behavior here is pretty terrible, and I'm not going to drag it much more public than to say: When you look at someone's actions and every side of the story favors them and paints them in a sympathetic light via their own words? Chances are good you are not getting the whole story.

Message to Jadit: Other forums are not a clearing house for your complaint or a place to continually throw tantrums until you get your way. My forums are not the place to spam and evade bans, please respect my decision which is made in light of your statement that you will spam "the truth" on my forums until "I am taken down". I mean even if your initial statements re: Josie and re: me were legitimate mistakes, your actions after were deliberate and willful like this morning's spam (which I finally got around to removing) and ban evasion.

P.P.S: I DID get a slightly better mic and better pc, and am remastering old stuff like obey women and night night presently.
Last edited by MistE on May 19th, 2013, 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jadit » May 19th, 2013, 5:46 am

1. I didn't only post positive parts, if you go through my first post, i mentioned that same sentence myself.

2. I am not transphobic, and you would know that if you're read anything i've said. I am anti-transphobic.

3. You didn't have to quote that same comment you posted in the "Vandal" post, i linked that same quote myself few posts back. In equal manner you are conviniently only showing positive parts from your perspective, and kindly ignoring the things that matter.

You invaded my personal life first, that is a fact. You were part of my life for a year, and then you came and broke everything to pieces, just because you didn't understand what i said.

No, i don't want to be at war with you, i only want to talk to you and clear it up. You said you were willing to think about it, funny that this is first time you have said anything of that kind. You were just badmouthing me, ignoring everything i say. I didn't even know if you read anything i wrote.
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Postby MistE » May 19th, 2013, 5:54 am

In your original comment, "Lady" was in quotemarks like that. It is important to note that, it makes a difference as to why I drew the inference I did and I think I will continue to draw it. Saying you're not transphobic or misogynistic and so on doesn't make it so.

In the spirit of reading things people say: Please stop spamming my forums and evading blocks and bans, please stop spamming my tumblr, niteflirt, and gmail. Please just stop. This is no longer about the rightness or wrongness of your initial actions -which I feel is debatable given the insults hurled my way after the initial barring - this is now about you attempting to make my life so miserable that I do what you want. Because as a matter of principle it would be wrong for me to go "oh well he's complained about me in a ton of places, spammed my forums, inconvenienced my fans, and left intimidating "notes" in my inbox, better give him what he wants!" there is no circumstance under which I can now accept you are acting in good faith, pretty much in light of your actions and continued insistence that all of your activities have been right and correct. Do not come to my site and post hurtful content or email me or contact me and so on. I will stop responding here because I already feel bad for dragging this dispute onto someone else's site, and I apologize to the WMM forum denizens, in light of this. Thanks in advance.
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Postby Jadit » May 19th, 2013, 6:05 am

Fuck i'm so through with this. You proved to me very well that you have not developed any level of empathy. You are not worthy of following as a hypnotist, if you treat your clients like disposable paper. Just lock this thread if means be. I will not bother you anymore.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » May 19th, 2013, 7:56 am

Well, proof once again that... it's always good to hear both sides of a story ;)
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Postby Jadit » May 19th, 2013, 8:55 am

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:Well, proof once again that... it's always good to hear both sides of a story ;)

Well, we left alot of the debate outside the public posts :) (Though public posts are only way she communicates back to me. She never sent me any private messages after the ban, i was like air.) I can fill you in on more details if you want to know more.

Ok, she said my emails were hurtfully written spam. Let me show you 1 of them (most, if not all others were written in the same tone):
Hi, i hope you have calmed down since we last spoke :) I just want to clear things between us, because i still feel bad about it, that you misunderstood me so horribly, and never let me clear it up.

I made afterwards a topic about it on other forums, and received alot of positive support. All the people i did speak to, didn't feel offended by "dear lady you have a very male voice". Its meaning may depend on context a little, but also depends on emotions behind those words, which in my case were written with nothing else than light friendly smile. It became clear that those emotions were not passed on to you, and you thought i was some "drug-addict murderer that has nothing but black thoughts". And you taught me there is a distinct difference between "male trans" and "female trans". I have never dealt with these wordings before so i was dumbstruck when you pointed that out. And mind you, i did not know anything about Lady J at the time of posting that file comment. You knew her biological identity, i did not.

Yes i spoke to Lady J also with couple words aswell, and she wasn't offended at all by what i understood. My nightflirt account run out of free messages so i couldn't message her further. Although i would if i could, because when i have been treated unjust, i will do everything in my power to correct it. After you blocked my email i thought of alot and alot of ways to contact you, but in the end i feel like i only have to send more emails... instead of public messages which might do harm to your reputation. Because i'm 100% certain that i'm at the right side of things, and you did wrong to me. Ban a dedicated fan of yours, with no warning whatsoever to give a second chance. Never seen any other forums do that. There's hardly anyone i can actually talk about this either. I can't speak to family or friends, because i don't want to reveal my interest in kinky hypnosis. So i'm pretty much left all alone with my thoughts.

Ok, what actually went on in my mind writing the post was, well i could have written otherwise but it was first thing that came to mind, and i thought it was "good enough", and hit post button. It was difficult to put my thoughts into words, so i hesitated long time from posting anyway. What i could have written, is exactly the same (what i think) in other words (i was just too lazy to write a long message like this):
"Hi, i appreciate the new hypnosis files, but i would hope more with female voice. This is because i listen to many Elena's files such as Obey Women, Submissive female form, and so on, which make female voice much more effective. So male voiced files are partially contradicting to many other files in this site. But sure there still are many people who prefer male voice aswell."

I just want to correct whatever there is to correct, and carry on. I want to continue listening to Elena files, but i don't want that experience to be sad one. So please accept me as a human being again, as fan of your works.

- Jadit

She didn't actually at any point give me any chance to redeem myself. I did not act offensively towards her at any point. What would have happened if i had waited 1 year, 2 years? Nothing. It was the only way i had to solve the matter, and it failed. I tried to the best of my ability to establish friendly relations again, but i was against a brickwall to begin with. She proved that her heart is made of stone, and there's nothing i can do about it. So i just have to move on.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » May 19th, 2013, 9:27 am

Yes, please move on... for everyone's benefit! She has made it clear she wants nothing to do with you. Whether you feel it's right or wrong does not matter, that's her position. And your continued postings makes you seem simply out to "get" her.

I know it's tough but understand this... finding a hypnotist who's files you LOVE is similar to falling in love. At least for me it was. But it's different for the hypnotist. For the subject it's a one on one feeling! Very intimate and very personal.

But, and this is a big but, for the hypnotist it's a one to many type relationship. Their demand from many many users is not so quite intimate and personable, for them. This obviously is a typical generalization and thus, not applicable to every hypnotist's situation with each follower/subject.

- uw_
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Postby melissatownsend » June 22nd, 2013, 10:27 am

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:Yes, please move on... for everyone's benefit! She has made it clear she wants nothing to do with you. Whether you feel it's right or wrong does not matter, that's her position. And your continued postings makes you seem simply out to "get" her.

- uw_

^This please.

The internet provides public access but not every site is public in the manner of being able to do anything you want. Too many people seem to think that because they can go inside the door they can behave however they want without recourse. A website is more like going to a publicly accessible space like Walmart or a bookstore. You can go inside, look around, try some things on, but a certain level of behavior is expected.

If you start filling in the crossword puzzles in a book at a bookstore you'll be asked to leave or at least pay for the book. If you want to try on an outfit and start stripping down in the middle of the store you'll be asked to put your clothes back on and leave the store. These type of stores are public access but still privately owned or run. Just because you can go inside doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Some stores are clubs that are members only and thus the access is restricted, but there is still an expected level of behavior required - violate that and you get removed.

Websites are like this. They're accessible to the public or to the site membership, but a certain level of behavior is required. Exceeding that level of behavior often means being removed, suspended, banned, etc.

Jadit, while it may be a coin toss as to whether the initial issue you had with Ms Elena might have been a language barrier problem, your behavior after that is questionable. Getting around an IP ban is just bad form all around, and spamming someone because you got banned is bad form again. Upping the ante by going around to multiple web forums and posting rants and starting flame wars severely diminishes whatever credibility you might have had.

The behavior you have chosen to utilize in your various romps through the website world regarding your issue with Ms Elena makes you look not only in the wrong, but also childish and likened to the flame wars often seen on gaming forums for things like Call of Duty. Put simply, while there's a possibility that you might have been a language barrier issue at first, your behavior since has put you in a well deserved perma-ban category and your continued postings in multiple sites just confirms that view in many minds.
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Postby NomdeFemme » June 22nd, 2013, 1:58 pm

Jadit wrote:
2. I am not transphobic, and you would know that if you're read anything i've said. I am anti-transphobic.

Jadit, I'm a transsexual, and I'm offended at the way you addressed Lady Josephine. You say you are not transphobic, and are supportive of trans issues. If that's the case, I find it hard to believe you would have the insensitivity to make the comment that got you in this trouble. But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Elena is under no obligation to do that. I appreciate she was acting for her friend, and that was a good thing to do.

This is the first I'm hearing about this matter. I only have the public statements you have both made to judge by, but you just posted something which is ridiculous in the extreme. This:

You invaded my personal life first, that is a fact. You were part of my life for a year, and then you came and broke everything to pieces, just because you didn't understand what i said.

This is complete nonsense. Here's what you actually did: You visited a hypnotists site, chose to download the files she made freely available for no gain. I assume this included the files where she warned that they were addictive or might give you feelings of devotion towards Elena (not many of her files do, by the way, and she is VERY good about giving such warnings - I've listened to many of her files and had no difficulty avoiding those that have effects I don't want).

So, she did not invade your personal life. You invited her into yours. But you were still only listening to her recordings - you had no relationship with her. She owes you nothing.

With this statement, that she invaded your personal life, you are demonstrating an unbelievable sense of entitlement. This makes Elena's description of your stalker behaviour afterwards very easy to believe.

You also say you aren't a very good subject and hadn't learned to go very deep. That destroys any credible claim you had that she might have got into your head and that her trances drove you to this. Stop blaming her. Accept responsibility for your actions.

If this behaviour is not normal for you, you've learned a very important lesson: that you can get too emotionally involved with hypnosis (I've been there, I kind of know what you might be going through). In a little while, you'll look back and think, "Man, I was crazy, did I really act like that?"

Take a step back, take a week or a month away from hypnosis (or alternatively, throw yourself into the recordings of a different hypnotist). You'll get over it and be able to move on.

Good luck.
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Postby Jadit » June 23rd, 2013, 1:00 pm

Elena finally gave me a PM of not want to discuss with me about anything. That's cool, to have some clarity to the issue. It is clear that i can't join her site anymore, because she doesn't want me. No amount of work on my part changes that, so i won't even bother.

But by the comments, it seems you still don't really understand.

Jadit, I'm a transsexual, and I'm offended at the way you addressed Lady Josephine.

First lets be clear of what actually happened first:
I saw new hypnotist made files on site. So i listened to 1 and noticed it was done with male voice. File description didn't tell that, so i thought some comment should make that known. Then i saw that the hypnotist's name started with "Lady*". I figured she might be crossdresser or cosplayer, as they are common in kinky websites, so i wrote a little lightheartedly "Dear "lady", you have a very male voice :) ". Turned out she was a trans-sex female, and Elena thought i was insulting her...

So how was i insulting trans, if i didn't know he/she was a trans in a first place. I did not know his/hers gender or anything. I understand completely how Elena would want to protect a hypnotist just entering site, and give them best possible experience. In answering Elena's first query emails about incident, i was completely in shock, not knowing what to say exactly. I was frightened, and on edge of tears. Anything i said was quickly turned against me and it turned more and more desperate. Until 2 emails she banned me. I did not know how to address trans- as i've never met or communicated with one in my life. I don't see them in any media, and hardly even on kinky sites anyone lets know being one. I have learned a little more since. Another thing is, that my mother-language doesn't have he/she, but 1 unisex word for it. For that reason i often refer female as "him". Lady J can confirm i addressed Elena herself as "him" once.

So, she did not invade your personal life. You invited her into yours. But you were still only listening to her recordings - you had no relationship with her. She owes you nothing.

I have never claimed being in a relationship with her. Her files are accessible not only in eSuccubus site, but here aswell, and who knows where else. It's almost like music i could listen from radio station, in a sense. What if you really like some piece of music, and artist lets you know, he doesn't want you listen to it? I don't feel i'm attached to Elena because of trancing, but because i like the style of her files, and it was great for learning hypnosis in the first place. It is really hard to get started with hypnosis, and that's where Elena comes in, also with good files for future.

And stop the free-files garbage, i could have donated to her, just as i could buy a music record. It is also equally anonymous, meaning Elena needs to care about me just as much as artist needs to care about each of his listeners, which is tiny tiny bit, if it's in measurable range.

Now then, what happened after the first emails, was me trying to reason with her and try to apologize in different ways. Mind you, until this point i had never lost my temper. I always wanted to just make things up, and she completely ignored me, not even answering back any message. If not for deep love for her files, i would have stopped long ago. I strongly felt, that if i can show my persistence and emotions of care for her files and community, she might soften. There i was wrong. She was always cold as ice, and that is the kind of personality that i can't melt.

It also made me question myself for my desire for her files in the first place, and it was a great struggle. Sometimes i can be very straight forward and blunt about things, so when i asked her why she so many times uses curse words in public messages, she said there was nothing wrong with that. I was starting to think, is she really worth following, if she has to curse to get her message said? Starting to sound like a typical alcoholic smoker type, which i don't feel much sympathy towards. I am almost absolutist myself, simply not needing alcohol to drown life problems away - there are no problems. Elena was my first real problem in life, and it was yet another reason, which drove me forward trying to solve it. I felt it would always be highly respected goal, to try solve social problems, which is why i will never regret my actions. I will however remember ignorance from Elena, who did nothing but wage war with me, by refusing acts of diplomacy.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » June 23rd, 2013, 1:21 pm

Now... you're just being slanderous. Grow up, learn and move the fuck on! Quit posting your diatribe over and over ad nausem.
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Postby Jadit » June 23rd, 2013, 1:23 pm

your behavior since has put you in a well deserved perma-ban category and your continued postings in multiple sites just confirms that view in many minds.

Unlike Elena likes to tell you, i am still a human being. I need to talk about things that trouble me. I do not wish to disturb local psychiatrists/whatever with such embarrassing subjects. It troubles me to no end, that i have a problem which i cannot solve... because person related to problem "sweeps it under carpet" instead of even trying to solve it. I needed to hear other people's opinions on lots related subjects.

As i compared hypnotists to music artists in previous post, you know it's not exactly true. Hypnotist thing is more intimate, something that can even dictate how you live your life. What do you do before and after waking up, or certain time of day. That is what hypnotists do to you, by not actually being in any real relation with you. In that way, if hypnotist denies that of me, he forces a change in my life. Is it OK that hypnotists can tell any person, that they can't listen to that hypnotist files? That's the topic that i've also seen arise, about hypnotist abusing his/her position of power. You don't need trance orders to change someone's life.

Now... you're just being slanderous. Grow up, learn and move the fuck on! Quit posting your diatribe over and over ad nausem.

2 other posts raised the topic up, so it was ok to answer.

One thing i still haven't really heard from others, is would they really have been ok with themselves if same thing happened to them. You can't compare something like this to ban from library or store for instance. They would never ban anyone for this light reasons, that's for damn sure.
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Postby WatDo » June 23rd, 2013, 2:14 pm

Actually that's a valid reason. Next time don't comment on anything that specific. Just say "this is nice because (thing in the file)," shut up, and move on. You should step back and realize that your further "explanations" come off as ranty, which also just gives them more of a reason to dislike you. Save face. Move on. Be mature. There's more hypnotists and files to fool around with, so go for those instead of wasting effort on whatever you're doing now in this thread.
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Postby maverika » June 23rd, 2013, 3:30 pm

Jadit, some advice...

First, your still listening to the files of hers you still have, aren't you?
You need to stop doing this. Immediately.

There is probably a subliminal goddess worship layer on the file(s), that means that the more you listen, the more you want her, some hypnotists do this just to get you to visit their site more, some for more...exotic reasons.

Stop listening to her files.

Second, if my divining skills hold here, because of said subliminal, because she's is/was your mistress, you therefore require her forgiveness. Correct?
You are being compelled, to simply 'worship/follow' her at every turn, reading your post, it seems forgiveness is the key objective here, not even to have you taken back. You keep repeating, almost mantra like, what happened, and then the subsequent follow-ups sound 'ranty'. This is because, very simply put, you are not sure what you want, or what to articulate. It seems that you are just acting on impulse, hmm wait a sec! It's almost like... you've been hypnotised! *cough*

Third, you should go cold turkey. All hypnosis. You don't know what triggers are on you. These will fade with time, but you should start immediately. I'm not going to say 'delete' her files, rather, move them to portable drive/USB, put this in a box, put the box under your bed. Then her files will be stored safely. I would suggest for the next few evenings watching a film or three, listen to the radio, even house chores. Then plan a few weeks of cold turkey, it will help.
I say all hypnosis, as listening to other files may trigger something, or cause you to go for the files again.

I won't post more on this, not even to reply. I hope you find this sensible advice and that it helps. I will offer some proof before i go,
are you listening to her files still? *bing*
If I ask you to stop listening, will you? or will you make excuses to not? *bong*

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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » June 23rd, 2013, 3:57 pm

2 other posts raised the topic up, so it was ok to answer.

A simple "I have since moved on" would have sufficed ;) That's moving on.
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Postby NomdeFemme » June 24th, 2013, 2:43 am

maverika wrote:Jadit, some advice...

First, your still listening to the files of hers you still have, aren't you?
You need to stop doing this. Immediately.

There is probably a subliminal goddess worship layer on the file(s), that means that the more you listen, the more you want her, some hypnotists do this just to get you to visit their site more, some for more...exotic reasons.

Your advice to Jadit to stop listening is good. It'll help him move on.

The idea that his actions are prompted by some magical subliminal layer is off-base though. Let's not add to the slander of a decent woman and very skilled hypnotist.
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Postby radar » June 24th, 2013, 4:22 am

Hey Jadit,

It is a shame that you got banned for writing something you didn't intend to be offensive.

However.. There are ways of handling these problems that don't include the type of venom and attack that I am reading in your words.
The simplest of fixes would have been to write an apology to Mistress Elena and Lady Josephine apologising for any hurt the comments may have made. Then wait and hope..

Whether or not you would have been allowed back is purely up to them. All of this ranting and threatening behaviour does no-one any good.

You say you really enjoy her traces but your tantrums are spoiling it for her other followers. The doubt that you sow into peoples minds can cause problems when they try to trance.

If I was in Mistress Elenas shoes - (Love the heel, sorry if I stretch them a little) I would have also banned you.

Joanne xx
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Postby lew897 » June 24th, 2013, 9:44 am

Im with Jadit on this one, if any hypnotist cant handle a little critic here or there then whats the point of being a free hypnotist in the first place? Also, the Fifth Amendment says we get to say whatever we want. Even if very disagreeable. So, its Jadits choice to obesse over the loch ness monster if that was what was all the rage. Personally, it seems like alot of hypnotist have huge egos that get in the way with subs. Probably for good reason because people can become stalkerish. I found this to confirm my opinon that people are only taking care of themselves when hypnosis is concerned.
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Postby ProfessorPig » June 24th, 2013, 6:19 pm

lew897 wrote:Im with Jadit on this one, if any hypnotist cant handle a little critic here or there then whats the point of being a free hypnotist in the first place? Also, the Fifth Amendment says we get to say whatever we want. Even if very disagreeable. So, its Jadits choice to obesse over the loch ness monster if that was what was all the rage. Personally, it seems like alot of hypnotist have huge egos that get in the way with subs. Probably for good reason because people can become stalkerish. I found this to confirm my opinon that people are only taking care of themselves when hypnosis is concerned.

just to clarify because i have seen the bill of rights misused so much in the past couple days, the fifth amendment is about getting due process of law, the first amendment is about free speech. both of those are irrelevant though because they are designed as protections from the government. additionally harassment, which elena accuses jadit of doing, is not considered protected speech. to further confuse things elena is in canada so us laws would not apply to her.

people can say and do what they want but they are not free of the repercussions of their actions. many times i find the case to be that one is neither right nor wrong and the other one isnt.
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Postby lew897 » June 25th, 2013, 12:19 pm

This is getting too cruel. I was just on Jadits side because obviously hes in love with Elena services and she cut him off because of a misunderstanding. And who knows what will piss off a person.
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Postby Endo » June 25th, 2013, 4:34 pm

Can we please let this stupid topic die? If it's really that troublesome for the guy, he can just make another account with a different credit card and IP address, and maybe this time, he'll keep his trap shut.
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Postby Limbolux » July 11th, 2013, 8:58 am

Endo wrote:Can we please let this stupid topic die? If it's really that troublesome for the guy, he can just make another account with a different credit card and IP address, and maybe this time, he'll keep his trap shut.

But... But... This is so funny with so much drama!
Nothing like a good ole cat fight! Please continue!
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Postby Limbolux » July 11th, 2013, 9:07 am

On a serious note. Both sides show signs of alot of insecurity:
One side believes her sexual identity and ego attacked by a flippant comment.
and for the other side there is seperation anxiety and needyness.

I dont know any of Elenas files but maybe there is a stalker file, or something like that hidden in the scripts.
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Postby Jadit » July 16th, 2013, 5:18 pm

Maybe the main reason for opening this thread, was to find people who can help me discuss with Elena, to solve the matter peacefully. Because what i always wanted to do was write apology letters to her etc, but now i don't know how to do that because she bans the addresses. I'm still considering writing these apologies, but i just don't know where to send them. It would help great deal if someone else could speak to her for me.

Ever since i was banned, i stopped listening to her files. It causes me emotional distress to even think about it. All her files were deleted from my medias long time ago, and all emails i've sent/received about this topic no longer exist. I am doing all i can to forget what happened.

But anyone who says i harassed her, knows very little about the incident. I reached forums for acceptance to my actions, and to some extent i did get that. But most people are very careful with what they say, and want to take neutral stance. I can understand that. On the other half, it is easier to side on a respected hypnotist, than a banned person, or in other words; "ants get crushed". I did not make these threads to flame Elena. If she gets suddenly unpopular if someone speaks the truth, then she rightfully deserves it.

On other notice, i have spoken also lots of good about Elena, even on this forum. On other forum i spoke of her so kindly, i even received private messages thanking me for getting to know Elena.

All i'd want to say to Elena right now is in big caps: STOP HATING ME! I never hated you, or any other person on the planet. You reap what you sow. If you love your fans, they will love you back, multiplied tenfold. Stop the hatred and ignorance, please.
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Postby Jadit » August 27th, 2013, 11:42 am

Well, Elena stirred it up by badmouthing me on the forums after another apology attempt. First, let me tell you that i don't care about IP bans, it's like walking red street lights. If your child is on the road, wouldn't you go save her? It is important to me to try fix ill social relations if that is any way possible.

I sent him this:
I need a peace of mind for this case... can you please let me have it? I would assume you would also be greatful if you could lose this case from your mind aswell?

I need your permission to browse your site without IP ban, and to listen your files again. That's about all. If you truly never want me to pay you any money, and never recommend this site for anyone else, then you can keep my account ban active. Consider this proposal, potentially favorable for your business. You already know i'd never want to hurt other community members or you, that's just not who i am.

I'll quote related parts of her post in parts with comments:
- when what arrives in my inbox but another threatening message from my favorite banned spamming troll. Jadit has once more informed me that unless I unblock him, and tell him I want him to listen to my files, I won't get any of his business, and he won't recommend my site to anyone.

Nice rewording of my message, making it sound much more hostile than it was. I didn't say i want her to want me listen to her files, i wanted her to not give a fuck if i listen to her files. And that i might be so dedicated follower of hers that i might even pay for it.

A lesson, folks. The way getting someone to forgive you works is this - don't insist they were wrong, whether they were or not. You apologize, you mean it, and you accept that a person doesn't HAVE to forgive you. Here we have a person who has circumvented blocks and bans, who has spammed me in various forums, who continues to contact me against my wishes and ignore my request, even after he promised to stop doing so before. We have someone who continues to fuck up my mornings with these messages for example. This person thinks that if they wear me down I will do what they want. Kind of a dick move?

I'm not trying to wear her down, i only want to discuss about the topic, calmly and with good reasoning. She repeatedly ignores my attempts to make us peacefully forget about this case. I already told her i don't require to have my account restored anymore if she so wishes, i just want peace of mind. Sorry if i'm too sensitive and girlish person to easily forget all bad things done to me. I have a good memory on that sorts of things.

Like even if his argument were legitimate, it is not, but if it were it would now be moot. Because his subsequent behavior is so bad as to merit a far worse punishment than just being banned from this site.

Heh, all things lead to others, her own ignorance only made it worse than it should've been.

Add to this that Jadit goes around to other sites badmouthing me - which is his right! That's legit. I don't even respond to him unless he's messaging me on the same site, then I'll explain what is really going on. He's threatened to "hack" the site and fuck with that kind of stuff too, and it is all just so juvenile. Move, on.

Excuse me, i never hacked the site, threatened to, nor would ever do so. Is this posting badmouthing? I guess maybe, i mainly wanted support from others in the situation, because it was mentally too hard for me to keep in myself. I keep fighting tears all the time.

In other news, I now have to make it so the contact form only works for registered users. You can thank Jadit for this annoyance, people who want to contact without signing up. Sorry. I am gonna get to work. I thought I'd post his email here, but I summarized it above. It's a shitty morning already. Let us try to improve it, shall we?

You can thank Elena alone for that annoyance. Stuff like that may be useful against bots, but it does nothing against a real person who's persistent enough.

Hypnotist is supposed to know a bit more than normal person about peoples minds behavior. How can she ignore the fact that she is still inside me as a person who hates me? Why is she not trying to fix that before letting me go my own path?

I never wanted any harm to the site. I know other hypnotists that may work better for me. How am i any different than any one of you? I'm just a normal person that wants to be among others peacefully. Maybe a bit more persistent one, in trying to be good. Christian family taught childhood and and being bullied a little might explain part of that, who knows. I have good understanding of what is right and wrong, and what you can do to other people and what not. I could almost request an apology from her by now. It is majorly because all her messages to me are so full of hate, that i cannot trust her from my heart. But it's also driving me more to repair it.

Would be great if we could just sit back and talk on some IRC channel.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » August 27th, 2013, 6:00 pm

Are you in love with her? You are aren't you? Admit it. That's the only explanation for your continued posting and longing for her. Sad really.

Once somebody makes it known they want NOTHING to do with me, well... I'm usually turned off that I repulse them so much that they feel that way about me so I do this: I... MOVE... ON! And forget about them.

You're pretty thick skulled so I imagine the advice given over and over and over will... fall on deaf ears! Hey I know... maybe I should write a "moving on from a hypnotist who abandoned, errr, despises me" session!!! Would you listen to it?

All the best,
- uw_
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Postby Jadit » August 27th, 2013, 6:29 pm

No, i'm not in love with her, and my "feelings" towards her is at all time low. I don't want that kind of files either. I was starting to get a routine for basic hypnosis to work for me when she broke my world. I can't get deep enough for real hypnosis yet. It's even more disrespectful that she doesn't even understand that she's hurting me.
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Postby CharredSoul » August 27th, 2013, 6:50 pm

she's hurting you? its not that she is hurting you its where you lack a personal barrier. doesn't mean you need to barricade yourself in, you just have to choose more wisely who you let in.

some people are arseholes, if its the first time that you let an arsehole into your life, lesson should be learnt, or if you don't think that you have learnt it let more into your life.

one thing you do have to understand though is that you would've had to follow instructions to reach hypnosis in that situation. the power doesn't lie solely on the hypnotist, it is all the matter of the subject, if they want to experience hypnosis in a formal induction.

if you do want to experience it again, ask yourself what does the experience feel like, melt yourself into that experience again, if anything comes up just let it go, if you want to deepen that experience what would it feel like to go even deeper(even if you don't know just imagine).
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Postby Jadit » August 27th, 2013, 7:20 pm

It's just the lingering thought i have that she hates me, that i most want to get rid of. All the unbanning stuff is secondary to that. It's the thought that she wants to hate me, despite all my efforts to make peace with her. That she's actually not the kind hypnotist i started to follow, and at the same time it ruins the files i used to listen for me. To start getting thoughts like "What kind of person would never want to have good relations with others, but instead rather hate them forever?". I'm starting to slowly believe that Elena is in essence evil, and unworthy of my efforts. If you look back at what has happened, it's constantly been me that's being actively trying to solve the case, and all she does is ignore and mock me.

The themes in her files are what i mostly love about. I'm absolutely into all kinds of fetish stuff like bondage, latex, succubus domination themes. Problem is that she's the virtuose for that kind of files at present, and i had absolute will to give that kind of hypnosis all possible power over me.

She has nice voice, but very advanced english. As someone who doesn't speak english in real life, it took weeks and months getting used to even understanding what she says. But i propably learned alot from the files.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » August 27th, 2013, 9:12 pm

I'm starting to slowly believe that Elena is unworthy of my efforts

DING DING DING winner winner chicken dinner! Well, sort of! It's not that she's unworthy, SHE doesn't want your efforts. You're here to "sling mud" at her. Calling her EVIL, she's unworthy, she wants to hate me etc etc...

This thread should be deleted and you should be temporarily banned. Until you learn to move on and quit posting about her. You may not like it, but that's the TRUTH!
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Postby CharredSoul » August 27th, 2013, 11:55 pm

you think banning such a person would be a good idea? somebody that actually needs help in this situation and banning them would only reinforce the ideas and could be detrimental to him mentally, i just wondering if you are this person he is talking about or know of the person he is talking about.

ending the thread might be a good idea, and a warning if he starts up another thread not to go down this track again.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » August 28th, 2013, 6:38 pm

Wonder no more, I am surely not Elena. You can scan my 147 posts to see that clearly ;)

Do I know of this person, absolutely. But at no point am I defending her. I am simply responding to Jadit's situation and actions. So knowing of her has no relevance.

I will agree, banning is a bit harsh and your last suggestion is ultimately a better solution.
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Postby radar » August 29th, 2013, 9:45 am


Since Elena has made it pretty clear that she does not want you to contact her and she has locked you out of her site - I think any further attempts to contact her to "repair relations" pretty much amounts to stalking.
As hurt as you might feel - this is not going to get better.
Give up and move on.

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Postby Jadit » August 29th, 2013, 9:59 am

Internet world is very different to if you can actually see someone and exchange words. I never had that chance to exchange words, so the scar is wide open, and you can't even compare this to breaking up with someone.

I agree on alot of things about what Elena says about me. Not everything though. And at the same time she thinks things about me which aren't actually true.

Consider this message a public invitation for Elena to talk to me in IRC. #esuccubus
I hope that this is my last message on this subject, and that i could see you there. Even if you're someone else, i'm always up for friendly chat :) I'll keep the channel up for some time. Days/weeks, who knows. But this should be an opportunity to at least properly apologize her. If you could pass this on to her, it would be much appreciated.
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Postby MistE » August 29th, 2013, 12:57 pm

Jadit, I normally do not respond to you, but once more you insist on bringing this into a public venue and you just revived a very old topic, so I will take this moment to respond.

You have done countless things such as threaten me, stalk me from site to site, send me messages I explicitly asked you not to send me, sneak back onto my site, spam my site obstructing it for other users, and just a few minutes ago PM me saying that the only way I can end this peacefully is if I agree to have a chat with you.

That is not going to happen because you would be banned from my site for the following harassment and threats and cyber stalking you are doing (such as right here, and when you sent me that PM a short time ago) anyway. Like even if you got what you wanted and I said "oh sorry, my reason for banning you was unjust" I would then go "BUT the way you acted after you were banned was horrible and abusive, so I'm unbanning you for the first thing, and banning you for the way you treated me and my associates during your tantrum afterward".

I have asked the administration to find a way to prevent you from PMing me on

Please do not revive this long-dead topic again. Or any others like it. I posted here only because you had already just revived it, so I was not myself doing more harm by replying to you. Stop. I cannot order you, I am asking you to stop.

I CAN order you not to contact me in any venue since you have no right to be doing that. You can say what you like, subject to community standards, but do not contact me personally in any way for any reason ever again.

When a person asks you to do that, reasonable, sane people respect it, provided the other person is also leaving them alone. I only talk to, or about you, when you are harassing me like this. Stop.

Thank you. I appreciate that you, as a reasonable person, will never contact me again. But as I said above, I have also contacted administration to ask them if there is some way to block you or prevent you from sending me private messages here, as I have had to on every other messaging service I have had, where you have ignored my reasonable request and spammed, harassed, or threatened me.

Stop. Thank you for being reasonable and doing so. Goodbye.
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Postby Jadit » August 29th, 2013, 1:24 pm

Sheesh, you really are locked on ignoring me and taking everything i say as threat, even if i ask you kindly. None of my last messages to you contained any threats or demands from you.

This thread has served its purpose, so i'd kindly ask moderators to not only lock this thread, but delete it from existence.

edit: Since moderators said they will not, i'll stop by this. IRC conversation would not go as you expect, actually you are almost talking about different subject entirely. It is pretty clear that in every message you boast about how many times you ignore everything i try to say, and then enhance it with your false idea of what happened. But how many times have you sat back and listened? No, i was never given chance to speak my mind, for example like "i'm sorry".
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Postby Limbolux » September 16th, 2013, 12:53 pm

Wut? No please, it can't be over, not yet, not like this! Jadit, do something to win her back! Confess your everlasting love to her, and let another rejection fuel your obession. Let us be the witnesses of the rising of a superhuman stalker, created by the most childish behavior ever seen by 2 actors, who are secretly in love with each other.
Maybe another pm will do? Or you could try to find out her real identity. I wonder what would happen.. Maybe a restraining order or even prison. How exciting! But you must hurry before the temperature is dropping. Time is of the essence!
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