Moderator: EMG
actofgod wrote:I just listened to the file (awake). Wow, that one really should be labelled more carefully since the results are supposedly permanent.
turbogator wrote:I pasted this story from a journal entry I made a few days ago. I never thought it would work. I saw it as a kind of kinky joke to play on my self and as a test of my self-control. Let me tell you I was wrong. I picked the one thing that I thought no hypnotism could ever do to me even if I really did become hypnotized. Train Bladder Incontinence. I knew for it to work at all I had to really try to achieve a trance. So I listened and concentrated and really obeyed the commands. I relaxed I concentrated. I listened intently and I was surprised that I did actually feel like I was in a trance. I couldn’t move. It felt like a dream when you cant move your limbs. I couldn’t stop the ideas being feed to me from the file from running through my mind. I found that I was driven to keep listening to the tape over and over 3 or 4 times a day. Understand that I am not one of those adult baby types and I didn’t really want to be incontinent, I just want to see if it would work. I felt that if it did feel like it was working I could just cut it off and regain control and that would be that. But as I said, I was wrong. Its been at least two moths now. I still listen several times a day. I tried the deprogram file but my mind rejected it and I cant bring myself to listen to it or to stop listening to train bladder incontinence. I am now almost completely incontinent. For a while at first when the urges came on I could fight them and sometimes win, though I’d often lose and when I did it wasn’t just a dribble. Either I’d win control or, if I lost, then my bladder would empty completely. I had to begin wearing adult diapers to save myself embarrassment in public. Over the weeks, I began to lose control more and more often. Now, I don’t even feel the urges coming, I just suddenly realize that I am emptying my bladder, regardless of the situation I am in. though its terribly embarrassing one of the effects of the file is that whenever it happens I get a rush good feelings surge through me. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but for now I don’t see any way out of this predicament I have trapped my self in. Just like it says to do in the file I have begun to accept it. Im begining to belive that its permenent!
sandy82 wrote:"Pissing on yourself brings warmth, but it is fleeting. Then you are left cold and wet and smelly."
--An old Germanic proverb.
Turbogator, I mean to be blunt. And my bluntness is not intended as a flame; it's meant to be therapeutic for you and a warning for others.
You are an idiot.
That is, if your tale is true. If you personally object to my calling you an idiot, send me a PM. I will happily erase it. If it happens to "disappear," I will replace it...along with considerably more.
Two scenarios for you.
First, regardless of age, if you decided to run a marathon, I hope you would have a complete physical exam beforehand, with all the appropriate coronary/cardiac/pulmonary tests. How else to know whether the experience might be dangerous. In the case of the incontinence file, you had, and still have, no idea how susceptible you may be to various hypnotic appeals. How's your ego strength? How durable is your super-ego? How often does your conscience make a deal with your appetites...and your appetites win? (We have at least one user, for whom this game--with pre-ordained result--takes up some considerable waste of time.)
Second, in 1928 Alexander Flemming discovered the bacteria-killing properties of penicillin mold quite by accident. Some molds are good for you; most aren't. If you go on holiday for two weeks and your refrigerator breaks, you will come back to a smorgasbord of mold. Will you taste each one and see what its effects will be?
Or how about picking mushrooms and eating them at random. Above all, if the lights fail in part of the house, never look in the circuit-breaker/fuse box. Always spit on your fingers and stick them in each outlet. For this exercise, I hope you live in North America. Generally, 110 volts won't kill you.
What possessed you to test a file sight unseen? Effects unknown?
Have you ever thought about continence? It's not instinctive, but it is relatively easily learned. Puppies are taught it, and they get the picture rather fast. To my layman's mind, it seems to be a combination of repetition and approval/disapproval. A smile if the bed is dry in the morning. A frown if the bed is wet. If you're old enough to understand, you may hear that old stand-by: "Big boys don't wet the bed." For puppies and children, approval/disapproval by responsible- and authoritative-sounding adult humans carries great weight. Sometimes, special treats are given out as rewards for good behavior. Dog biscuits and lollipops, for the dogs and children respectively.
I've never listened to an incontinence file; so I don't know the established routine. But my guess is that an authoritative, pleasant-sounding adult human says that it's okay to relinquish your learned habit to hold the contents of your bladder until YOU decide consciously to release it. Instead you are probably told that you will enjoy the freedom, feel the warmth, etc. The treat won't be a lollipop, but some sort of psycho-sexual excitement geared for people who already see dribbling urine as some sort of turn-on. Along with a mellifluous assurance that it's all okay, everything is just fine.
Besides "the buck stops here," Harry Truman had another memorable saying. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." I assume you're over 18; and you can decide what the heat is and where the kitchen is located.
If you're still having these incontinence problems and still, somehow, feeling good about them, then let's cut to the chase. Don't mess around. Go to see a Ph.D. in psychology or a psychiatrist (who is always an MD). Be ready to pay cash because you don't want this sort of visit reported to your health insurance carrier.
Take a CD-playable copy of the file with you. Keep an identical copy for yourself. Describe to the doctor exactly what happened, and then follow his advice to the letter.
If the doctor shares your view that the file was the instigating cause of the problem, consider the following. You need to have your internal defenses checked. Nobody on this site has provided a satisfactory definition of a hypnotic trance. I have heard many complain that they can't enter a trance, but then they're at a loss to describe the state they want to enter.
I have a layman's feeling that a hypnotic "trance" is a combination of two things: concentration on the practitioner and a learned lowering of the psychological defenses that you have acquired and refined, for your own good, since you were a small child. If you think that's a good combination behavior to indulge in (having more faith in a stranger than you have in yourself), by all means continue. But if you see a problem with wetting yourself and then feeling good about it, maybe....just're learning something about yourself that you will ignore at your peril.
There's a recent American saying. "When you're in a hole, quit digging."
I think you're in a hole.
turbogator wrote:I pasted this story from a journal entry I made a few days ago. I never thought it would work. I saw it as a kind of kinky joke to play on my self and as a test of my self-control. Let me tell you I was wrong. I picked the one thing that I thought no hypnotism could ever do to me even if I really did become hypnotized. Train Bladder Incontinence. I knew for it to work at all I had to really try to achieve a trance. So I listened and concentrated and really obeyed the commands. I relaxed I concentrated. I listened intently and I was surprised that I did actually feel like I was in a trance. I couldn’t move. It felt like a dream when you cant move your limbs. I couldn’t stop the ideas being feed to me from the file from running through my mind. I found that I was driven to keep listening to the tape over and over 3 or 4 times a day. Understand that I am not one of those adult baby types and I didn’t really want to be incontinent, I just want to see if it would work. I felt that if it did feel like it was working I could just cut it off and regain control and that would be that. But as I said, I was wrong. Its been at least two moths now. I still listen several times a day. I tried the deprogram file but my mind rejected it and I cant bring myself to listen to it or to stop listening to train bladder incontinence. I am now almost completely incontinent. For a while at first when the urges came on I could fight them and sometimes win, though I’d often lose and when I did it wasn’t just a dribble. Either I’d win control or, if I lost, then my bladder would empty completely. I had to begin wearing adult diapers to save myself embarrassment in public. Over the weeks, I began to lose control more and more often. Now, I don’t even feel the urges coming, I just suddenly realize that I am emptying my bladder, regardless of the situation I am in. though its terribly embarrassing one of the effects of the file is that whenever it happens I get a rush good feelings surge through me. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but for now I don’t see any way out of this predicament I have trapped my self in. Just like it says to do in the file I have begun to accept it. Im begining to belive that its permenent!
Rakeela wrote:Alright, alright, quit insulting them. Sandy82 said what needed to be said and said it well enough, while the further insults were just opportunistic and pointless.
Kendai wrote:i'm going to suggest that the subconscious REALLY likes the idea of incontinence.
the fact that we have control lets us wait a little too long, which can cause damage.
Kendai wrote:well, as far as proof that holding back urination or defacation causes damage, i have none.
however, is there much reason to belive that it's not true? i have a hard time imagining that the body can handle extended supression of those functions.
MikeWulf wrote:Just thought I'd mention...It is a medical fact that if you do not go to the bathroom (actually, this only applies to pissing) you will die. What happens is your body starts to try to get rid of all the urine without pissing, thus you start absorbing all the waste into your body. You get poisoned. You do it too long, you die.
Rakeela wrote:Alright, alright, quit insulting them. Sandy82 said what needed to be said and said it well enough, while the further insults were just opportunistic and pointless.
On Sat Aug 13, 2005, at 4:14 am MDT, GrimIronDave wrote:
Well said sandy. You sure do your research :D.
As for turbogator, i'll say what sandy said. Drop me a PM if you object to this.
That SUCKS man!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Referring to posts made on May26 and 27, on August 16 at 7:31 am MDT, GrimIronMan wrote:
Good gag sandy with the "Snorting "coffee" through one's nose?" trick. Good job getting loony28 on that one!
Quoting Rakeela 13 posts later, GrimIronMan wrote:Rakeela wrote:
Alright, alright, quit insulting them. Sandy82 said what needed to be said and said it well enough, while the further insults were just opportunistic and pointless.
I am truly sorry for my comment. I was just sharing my true opinion. It's nice to see that are some here who are willing to defend those who are less fortunate than others. However, it's not every day that you see a moron who is a little too skeptical and tries something like an idiot. I honestly think that this man is just a regular guy who decided that something didn't work and tried it. It's like not believing fire is hot and testing it yourself. Or that not believing that crack is bad for you and trying it out to find out. He just could of easily read the many success stories and decided that the files work. The saying that comes in mind here is "You mess with the bull, you get the horns." He could of gone here and read stories that messed with the bull, whether they wanted the horns or not. Instead, he decided that this bull was a weak one and decided to mess with it. He obviously figured out this bull was not in the least bit weak and got slammed by the horns. So basically, I don't want the horns. So I personally thought this was a huge mistake on his part and decided to laugh at his foolishness. It was meant to teach him a lesson and make him gain a little more experience under his belt. Now for the other part of my comment. I was rudefully saying that what happened to him was what I'm pretty sure neither one of us wanted. I'm sure that he personally agrees with me. I hope for the best for him.
On Sat Aug 20, 2005, at 4:50 am MDT, GrimIronMan wrote:Sandy, this is getting a little out of hand. I am seriously going to say this again. I have NEVER used a different account on this website. I am NOT GrimIronDan. I have NEVER heard of GrimIronDave, nor am I affiliated with him. Because I'm lazy,Here's a link to the rest of what I recently had to say on this topic. Also, I should say that my apology was directed to them both. I was not very clear on that. Also, i would like to restate that I never wanted to insult loony. Still, I apologize to loony28 and do think he is a good member. So sorry, loony. Hope you don't hate me :D .
BobbyS wrote:Oh btw I don't intend to apologise for my own comment. While I sympathise with the guy for the problems he's experiencing, there was an element of seriousness to my post - to listen to a potentially humiliating file like that for a laugh IS idiotic, like thinking it would be 'funny' to go to work drunk, or 'funny' to 'happy slap' someone (a craze where people beat up someone and film it on their phones.
Sorry if I sound cruel or heartless but that's just how I feel.
turbogator wrote:I picked the one thing that I thought no hypnotism could ever do to me even if I really did become hypnotized. Train Bladder Incontinence.
turbogator wrote:I knew for it to work at all I had to really try to achieve a trance. So I listened and concentrated and really obeyed the commands.
turbogator wrote:I listened intently and I was surprised that I did actually feel like I was in a trance. I couldn’t move.
turbogator wrote:I found that I was driven to keep listening to the tape over and over 3 or 4 times a day.
turbogator wrote:It's been at least two moths now. I still listen several times a day.
turbogator wrote:I tried the deprogram file but my mind rejected it and I cant bring myself to listen to it or to stop listening to train bladder incontinence.
turbogator wrote:Just like it says to do in the file I have begun to accept it. Im begining to belive that its permenent!
[/quote]GrimIronMan wrote:My analsyis of this:
Severel things seem fishy here.
1.turbogator wrote:I picked the one thing that I thought no hypnotism could ever do to me even if I really did become hypnotized. Train Bladder Incontinence.
He says he picked the one thing he thought no hypnotism could do. But wait. Don't you think that he would pick a different file? He thinks that hypnotism can make his genitals change but it can't make him lose control. That seems a little odd, don't you think?
2.turbogator wrote:I knew for it to work at all I had to really try to achieve a trance. So I listened and concentrated and really obeyed the commands.
For a joke, this seems to take a lot of research, don't you? Personally, I thought first that hypnosis was made to work right off the bat. Why would he read up so much for a "kinky joke"?
3.turbogator wrote:I listened intently and I was surprised that I did actually feel like I was in a trance. I couldn’t move.
Wait...He's surprised? He didn't think that it would work right? But with all that reading up, he should know that if your mind doesn't think it will work, it probably won't. Also, he should technically be able to move, or else he's going too deep and there's an even smaller chance it won't work.
4.turbogator wrote:I found that I was driven to keep listening to the tape over and over 3 or 4 times a day.
After one try, he's already addicted? Again, if he didn't believe in hypnosis, why didn't he quit after he realized there was no effect yet?
5.turbogator wrote:It's been at least two moths now. I still listen several times a day.
As sandy82 pointed out, he's been a member for around three months. Conflict of facts against word here. Which do you believe?
6.turbogator wrote:I tried the deprogram file but my mind rejected it and I cant bring myself to listen to it or to stop listening to train bladder incontinence.
Last I checked, training files aren't supposed to reduce the effectiveness of deprogramming.
7.turbogator wrote:Just like it says to do in the file I have begun to accept it. Im begining to belive that its permenent!
Look at his journal entry. These sentences are not in there. He states that he cut and pasted. Why'd he add these on? Was his lie not believeable enough?
That's my analsyis. Fake? Yes.
wildfantom wrote:if its a fake why isnt this subject locked?
cardigan wrote:My two cents:
While EMG has had success with having his slave transscribe a file - or files and then they were having a profound effect on the slave by doing this, I am able to transscribe the files from here, while not being affected. - Apparently! :twisted: Like I say: the effect varies from person to person.
Be careful what you wish for - you might just get it!
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