Drugs and hypnosis part II Mushrooms

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Drugs and hypnosis part II Mushrooms

Postby hypotoad » May 5th, 2013, 5:51 pm

In a previous thread in this forum we discussed using cannibis as a way to try and improve trance, the responses from members of our communitity was mixed

I decided to look beyond the walls of the forums to see what people said and the internet had one general consensus. majuana was good for relaxing but wasnt that great for improving the effects of hyponosis and sometimes prevented tranceing

Mushrooms on the other hand were held up on a pedastil it seems so be the general agreement that magic mushrooms have a very positive effect on how hypnotisable a subject is.

I have looked into the effects of shrooms and they actually seem pretty dam cool (time dialatation, heavy visual effect and what not)

has anyone experimented with this thus far?
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Postby Endo » May 5th, 2013, 10:40 pm

No, I haven't, nor will I, because there are negative consequences for using drugs, both legal and physiological. I advise you and all other members of these forums to NOT experiment with illegal and dangerous substances in any manner. You may think that it's worth the risk in order to speed up your hypnosis, but it's not. To ANYONE on this forum, hypnosis should only be a hobby, not your life. Your real life (job, family, friends, financial stability, etc.) needs to take precedence over your hobbies.
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Postby KIY » May 6th, 2013, 8:31 am

I've never heard about, nor looked into shrooms uses (I really can't seem to get past that they are usually grown on cow shit and absorb its taste.) Cannabis from what I have read is fairly harmless and has actual medical benefits (and, to my surprise, is effective at fighting certain types of cancer). Unfortunately, cannabis is illegal, which can cause problems, and, like alcohol, you don't want to get stoned out of your mind and go out for a drive. (Although I have seen information stating it is less impairing than alcohol, still it is best not to be impaired at all.)

I really haven't experimented enough with cannabis to say whether or not it helps or hinders hypnosis. I did experiment some with they synthetic kind, what was legal at the time, but stopped due to the health risks. Rarely do the manufacturers state what is (supposedly) in their products, God only knows what conditions they are manufactured under, and rarely have the effects of the ingredients been studied.

So... I guess what I am saying is that I can't really recommend going beyond cannabis, and even then you are risking legal trouble. (And I would recommend either using cannabis in eatable form or with a vaporizer.) Cannabis has been extensively studied and hopefully will be legal in the not too distant future.

I really can't say anything about shrooms. Sorry.
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 6th, 2013, 11:09 am

i also suggest using caution with mushrooms. there is a ton of information out there on their proper use and as far as drugs go they are one of the safer ones. there is even evidence that they may have a medical use in the treatment of addiction. but, and this is a big but, you can overdose and die from mushrooms. any drug with the potential for death should not be fooled around with without really knowing what you are doing. there is also the danger of obtaining a misidentified mushroom. the hallucinogenic mushrooms are considered poisonous but there are even more poisonous mushrooms out there that can look identical.
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Postby hypotoad » May 6th, 2013, 9:41 pm

Ii have done some reasearch into the matter, it grows by cow manure not on it, never on it. its taste is just how it is might even be from the psilocybin but not from manure, and you would need to eat half your body weight in mushrroms (or at least the one ive looked at) in order to od and you would be more than crazy to attempt it xD

but non the less I was just wanting to know if anyone had tried it in our forums, It would be interesting to hear a tale of it. I understand that it is illegal and I dont currently have any plans to use them, ive just read a few accounts and they are interesting reads

I have a curious scientific mind, I like to research generally unasked questions such as how does psilocybin interact with hypnosis, what parts of the brain it effects to get said result and whether it could be used in specific dosages to boost the effects of hypnosis on things such as battling addiction, depression, selfmotivation

I'm half considering asking my professors if I coulddo a research project on it but I'm worried about their perception of the compound snd how it might reflect back on me
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Postby KIY » May 7th, 2013, 7:07 am

Have you looked it up on Erowid? That site deals with a lot of different substances and people's experiences with them.

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Postby 0turner0 » May 7th, 2013, 2:48 pm

My personal experiences have all been very claustrophobic - feeling like everything is too close to me and I have to go outside and walk through nature. No way could I sit through a session :P
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Postby sfhole2stretch » May 7th, 2013, 4:11 pm

My personal experiences have all been positive. I have seen people react badly physically (throw up) but generally settle down into the experience thereafter.

Much depends on the product and dose but I have experienced everything from body rushes to full on hallucinogenic visions. It can be both beautiful and scary. I wouldn't recommend the experience for anyone who has a hard time not freaking out. It is a very mind opening experience with lingering effects (days to a week) that are uplifting spiritual and magical.

I have read about these effects providing an enhanced platform for hypno. Having experienced both my guess is it would indeed be very effective provided the subject were able to handle the experience. As long as the overall experience is positive I see no reason why hypnosis wouldn't be greatly enhanced given the expanded ability to visualize and broadened mind. I've not yet experimented on myself but am keen to do so in the not distant future.
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Postby WME3 » May 9th, 2013, 8:43 pm

A Hallucinogenic during trance? Doesn't seem anything calm or relaxing about it. How might this affect the process of hypnosis constructively?
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Postby sfhole2stretch » May 10th, 2013, 2:13 pm

In my experiences it has been useful to have a focus. A tree, music or anything else that is positive and comfortable. Doing so provides the mind with a safe space in which to take in the changes in perception. It also give the mind a point of thought upon which to expand.

For instance a friend and I laid under a magnificent oak tree and considered it for the better part of our experience. It's life compared to ours, the magnificence of it's structure, the way the sunlight cast diamonds amongst its leaves ..... you get the drift.

By that same token hypnosis during this state would play the same role. Provided the hypno came from a safe, positive, nurturing space it would provide a greatly enhanced opportunity for the hypnotist to guide their subject through specific imagery and experience. It is entirely possible to self direct what you see during a shroom trip but far easier to focus on something and take a ride.
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Postby 1love » May 13th, 2013, 4:32 pm

Ive tried both. I regularly smoke weed. and ive tried mushrooms a few times. I highly recommend them:) Though i have had a few bad trips.

I find with hypnosis. When ive smoked weed i get into a trance easy. And seem to absorb the hypnosis pretty well. However. I only ever feel the effects of the hypnosis when im high. Not ever when im in my normal state of mind.
So i have effectively blocked out hypnosis from working when im in my normal state:/

I havnt tried it with mushrooms. But id say be careful with it, its easy to get into a bad trip. Id make sure you agree fully with whats in the hypnosis file before you listen, to not get stuck in a bad trip. Especially with time dilation. Who know how long you'll feel stuck in a bad trip.
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Postby DKaiser » May 13th, 2013, 10:07 pm

I think it's a sense of you tying the states together. To use it to relax is different from using it as a means to hypnosis. Focus on what helps you relax and let go when high, and apply that to trances when not high.
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Postby Mandrache » May 17th, 2013, 2:43 pm

I read about some research showing that frequent administration of amounts of ketamine not strong enough to get people high made people more superstitious. Magic mushrooms etc could probably help hypnosis in similar tiny amounts, and maybe ketamine too, (Ketamine is administered when undergoing ECT I believe). Also alcohol might work or even some legal herbs/spices that have the hynotic effect (generally considered sleep aids)
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Postby ParanoidLord » May 20th, 2013, 10:24 pm

Regardless of my feelings on substance use, I can't recommend experimenting to find effects - in fact, I'd only recommend them in the same way that I personally use hypnofiles - in tried, tested ways to get known, specific desired effects.
(Don't) avoid the noid.
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Re: Drugs and hypnosis part II Mushrooms

Postby CharredSoul » May 21st, 2013, 4:53 am

i do not care what anybody say's about drugs and trance but the come in hand and hand but there is a big difference between a therapeutic use and recreational use, therapeutic use can help with trance, but recreational doses cannot, at my local uni they have set up the 3rd trial of using ketamine with psychotherapy same has been with a wide range of illicit drugs all with a higher percentage of recovery than psychotherapy by itself. just something to look into

hypotoad wrote:In a previous thread in this forum we discussed using cannibis as a way to try and improve trance, the responses from members of our communitity was mixed

I decided to look beyond the walls of the forums to see what people said and the internet had one general consensus. majuana was good for relaxing but wasnt that great for improving the effects of hyponosis and sometimes prevented tranceing

Mushrooms on the other hand were held up on a pedastil it seems so be the general agreement that magic mushrooms have a very positive effect on how hypnotisable a subject is.

I have looked into the effects of shrooms and they actually seem pretty dam cool (time dialatation, heavy visual effect and what not)

has anyone experimented with this thus far?
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Re: Drugs and hypnosis part II Mushrooms

Postby Tangy » May 22nd, 2013, 1:15 am

CharredSoul wrote:i do not care what anybody say's about drugs and trance but the come in hand and hand but there is a big difference between a therapeutic use and recreational use, therapeutic use can help with trance, but recreational doses cannot, at my local uni they have set up the 3rd trial of using ketamine with psychotherapy same has been with a wide range of illicit drugs all with a higher percentage of recovery than psychotherapy by itself. just something to look into

hypotoad wrote:In a previous thread in this forum we discussed using cannibis as a way to try and improve trance, the responses from members of our communitity was mixed

I decided to look beyond the walls of the forums to see what people said and the internet had one general consensus. majuana was good for relaxing but wasnt that great for improving the effects of hyponosis and sometimes prevented tranceing

Mushrooms on the other hand were held up on a pedastil it seems so be the general agreement that magic mushrooms have a very positive effect on how hypnotisable a subject is.

I have looked into the effects of shrooms and they actually seem pretty dam cool (time dialatation, heavy visual effect and what not)

has anyone experimented with this thus far?

Hay I do not recommend mushroom because it could cause death and very very very Addictive because like any drug you have to use more and more of it to reach your first high state and that really never happens so Thank about that

The Mind can preform miracles if you allow it to naturally . If you can reach a mushroom state using Drugs Think about what you can do without them even higher States please be Patient. :o
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Re: Drugs and hypnosis part II Mushrooms

Postby CharredSoul » May 22nd, 2013, 2:04 am

Tangy wrote:
Hay I do not recommend mushroom because it could cause death and very very very Addictive because like any drug you have to use more and more of it to reach your first high state and that really never happens so Thank about that

The Mind can preform miracles if you allow it to naturally . If you can reach a mushroom state using Drugs Think about what you can do without them even higher States please be Patient. :o

i find it very funny when people do not know what they are talking about, there is a big difference between a wild mushroom, grown mushroom, and synthetic constituents of a mushroom, wild mushrooms yes can be deadly without proper knowledge, other than that they are quite the opposite of what you are saying, as tolerance builds up very quickly it would be very hard to become addicted, but that's not to say that people don't abuse mushrooms, and that there are not risks involved, especially the mental health of some individuals taking them.

tngy is right into saying you can reach the same heights and even further than what drugs can take you, i have had a full blown dmt experience without taking any at all. and have never taken any doses to the extent that i have had a full blown experience.

my last advice is research, research, research.
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Postby Tangy » May 23rd, 2013, 1:16 pm

I will not leave you without an alternative to Heavy Drugs,

We are all adult's here Right?

Here is my solution since this is an Sex Site

Go To you nearest Adult Book Store Go to the Counter and ask For a bottle of ~; Rush :~ It is a sex Drug It give you a quick 10 to20 minutes rush of energy
how DO YOU use it ?! will listing to your file After the introduction and countdown Just before the actually suggestion begins you start to Sniff the bottle While Wearing headphone do not be afraid you will have a very slight Fantasy/ hallucination, Again do not freak out or break trance. take short sniff stop about five minute's or so take another if you can. you might not need too you will be in fantasy. the rush opens up the subconscious mind real fast/quickly it is safe and legal and may be habit forming but not additive. Use with hypnosis and please use responsively . :o :wink: :)
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If you have any suggestion about any topic to ask me about.

Postby Tangy » May 23rd, 2013, 1:31 pm

If you have any suggestion about any topic to ask me about. ask me right here. :idea: :?: :!:
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Postby CharredSoul » May 23rd, 2013, 5:58 pm

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Postby KIY » May 23rd, 2013, 6:59 pm

Although anything can be psychologically addictive, I have never heard anyone else claim mushrooms to be addictive in the physical sense.

I admit I have never tried 'shrooms, partially because of lack of opportunity, partially because from what I have heard about the high, the high did not sound appealing. (Although I have had the opportunity, I have also not tried LSD for pretty much the same reason-- the high isn't for me.)

I haven't heard of Rush before. I would not assume it to be safe just because it is legal. Synthetic pot also used to be legal (some places some varieties still are), and, by way of direct experience, I no longer consider that stuff safe. (One of the local outlets for fake pot used to be one of the local porn shops, although I got mine elsewhere.)

Since you volunteered, Tangy, what exactly is in Rush, and has anyone tested the product to see if what is on the label is in the bottle?

Thank you.
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 23rd, 2013, 7:19 pm

KIY wrote:Although anything can be psychologically addictive, I have never heard anyone else claim mushrooms to be addictive in the physical sense.

I admit I have never tried 'shrooms, partially because of lack of opportunity, partially because from what I have heard about the high, the high did not sound appealing. (Although I have had the opportunity, I have also not tried LSD for pretty much the same reason-- the high isn't for me.)

I haven't heard of Rush before. I would not assume it to be safe just because it is legal. Synthetic pot also used to be legal (some places some varieties still are), and, by way of direct experience, I no longer consider that stuff safe. (One of the local outlets for fake pot used to be one of the local porn shops, although I got mine elsewhere.)

Since you volunteered, Tangy, what exactly is in Rush, and has anyone tested the product to see if what is on the label is in the bottle?

Thank you.

i believe the active ingredient is isopropyl nitrite. like mushrooms its relatively safe. death can occur from ingesting or aspirating the liquid and you can get burns from contact with skin.
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Postby Tangy » May 24th, 2013, 3:04 am

somehopper wrote:
KIY wrote:Although anything can be psychologically addictive, I have never heard anyone else claim mushrooms to be addictive in the physical sense.

I admit I have never tried 'shrooms, partially because of lack of opportunity, partially because from what I have heard about the high, the high did not sound appealing. (Although I have had the opportunity, I have also not tried LSD for pretty much the same reason-- the high isn't for me.)

I haven't heard of Rush before. I would not assume it to be safe just because it is legal. Synthetic pot also used to be legal (some places some varieties still are), and, by way of direct experience, I no longer consider that stuff safe. (One of the local outlets for fake pot used to be one of the local porn shops, although I got mine elsewhere.)

Since you volunteered, Tangy, what exactly is in Rush, and has anyone tested the product to see if what is on the label is in the bottle?

Thank you.

i believe the active ingredient is isopropyl nitrite. like mushrooms its relatively safe. death can occur from ingesting or aspirating the liquid and you can get burns from contact with skin.

What are poppers?

Poppers are usually found in the form of a liquid chemical (a nitrite) sold in a small bottle. Commonly, the chemical is alkyl nitrite. Other nitrites like amyl nitrite (and butyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite) have also used been used. Nitrites dilate the blood vessels and allow more blood to get to the heart.

The key effects of poppers can include:
•A short, sharp head-rush like high.
•Enhanced sexual experiences.
•Chemical burns to body tissues – with the development of a rash around the nose and mouth, and/or irritation of the nose and throat.

•Feelings of sickness, faintness and weakness.
•Death – if swallowed; or if used by individuals with heart problems.

Poppers is a slang term given to the chemical class called alkyl nitrites that are inhaled for recreational purposes, especially as an aphrodisiac.[1] Today poppers are mainly sold in cap vials.

Most widely sold concentrated products include the original compound amyl nitrite (isoamyl nitrite, isopentyl nitrite), cyclohexyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite (2-methylpropyl nitrite), and isopropyl nitrite (2-propyl nitrite). Isopropyl nitrite became popular due to a ban on isobutyl nitrite in the EU in 2007. More rarely sold is the compound butyl nitrite.

Part of the club culture from the 1970s disco scene to the 1980s, and the 1990s rave scene made their use popular. :o
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Postby KIY » May 24th, 2013, 6:59 am

"Poppers" sounds like "huffing"-- which I believe has another name these days-- and I seem to recall hearing the term "poppers" way back then. The substances used for huffing had the advantage that they could be practically anything and; therefore, many of the substances couldn't realistically be banned. Model car glue is one I remember, and have inadvertently used at times when assembling plastic models.

So Rush is one of those? I suppose that it being sold as a sex enhancer is why I hadn't heard of it-- not much has gone on in that department for a long time for me... :oops:

(I think I will go back to lurking on this topic, since it seems to have drifted away from the original substance being discussed.)
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 24th, 2013, 11:21 am

KIY wrote:"Poppers" sounds like "huffing"-- which I believe has another name these days-- and I seem to recall hearing the term "poppers" way back then. The substances used for huffing had the advantage that they could be practically anything and; therefore, many of the substances couldn't realistically be banned. Model car glue is one I remember, and have inadvertently used at times when assembling plastic models.

So Rush is one of those? I suppose that it being sold as a sex enhancer is why I hadn't heard of it-- not much has gone on in that department for a long time for me... :oops:

(I think I will go back to lurking on this topic, since it seems to have drifted away from the original substance being discussed.)

huffing usually refers to solvent based inhalants like gasoline, xylene, toluene, and acetone. poppers and nitrous oxide are also inhalants but do virtually no damgage to your body compared to inhaling solvents. the primary reason why solvents will create the high feeling is by depriving the body of oxygen. some of them activate other receptors too but all of them starve the body of oxygen, for this reason huffing is especially dangerous.

some of the long and short term dangers include brain damage, frost bite and other burns, aspirating vomit, cardiac arrest, damage to the nervous system, and damage to kidneys and liver. solvents are nasty stuff, i dont use them without a full on respirator and neoprene gloves and plenty of ventilation.
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Postby hypotoad » May 24th, 2013, 6:29 pm

Great discussion guys! Not what I expected but look at everyone sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge all because of a little post I made

first of all thanks for letting me know that research had been done, ill try to look it up at some point via my universcitys library system... if its been published, to see what the exact results are

keep up the great conversation guys, I dont have much to contribute to this current conversation but Im learning alot :)
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Postby Tangy » May 26th, 2013, 12:42 pm

hypotoad wrote:Great discussion guys! Not what I expected but look at everyone sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge all because of a little post I made

first of all thanks for letting me know that research had been done, ill try to look it up at some point via my universcitys library system... if its been published, to see what the exact results are

keep up the great conversation guys, I dont have much to contribute to this current conversation but Im learning alot :)

For all those who Decides to use ~~"Rush"~~ Please post your success . :o

hypotoad"] please give us research you conducted and personal experiences you had using mushrooms /Hypnotic ~~""Shrooms"" ~~ :o
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Postby KIY » May 26th, 2013, 10:26 pm

somehopper-- you are correct. It was another term I was thinking of. I for the life of me can't recall the, more generic, term I was thinking of. I haven't heard it used in God knows how many years.... :oops: The 1970s had a lot of problems, and getting high from whatever you could find was one of them for a number of my fellow classmates. (I can't recall the chemical some of my classmates where inhaling in Science class when our instructor wasn't looking.) That is part of the reason I support ending the war on drugs and trying a different approach. When it becomes hard to obtain one drug, people find something else, which is probably worse.
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Postby Brand_X » July 4th, 2013, 4:28 pm

If you want poppers. the only ones I recommend are made by "LockerRoom Marketing" of Canada. Jungle Juice is the one to look for, it's very close to the original genuine formula. These days all the stuff sold legally is cheap, nasty rubbish that will just give you a headache. Jungle Juice is the real thing, BUT beware of fakes! There are a lot of fake poppers being sold on the internet and they can be dangerous.

Magic mushrooms are definitely not addictive and for the longest time they weren't really a controlled drug as such. Why they have been listed as "class A" is a total mystery. I suspect it's just because people were enjoying them too much.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 5th, 2013, 7:15 am

Getting back to hallucinogens, I've noticed what someone else mentioned -- that they tend to increase religious credulity, and that the effect can be permanent. This suggests that they could increase the effectiveness of trance, but it also points to some significant downsides that are familiar to those of us who don't remember the 60's. I know a lot of people with mild brain damage from hallucinogens and a few who went totally nuts.

Of course, some are stronger than others, and 'shrooms are on the mild end of the spectrum, but without presuming to judge anyone else's choices, I have to question for myself whether it makes sense to take recreational hypnosis to the point at which I risk turning into a follower of some nutty religious cult. Best, I think, to leave that kind of experimentation to psychiatrists and the CIA (though a friend of a friend went nuts while participating as a student in experiments with ecstasy, I don't know if she ever recovered).

There are some other medications that could potentially be used to increase the effect of trance but I have yet to find one that looks like it's safe enough for recreational use, while drugs that we might be comfortable with like alcohol and pot don't seem to have a lasting effect.

Another consideration -- do we really want to make hypnosis too effective? The superego censors suggestions to protect us. Sometimes it gets in the way of what we want to achieve, but if we manage to disable it, we could be making ourselves or others vulnerable to harm. As if we lost our inhibitions the way we do when drunk, but the effect became permanent and you spent the rest of your life peeing in your pants or whatever your fantasies suggest.
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Postby Tangy » July 5th, 2013, 1:14 pm

Alien4420 wrote:Getting back to hallucinogens, I've noticed what someone else mentioned -- that they tend to increase religious credulity, and that the effect can be permanent. This suggests that they could increase the effectiveness of trance, but it also points to some significant downsides that are familiar to those of us who don't remember the 60's. I know a lot of people with mild brain damage from hallucinogens and a few who went totally nuts.

Of course, some are stronger than others, and 'shrooms are on the mild end of the spectrum, but without presuming to judge anyone else's choices, I have to question for myself whether it makes sense to take recreational hypnosis to the point at which I risk turning into a follower of some nutty religious cult. Best, I think, to leave that kind of experimentation to psychiatrists and the CIA (though a friend of a friend went nuts while participating as a student in experiments with ecstasy, I don't know if she ever recovered).

There are some other medications that could potentially be used to increase the effect of trance but I have yet to find one that looks like it's safe enough for recreational use, while drugs that we might be comfortable with like alcohol and pot don't seem to have a lasting effect.

Another consideration -- do we really want to make hypnosis too effective? The superego censors suggestions to protect us. Sometimes it gets in the way of what we want to achieve, but if we manage to disable it, we could be making ourselves or others vulnerable to harm. As if we lost our inhibitions the way we do when drunk, but the effect became permanent and you spent the rest of your life peeing in your pants or whatever your fantasies suggest.

How do you use hypnotic mushrooms and would the user need a setter in case something goes wrong what would be the signs of it's first effects for new comers because I am willing to try the mushrooms and what is the shelf life of Shrroms.? and will it make The hypnotic file come to life ? how long do it take before you realize it Is working?
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Postby Alien4420 » July 5th, 2013, 3:50 pm

Tangy wrote:
How do you use hypnotic mushrooms and would the user need a setter in case something goes wrong what would be the signs of it's first effects for new comers because I am willing to try the mushrooms and what is the shelf life of Shrroms.? and will it make The hypnotic file come to life ? how long do it take before you realize it Is working?

I'm not comfortable with encouraging someone to use hallucinogens. I've seen too much brain damage, most of it mild, some of it not. The life of someone who was very close to me was ruined by acid, and I want no part in that. One caution, though: 'shrooms have an acid-like effect and bad trips are common, so if you do do it, you should do it with someone present.

Another way of looking at it is I would never have done this stuff if I'd known what the risks are, just not worth it.
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