Baby girl

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Baby girl

Postby zzzzz » May 26th, 2013, 7:01 am

I found this text a while ago probably on hypnochan, I am not the author, I do not claim the copy right, I adapted it a little to my taste. It is about text trancing I believe. Have fun! If posting this text is not OK, or if the original author, does not want this, I will remove it, or if I can't do so, it may be removed. Just for educational purposes and fun, it resides here now...

It is also possible that it is already published here somewhere on WMM, I could not find it, nor on the internet somewhere...



If you wonder what all this is about, I think you should read this.

I'm a baby-girl.

I know this because it says so at the top of my post.

I learned this while in a trance, and even though I know what it means in reality, it's more fun to just run with it and feel good about it.

I'm a baby-girl in my trances, because I'm a baby-girl in my fantasies.

Some people don't know what trance feels like, at least not by that name, partly because they haven't yet learned to associate trance with everyday fantasy.

They may feel like hypnosis is something done to them, and it "doesn't work on them", or something like that.

That's not it at all.

Your fantasy IS your trance.

Pretending you are unhypnotizable, is like pretending you have no imagination.

It's like pretending you have no fantasy.

If you have an imagination, you can go into trance, because hypnosis is all about imagination and creativity.

It's about being able to create a fantasy, explain it to yourself, and show it to yourself.

If you have fantasies, then you have an imagination that already likes to create worlds and stories that delight or entice you.

You trance when you focus on these stories.

Focus on what you are doing in your fantasy or what is being done to you.

Empathize with yourself in that world.

Imagine the visuals, the sounds the smells, tastes, and sensations.

Describe them to yourself, as if excitedly showing yourself an alluring experience that you want to have.

Take it slowly, build the scene one detail at a time, and then become fascinated with the power of your mind.

Now imagine offering the reins to someone else for a little while, imagine letting someone else direct that imaginative power, I know you've been busy trying hard to describe and visualize your fantasy and tell the story, but stop putting effort into it for a moment and relax and think about, what it would be like, to let someone you trust continue the story where you left off.

You might feel a small tingle of excitement as you enjoy giving someone else control for a change.

When you imagine what your fantasy self is experiencing, when you lose yourself in your fantasy, what parts of it do you love the most?

Maybe it's the arousal, knowing you are about to be pleasured in such a deeply powerful way, by someone who knows what drives you to action, knows just exactly what makes you tick, knows how to turn the wheels of your mind.

Maybe it's the lovely feelings of joy at being so cherished by someone, someone who knows exactly what you need, and takes such very good care of you.

Maybe it's the feeling of losing control, maybe obedience is already a self-hosted idea in your mind, you obey and are drawn to further obedience, and each time you obey you spiral into ecstasy.

Maybe it's something else.

You know your fantasy.

Maybe you are the only one who knows.

What happens when you bring the memory and feelings from your fantasy and allow them to surface when you are awake?

Those feelings can be there whenever you ask them to be there, or maybe even when someone you trust asks them to be there and triggers the memory to surface.

Triggers are all about fantasies.

But they work because people are all about fantasies.

We all have them, some of them sexual, some of them not, some of them important, about things that you want to do or attain in your life, some of them inconsequential, just a pleasing thought or memory that you go looking for in a daydream.

It feels good to think about them.

Triggers are all about reminding you of those fantasies.

About letting some words or signs bring a fantasy into your fullest attention.

You may see the sights and smell the aromas you might think the thoughts and hear the words or maybe you will hear, *and feel*, the rhythm.

The trigger allows you to call up that feeling or it’s mindset whenever you want.

Or maybe, whenever a hypnotist you trust, wants it.

As you let your mind wander into that fantasy again, you may start to wonder what more deep submission there is, than giving someone you trust a little control over your fantasy?

To not be the only one who knows?

Imagine what it would be like to have a person you trust, put your mind into your fantasy with just few words or signs.

Who wouldn't want the ability to feel pure pleasure on cue?

It wouldn't matter if you were happy or sad, you would be overcome with the powerful memories and sensations involved in your fantasy, and you could sink into a deep state of bliss.

Part of that bliss comes from your fantasy and part of it comes from giving someone else that key of trust.

You trust that person enough to let them tap into your imagination, to involve them in your dreams.

That deep level of trust is beautiful.

It's so beautiful that being triggered might lead you to be overcome with the beauty of that trust, the feeling that you are taken care of, the knowledge that your fantasy is fascinating to another human being and the pleasure inducing shivers of submission take you on a journey through that fantasy and you obey and sleep now.

That is why having a fantasy is all you need to submit and go deep now into your imagination.

Feel your imagination run wild, giving you pleasure and that pleasure leads to more inspired fantasy, bringing your imagination to new, incredible heights making the pleasure more and more real every moment.

Let this cycle build and build, and lose yourself in another world, one of your creation, and wonder what it's like there, and desire to learn desire to know what makes it so enticing.

Then let this feeling of combined lust and wonder fix in your mind for a moment.

When you decide to let a trigger enter your mind, you are implicitly or explicitly deciding to trust whomever is able to use the trigger in addition to trusting yourself to be remain safe in every sense of the word as you want and need.

May you someday find someone you can trust like this.

But in the meantime, when the only person able to use the trigger is you, then you can take the trigger as far as you want, because its yours, and you trust yourself with your fantasies.

You can respond as powerfully as you want because you own it.

You control it.

You use it to bring your fantasy vividly into your reality for a time, to lose yourself in that experience, to love how it makes you feel, to truly love it, as it is a beautiful part of you.

Maybe it's simply the joy of knowing that your fantasy is beautiful.

And if you trust yourself to trigger yourself with these words, then you will Sleep.


And let yourself learn a trigger that only you can use.

Each time you post as a baby-girl, let your fantasy overtake you the moment you remember.

Go deep.

Go high.

Feel the pleasure course through you.

If your fantasy is to be a baby-girl, then feel yourself as one.

Feel so pretty, so happy, so little, and so immensely pleasured at the knowledge that you are such a good baby-girl.

But if that's not your fantasy this time, then you can instead be ecstatic that you've gotten so good at using this trigger to help create and experience your own, powerfully detailed fantasy.

When you finish reading you will wonder what being triggered into your fantasy will feel like and though you might dismiss it now, from time to time you might come back to it, and come back to that post you read a while back, to remember the possibilities.

And when you finish reading, if you want to, you will write and post some lovely hypnotic thoughts that have drifted through your head.

Because your thoughts are beautiful.

Waking up fully, feeling great.
Posts: 88
Joined: September 13th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby iamli3 » May 29th, 2013, 3:54 pm

hmmmm , an interesting take on this whole hypnosis thing , maybe that's why it never worked for me since my imagination has been kind of dead for many years.....
Posts: 131
Joined: October 13th, 2009, 12:00 am

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