File Idea: Existing For Muscle

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File Idea: Existing For Muscle

Postby WatDo » June 9th, 2013, 8:03 pm

rugbyjockca wrote:
One of my fantasies is to be just like a giant muscle toy, brainless muscle that just exists to BE muscle. I dunno where that would fit on the spectrum.

It sounds interesting. We have many files that condition us to be horny dumb jocks or horny bodybuilders, but none that just makes us LIVES to be muscle.

How about a file that conditions the listener to exist for building muscle. Nothing about dumbing down, sports, sex drives, or penis growth. Just a file dedicated to creating a muscleman. Their diet. Their muscle growth hormones (HGH, testosterone). Their muscles conditioned to grow. Desire to build muscle. Motivation to workout. Without mentioning dumbing down. penis growth, etc. That would leave a lot of focus on just the essentials. It would turn a man into a person who just exists to BE muscle - as rugbyjock puts it.

The only reason I leave out the dumbing down part is because there are plenty of files dedicated to that that do a better job than most muscle building oriented files. So we should have one dedicated to creating the ultimate muscle machine.

Sooooo, whatcha think?
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Postby ParanoidLord » June 9th, 2013, 11:22 pm

I figure that if you're not going to put intelligence reducing suggestions in this sort of file, you might benefit from suggesting that the user focuses his mental efforts on improving muscle growth - more specifically, really playing up the "muscle mindset". After all, if the user gets to have a brain, why not have them use it?
(Don't) avoid the noid.
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Postby WatDo » June 10th, 2013, 4:57 am

ParanoidLord wrote:I figure that if you're not going to put intelligence reducing suggestions in this sort of file, you might benefit from suggesting that the user focuses his mental efforts on improving muscle growth - more specifically, really playing up the "muscle mindset". After all, if the user gets to have a brain, why not have them use it?

Well that's where I was kind of getting at, but I suppose having suggestions that actually state using some of your mind's power/focus/whatever to work towards improving muscle growth would be ideal too.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » June 10th, 2013, 12:18 pm

While I get the self objectification in this it wouldn't be for me. I think most jocks do get off on being ogled. That said, I also think for many the motivation to do what it takes to get there is linked sexually. Besides, why get a rockin bod if you're not gonna share it bro?
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Postby rugbyjockca » June 10th, 2013, 1:11 pm

Hey, a file like this that lets the subject enjoy "sharing" his muscle with others would be right up my alley, too, sfhole. :)
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Postby WatDo » June 10th, 2013, 3:29 pm

Eh I was thinking it would mostly be for the actual muscle building portion of getting big. Dedicating the listener to his muscles in all ways. What he does with his beefed up body is up to him, and having a suggestion to show off would defeat the purpose of trimming down excess things to focus on building muscle. Though more than likely a buff guy is going to share his bod one way or another, so meh. Maybe make several parts?

Part 1 for all things muscle building, confidence, motivation, and whatever
Part 2 for using that muscle in other ways like showing off
Part 3 for whatever else people can think about
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Postby WatDo » June 15th, 2013, 12:04 am

I'm pretty bad at making files, so to feed it into the text-to-speech reader I put it in the following line by line format. Do you think it's a good start?

Everything said from here on out will be the truth.
Don't worry about thinking, only worry about listening.
Just let my words become your own.
Let them echo through your mind endlessly.
Your body and mind work together; but are used in different ways.
Your mind is for thinking; your body is for doing.
To make your mind stronger, you read or practice things.
To make your body stronger, you lift weights and perform various exercises.
And your ultimate goal in life is to have the strongest body possible.
It requires a lot of hard work and effort, but that's OK.
Because from here on out, your main reason for existence is to gain muscle mass.
You want your body to be as muscular as possible; as strong as can be.
You have a desire burning through your body, even spreading to your mind.
That's right, even your mind will aid your body's growth.
All that motivation, all that energy, being directed towards the growth of your muscles.
You exist to build muscle.
Your main goals all involve becoming muscular, maintaining your body, and being as healthy as can be.
You feel a rush of satisfaction whenever you have a great workout session.
The feeling of satisfaction fuels your desire to build more muscles.
Though remember not to be reckless; after all, you want to have the perfect functioning muscular body.
A machine that can perform any manner of physical tasks with ease.
During a workout, you work your muscles until they are fatigued.
You stretch and flex them to maintain perfect muscle-health.
In fact, every time you flex, your desire to build more muscles intensifies.
You want to see your flexed mounds of muscle grow even larger.
So when you workout, your exercises of choice are always done perfectly to ensure efficient muscle growth.
Your body produces high quantities of human growth hormone, testosterone, and the appropriate amount of insulin.
Those hormones will aid you in your goal to grow larger muscles.
While working out your body will not tire until your workout session is 100% complete.
Your body is pushed to its limit and it stays there; pushing the limit even higher and higher with each week.

Writing a script feels harder than it sounds, for some reason. . . I don't know how long to focus on one subject or how to flow into the next. I think it also needs more "you live to build more muscle" suggestions tossed in but I don't know where. Keep in mind this is only the beginning. . . And isn't really a serious file, but more of a self-test. Any tips on what I should do?
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Postby lew897 » June 15th, 2013, 8:20 pm

I work out but not to a large extent to be a large part of my life. probably two hours a week. lol. what I do know is that the body does have limits, if all the muscles were focused in one direction, we could lift a ton. but the way it is now not as much,lol. one thing that has been hard to do is write down all my weights and exercises. dont really know why. lol.
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