Feminism and Feminisation

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Feminism and Feminisation

Postby onewhoknew » November 6th, 2009, 2:47 pm

Feminism and Feminisation

I don't like to think of myself as one of the bad guys. I try not to make decisions based on colour, creed, or gender, but I suppose that in a way is a symbol of the fact that as a white, male, British, straight (looking) guy, I can be blind to discrimination, because I'm not going to be affected by it. Still, I try to be aware of that kind of thing, even if I am naturally spectacularly unobservant.

And then I go home, fire up my computer and masturbate to grotesque feminisation porn.

I write stories. I like to read other peoples stories, too. And the ones I find the sexiest always seem to be the ones where someone ends up controlled, used and abused for having the audacity to have a sex drive. In particular, the hottest stories have a man dragged down to his knees, feminised and forced to behave 'like a woman', except the picture of a woman presented - that I present in these stories - is someone less that human, a degraded sex toy. It's even worse with the ones that portray transsexual women as weak, and manipulated by others - in reality, to actually change your perceived gender takes the kind of strength of will and conviction that most people never see.

My question is this: does the fact that I write (and read) this kind of story make me a hypocrite, paying lip service to ideals of fairness during the day before spouting misogynistic hatred over the internet? I know my stories are fantasy, and I would consider any attempt to make them real totally abhorrent, but despite the disclaimers, am I contributing to the basic culture that treats women so badly? Do the kind of commenters who say 'girls wearing short skirts deserve to get raped' feel they get backing from my writings? Because that's what worries me.

And that's what I think about while I wank to my she-male furry porn.
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Postby Lobotaru » November 6th, 2009, 6:49 pm

I personally don't think you are a hypocrit. We all have sexual fantasies. What is important is to be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy, which from what I've read seems that you have a very good grasp of. I'm a white hetero American guy and I also have some fantasies that others might find questionable (mainly about women using mind control on me to do kinky things or turning me into a girl and then doing kinky things to me). At the same time, I'm perfectly happy being a hetero caucasian male and have no desire to be permanently transformed into the opposite gender. Likewise, I wouldn't seek out a complete female stranger of a hypnotist to hypnotize me since I'm very aware that a willing subject can be manipulated during trance if he is not in his right mind (aka, the tist has got the guy by the balls).

So yeah, I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. Just don't let it take over your life is all. Plus, women have been known to have fantasies about abusing guys sexually, but you never see anyone complain about that, now do you? :wink:
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Postby PeppermintT » November 8th, 2009, 6:38 am

Where do you post your stories? Just for research purposes of course... :lol:
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Postby Lissar » November 8th, 2009, 6:02 pm

While I don't speak for all feminists (no one does), I don't think that being a feminist (or being progressive) means rejecting what turns you on. I've had a lot of people question whether or not it's possible for me to really be a feminist if I'm sexually submissive, but I've had just as many people tell me that they themselves are sexually submissive feminists/progressives.

As for your particular turn-ons, what's important is how you view it. While I don't think our turn-ons are choices, it's pretty obvious that we're still influenced by cultural norms (for example, the norm that women are less-than, or that it's acceptable for women to be objectified and abused).

But what I think is problematic is that people reading your stories might not be as enlightened, and might consider the messages in your stories to be validating for their own hatred towards women.

Whenever I write something that I know will be viewed by other people, people who do not necessarily (and quite frankly really RARELY) share my ideas and beliefs, I try to write something that is in line with what I believe in. So, for example, I'd never write an erotic story in which an exaggerated/caricatured feminist woman is punished or humiliated because 1) WHY?! and 2) the people who DO write stories like that typically have very negative views of feminism and don't really know many progressives or feminists.

So are you a hypocrite? No. And I don't really know exactly what you should or shouldn't do. But it does seem like you might have some thinking to do.
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Postby Alien4420 » November 8th, 2009, 9:39 pm

I agree with Lobaturu. What matters is what we do in real life, not what we imagine, or play at in bed. Fantasies, whether sexual or not, represent untempered desire, and that makes them extreme. In practice, our desires are moderated by the possibility of negative consequences to ourselves or to others. The internal conflict that results could be said to model the conflict between the competing biological imperatives.
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Postby onewhoknew » November 15th, 2009, 2:44 pm

Thanks for your comments - (if you're interested, my stories can be found here: http://yiffstar.com/stories/onewhoknew or as onewhoknew on furaffinity if you happen to be a member).

But what I think is problematic is that people reading your stories might not be as enlightened, and might consider the messages in your stories to be validating for their own hatred towards women.

Whenever I write something that I know will be viewed by other people, people who do not necessarily (and quite frankly really RARELY) share my ideas and beliefs, I try to write something that is in line with what I believe in. So, for example, I'd never write an erotic story in which an exaggerated/caricatured feminist woman is punished or humiliated because 1) WHY?! and 2) the people who DO write stories like that typically have very negative views of feminism and don't really know many progressives or feminists.

This is exactly the kind of thing I've been thinking about - and I think your suggestion of some kind of retribution for the evildoers is spot on. I'm going to try to work some just deserts into my stories from now on!
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Postby Madeira » March 16th, 2010, 3:40 pm

I think arousal from feminization does stem from a femininity = submission standard in our society, I think that if society were different the fetish might not exist, and I do think sometimes they perpetuate negative ideas about femininity and women in general, however when written in some ways, they can be feminist statements for example:
A misogynist man acts pure evil towards women, he'd have to be really and truly horrible and deserving, and instead of being treated "like a woman" he's treated "The way you treat women" as a lesson in "this is what it feels like to be treated as if you are less than human"

For me I find the idea of a man being forced to accept femininity, but then once he accepts being feminine (but not female, I prefer sort of glam rock androgyny) he assumes a dominant role, sort of as if the only reason he was put in a submissive position was his refusal to accept his own feminine side and then once he does he assumes the role of a dominant helping others learn...
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My Take

Postby Plaat » July 11th, 2011, 5:24 pm

My comment would be the same as Loboture, without the "complianing about women. I've had the same thought, but since I only trance at night any ideas are like dreams to me. I tried ordering panties but srcewed it up. I keep this stuff separate, fem files are like erotic jokes to me I would never apply to real life. Many watch violent movies, but do all advocate violence? Where this comes from stems from how we go up. I was told nothing of sexuality and so my first experience was a girl younger than me (a year) forcing on a bed, after ward the first prono I watched also involved submission. Before anything else (except sex jokes that went over my head) sex=mental force.
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Postby bandler » November 22nd, 2011, 11:54 am

Lissar wrote:... I've had just as many people tell me that they themselves are sexually submissive feminists/progressives...


The image that jumped into my mind was Karl Rove wimpering naked but for a dog collar bent over the desk in the oval office with president Chainy trying to get it up and 'teach him a lesson' about manly republicans.

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Re: Feminism and Feminisation

Postby Tangy » June 16th, 2013, 3:27 am

onewhoknew wrote:Feminism and Feminisation

I don't like to think of myself as one of the bad guys. I try not to make decisions based on colour, creed, or gender, but I suppose that in a way is a symbol of the fact that as a white, male, British, straight (looking) guy, I can be blind to discrimination, because I'm not going to be affected by it. Still, I try to be aware of that kind of thing, even if I am naturally spectacularly unobservant.

And then I go home, fire up my computer and masturbate to grotesque feminisation porn.

I write stories. I like to read other peoples stories, too. And the ones I find the sexiest always seem to be the ones where someone ends up controlled, used and abused for having the audacity to have a sex drive. In particular, the hottest stories have a man dragged down to his knees, feminised and forced to behave 'like a woman', except the picture of a woman presented - that I present in these stories - is someone less that human, a degraded sex toy. It's even worse with the ones that portray transsexual women as weak, and manipulated by others - in reality, to actually change your perceived gender takes the kind of strength of will and conviction that most people never see.

My question is this: does the fact that I write (and read) this kind of story make me a hypocrite, paying lip service to ideals of fairness during the day before spouting misogynistic hatred over the internet? I know my stories are fantasy, and I would consider any attempt to make them real totally abhorrent, but despite the disclaimers, am I contributing to the basic culture that treats women so badly? Do the kind of commenters who say 'girls wearing short skirts deserve to get raped' feel they get backing from my writings? Because that's what worries me.

And that's what I think about while I wank to my she-male furry porn.

How do you fell when you turn into a girl?
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