Wow a massive result!

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Wow a massive result!

Postby sissyboyoxford » June 27th, 2005, 3:43 am


Really needed to post this. I had been listening to these files for a year or so on and off (mostly from the old web site) but nothing really happened. Then i decided i'd check out the site and found that it was all re done ( and is really cool) thougt i may try out some files for old times sake, so downloaded the super female whammy, sissy stroke and crotch addiction.

been listening to them at night religiously for three weeks, firsty found that my sleeping pattern had improved and i was a lot happier in the mornings! next i noticed that my penis was smaller, not by much but it was noticable for me. That was after 1 week.

From then on events have just gone silly! my penis is about an inch shorter, and my weight has shifted to some degree. But my mind has never been so relaxed, i've gone from being just curious to being openly gay - and extreamly horny with it! my cross dressing has gone from fleeting fun to every opportuinty, and something i now take pride in. i've shaven all over and am letting my nails and hair grow + i've been looking into hormones, but at the moment the file is doing a good job of that for me!

The biggest and best change has been the change in mind attitude, i've never been so relaxed, comfortable and confidant with everything! i was buying womens clothes the other day and the shop assistant asked if they were for my girlfriend, i said they were for me with out feeling embarrassed or anything! My sex life is great, i'm so relaxed and confidant with it - and am pulling men like theres no tomorrow!

i'll keep you updated and am so excited as to what the next days weeks and months will bring!
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Joined: May 28th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby PrettySami » July 1st, 2005, 7:46 pm

Congrats to you! I hope I can be that successful.
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Postby Jack » July 1st, 2005, 7:49 pm

Do us all a favor, take before and after pictures so that there can be proof for those who don't think it's possible.

Person1: I don't think it's possible for hypnosis to change a persons physiology. How about you?
Person2: I have proof! *shows before picture* *shows after picture*
Person1: Holy Hindu Cow! *listens to files* *changes*

Will make everything much easier, me thinks.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
"Dum spiro, spero." - Cicero
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Postby sissyboyoxford » July 5th, 2005, 8:53 am

thanks for the support!

i would have shown a before and after but i really didn't think it would work, so didn't take a before pic! sorry.

but it's all going well, still impressed with the psychological changes, i'm so realaxed and confident with becoming a sissy and being gay. body wise, not much more to report, just that i keep a nice smooth body all over and i think my ass may have got bigger but it may just be me!
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Joined: May 28th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby MikeWulf » August 18th, 2005, 1:26 pm

I think EMG should take the before and after photos from the breast growth file. Not only is it repulsive, it is also obvious that the size of the breasts have not increased...
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Postby tsslut » August 19th, 2005, 3:13 pm

If you are not sure whether your body is changing or not due to the hypnosis tapes then here is an easy way to keep track of any physical changes...

Take a tape measure and measure the various part of your body periodically and keep a record of the measurement. If you see changes in the form of several inches at a time without taking any estrogen prescriptions or natural forms of it, then you could say it is working.

The main thing these hypnosis programs can do for you is possibly help you over come years of "male" training, male "habits" that you have developed over the years from both social training, having to act like a male, the testosterone that has flowed through your body, and how you perceive yourself more fully as a male or female. It is very unlikely that these tapes will cause the body to change from a male form to a female form at least in any significant manner.

To change the body in a more significant manner, you will need to go to a doctor (preferably an endocrinologist that is experience with working with transsexuals) and start estrogen therapy to counteract the testosterone in your body and to create the effects (i.e. breasts, softer skin, lengthened muscles, and etc.) that will feminize your body more. Estrogen can NOT change any of the permanent male features such as bone structure, beard growth, voice, and etc. These things will have to be changed by way of surgery, electrology, voice therapy, and other means. Do not try estrogen therapy outside of the care of a physician that knows what he or she is doing in regards to prescribing it for a male body. There can be some serious side effects such as liver problems, clotting, and even death. If they do not require bloodwork before and during your therapy then they don't know what they are doing.

Even if you are on estrogen therapy, it will take about four years for your breasts to grow to their full size, about the same amount of time it takes for a genetic girl to grow hers. So, even if breasts can be grown through hypnosis, it would definitely take a longer time than the estrogen therapy which has a more direct affect. Why? Because, even though males produce some estrogen, they generally are not able to produce enough estrogen to feminize the body without outside stimulus like estrogen therapy. And I doubt hypnosis can even increase the production, if at all, of it to the amount required for feminization of the body because the mechanism to do so biologically is not there.

If it was so easy to change a body through hypnosis then believe me, thousands of transsexuals would be flocking to hypnotists and many more hypnotists would be offering their services to transsexuals because there would be a lot of money in it. And many doctors would be losing tons of patients. Word gets out in our community really really quick. By the way, one of the main reasons all the free things are offered here is to hopefully get you hooked enough to spend the money on the other products sold on this site which is very clever indeed.

Why am I listening to various programs? For the very reason I mentioned earlier, to help work on my mind and to help overcome years of "male training". Even though I live full-time as a female, there are still residuals of years of male thinking from living a life as a male that I want to hopefully do away with. I don't know. I have been hypnotized before going completely under and so I know I am susceptible to it. I believe it can change the things of my mind that I desire to change. If changes in the body occur (i.e. body hair vanishing) then that is a plus.

Just some thoughts to consider as you seek to change your bodies.

It will all take time!
Live out Your Passions, Lusts, and Desires,

Just me, myself, & i
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Postby makidas » August 19th, 2005, 7:45 pm

tsslut wrote:By the way, one of the main reasons all the free things are offered here is to hopefully get you hooked enough to spend the money on the other products sold on this site which is very clever indeed.

I'm sorry but that assumption is incorrect, only a few of the files are pay files (6-8 I believe) and the site switched to pay only recently. Before almost everything was free (excluding any of the file sets). I see you've done you're research, but don't believe everything you read on the internet about the effects of estrogen on the male body.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby sandy82 » August 19th, 2005, 8:56 pm

Mike and tsslut, I hope you don't mind being lumped together in the same response. The two of you have more in common than you realize. You've both come on to a website that charges no admission, and you both want to tell the owner/administrator how to run his business.

MikeWulf wrote:I think EMG should take the before and after photos from the breast growth file. Not only is it repulsive, it is also obvious that the size of the breasts have not increased...

Mike, the site belongs to EMG. You may find the pics "repulsive," but someone else may like them. It's tough to be a relativist and then use expansive, exclusionary words like "repulsive" after the verb "to be." Kinda sounds Hitlerian, don't you think? What may be obvious to one may not be obvious to another. Some may think magic is "obviously" wrong, while others believe in it. Some may prefer what they call logic, without realizing that a syllogism can leave out many possibilities.

À chacun son goût.

tsslut wrote:Word gets out in our community really really quick. By the way, one of the main reasons all the free things are offered here is to hopefully get you hooked enough to spend the money on the other products sold on this site which is very clever indeed.

I have heard many notions bandied about on this site. That's one of its strengths. I have even seen aspersions cast on the owner/administrator of the site, but cooler and wiser heads--who knew a good deal when they saw one--prevailed.

But I never thought that I would see a Phyllis Schlafly/Jerry Falwell-type conspiracy theory take root. Perhaps, on your next trip to the movies, you should try out your theory about being lured-to-buy through exposure to free items. Tell the ticket-seller that you intend to watch 60 free movies and then you might then be lured to pay for 6-8...but you hope not to be duped and deceived so easily. Then waltz past the ticket-taker and into the theater. The first several times, you will meet the men in navy blue coats and gold badges. After that you'll meet the men in the white coats.

I have to give EMG credit. Never did I believe he could be so sly and cunning as to give away 80-90 percent of his work product on the off-chance that you could be lured to buy one or another of the remaining items. What a clever guy! :P
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Postby tsslut » August 20th, 2005, 12:47 am

makidas wrote:
tsslut wrote:By the way, one of the main reasons all the free things are offered here is to hopefully get you hooked enough to spend the money on the other products sold on this site which is very clever indeed.

I'm sorry but that assumption is incorrect, only a few of the files are pay files (6-8 I believe) and the site switched to pay only recently. Before almost everything was free (excluding any of the file sets). I see you've done you're research, but don't believe everything you read on the internet about the effects of estrogen on the male body.

It may be wrong. I never sat down and talked with him about just as probably most of those in these forums has not done either. However, one can deduce, with an understanding of various business and marketing practices, some basic ideas that MAY be true and probably are close to the truth. Only he can really tell us how he is running his business and it is not really any of our business.

We benefit from it whether or not we use only the free files or pay for others. But even though he use to offer the files only for free, only he and those he discussed things with know for sure if he did so to get people "hooked" on using the site and the files for free and then decided after a period of time to start charging for some of the files or not.

At some point, he did see a way to make money with the site because he started selling memberships and files and other services. But whether that was his original intent or not, only he and those he discussed it with know for sure.

Plus, the idea of giving things away for free or for almost nothing in order to make greater profits later on once you have a customer base is not a new idea and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. IT IS A SMART BUSINESS PRACTICE in some arenas. He does use this technique to some degree. Think about it, there are some files that are free but in order to be released from them, you have to contact him and even pay in order to get a file to release you. There is NOTHING WRONG with that and he is very above board by warning you up front which is why I respect him. I think he is very smart in how he has developed this business model. It actually might even make a fairly good case study in some of the business school classes (i.e. marketing).

In regards to estrogen effects on the male body, I must ask, "Are you currently on or have been on estrogen therapy personally?" "Where do you get your information from?" "What is your experience with estrogen effects on the male body?"

Yes, you are correct. You can't believe everything about anything that is on the Internet, including hypnosis. I have done extensive research on hormone therapy from a variety of sources, including the Internet, but my decision and understanding of its effects on the male body were primarily from medical/scientific research where doctors were researching that very topic. Another source of information was from those I knew personally that were undergoing estrogen hormone therapy. Another source was from a couple of endocrinologists I talked to personally. And my final source of information is from my very own first hand experience of being placed on hormone therapy as a male-to-female transsexual and under the care of an MD at first and who was experienced with transsexuals and then later and currently under the care of an endocrinologist.

So, I am not pulling my info from hearsay, per se. I have personal first hand experience. So, I think I know a little bit more about the effects of estrogen on the male body - both good and bad effects that can happen - than just what is on the Internet.

And though everyone's body is different and everyone needs different amounts and combination of estrogen and anti-androgens based on their health and other things concerning their body, the general information regarding the effects of estrogen on the male body is true. That is why I stressed only doing hormone therapy under the care of a knowledgeable doctor regarding the effects of these hormones on the male body.

If something I stated isn't correct then please let me know what you think was wrong and how you know it is wrong. Because all I can do is relate information from my own personal experience, doctors, and what I have seen in others going through while on hormone therapy.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Live out Your Passions, Lusts, and Desires,

Just me, myself, & i
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Joined: August 17th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby tsslut » August 20th, 2005, 2:17 am

sandy82 wrote:Mike and tsslut, I hope you don't mind being lumped together in the same response. The two of you have more in common than you realize. You've both come on to a website that charges no admission, and you both want to tell the owner/administrator how to run his business...

I never made a statement that indicated I was telling the owner/administrtor how to run his business. I presented my own perceptions based on what I have seen in this site and from my experience in the world of business and marketing over a couple of decades. Plus, I even complimented him on the way he ran his site by stating that he was very clever. The word "clever" was being used in a positive sense and not a negative sense. So, please don't admonish someone for something that they did not do or at least try to understand their meaning first.

sandy82 wrote:I have heard many notions bandied about on this site. That's one of its strengths. I have even seen aspersions cast on the owner/administrator of the site, but cooler and wiser heads--who knew a good deal when they saw one--prevailed.

But I never thought that I would see a Phyllis Schlafly/Jerry Falwell-type conspiracy theory take root. Perhaps, on your next trip to the movies, you should try out your theory about being lured-to-buy through exposure to free items. Tell the ticket-seller that you intend to watch 60 free movies and then you might then be lured to pay for 6-8...but you hope not to be duped and deceived so easily. Then waltz past the ticket-taker and into the theater. The first several times, you will meet the men in navy blue coats and gold badges. After that you'll meet the men in the white coats.

I have to give EMG credit. Never did I believe he could be so sly and cunning as to give away 80-90 percent of his work product on the off-chance that you could be lured to buy one or another of the remaining items. What a clever guy! :P

It amazes me how someone has a hard time discussing issues without demeaning someone or cutting them down personally. I have seen this happen in several of the forums. We all have the right to our own thoughts and assumptions whether they are correct or not. We may or may not agree with what others think, but we can at least learn how to discuss the issues without personally attacking the people or even demeaning those thoughts and assumptions in any way.

As for giving away free items in order to develop a customer base to either sell to them right then and there or in the future is a common marketing practice. It doesn't necessarily work in all markets but it is a marketing practice used by many, including those who market through the internet, on late night tv, and even now with some hotels out of Las Vegas. Many people give away free information (i.e. pamphlets, booklets, books, products & etc.) in hope of developing a contact base that they can later market too and hopefully and eventually sell other items to. I have even been approached with a free multi-day trip that included hotel stay, shows, food, and other things by some hotels in Las Vegas just so they can get me there to spend my money on the gambling at their hotel. That means they are giving away a lot in order to hopefully get something from me - my money.

Why is it so hard to believe that someone would spend hours and hours in developing a bunch of hypnosis files and put them for free on a website in hopes of...

**Developing a "customer" base and
**Maybe later on selling other items of interest to some of those very same people that visited the site out of curiosity at first and returned later on to use the free items?

After all, many companies are willling to spend millions and millions of dollars on advertising, some with offers of something for free, with the hope of luring people to purchase their products. Companies spend thousands and thousands of dollars on direct marketing in hopes of getting at least a 1-3% return on investment in that marketing method.

It is not a conspiracy theory. It is simply a smart business model this site is using at this time.

Even the practice of providing loss leaders (items sold under cost or near cost) as Wal-Mart does in order to get you to come into the store and thus hopefully spend more money is a very similar practice. Coupons are given on the same principle...if you buy one of these items we will give you another one for free (that is giving away 50% of that particular type item in order to sell the other 50%). Restaurants do the same thing by having "kids eat for free nights" or offering two for one specials.

So the idea of giving away free items or even heavily discounted items in order to draw in customers in hope of them buying other items that catch their interest while visiting that store, restaurant, or internet site is not an uncommon practice.

And we can even possibly learn some of his intentions of getting people to return to purchase services and products from him just by reading some of the curse scripts. They clearly state in those scripts that HE IS THE ONLY ONE that can release you. In other words, he implants in your brain that you can't go to anyone else to be release but that you have to come to him and only him to be released. And if I remember correctly, there is a fee at times, if not everytime, for this to take place. Is this a conspiracy? No. Just a smart business move and anyone using the curse is warned up front both in the description and by reading the scripts that are available that He is the only one that can release them from the curse. Whether he is really the only one that can release them or not, I do respect him for warning people up front in regards to this and that they may have to pay for that service.

Even with this site as it is currently set up, if only 100 people visited this site in a month's time and used all the free files and 5 of them decided to buy his $200 CD then he just made $1000 that he probably wouldn't have made otherwise if he had not offered the other items for free. If he made a $1,000/month he would make $12,000 per year all from people who probably came to the site originally out of curiousity and probably used the free files for some time before making the purchase they made.

Will I buy something from him? I don't know. But if I do, it is because I was first drawn to the site; first out of curiousity and then remained because of the free files. However, while at the site, I have learned about the other files that are for sale and the services he offers and have been thinking about spending some money here and there. So, whether he intended this marketing concept to take root or not, it has and he is benefiting from it because of it and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I admire him for how he has developed this site by seeing a need and filling that need using a skill he has and over time hopefully developing a profit making business from it, no matter what his orginal intentions were.

A Last Thought: Unless we have personally talked with the owner about his business model, then neither one of us knows for sure what his original intentions were when developing this site. It really doesn't matter and it really isn't any of our business. But at some point he took a look at all the visitors to his site and realized that he could make some money from some of those visitors (can't make money from the site from people that don't visit his site) and therefore decided to start charging for various files, memberships, CDs with a bunch of files on them, and "Releases from Curses". Otherwise, it would all still be free. He is a very smart business man it seems and I admire him for taking hold of an opportunity and running with it and hope it has proven to be a successful venture for him and anyone that is helping him with it.

Have a great weekend!
Live out Your Passions, Lusts, and Desires,

Just me, myself, & i
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Postby makidas » August 20th, 2005, 3:36 pm

tsslut wrote: It may be wrong. I never sat down and talked with him about just as probably most of those in these forums has not done either. However, one can deduce, with an understanding of various business and marketing practices, some basic ideas that MAY be true and probably are close to the truth. Only he can really tell us how he is running his business and it is not really any of our business.

We benefit from it whether or not we use only the free files or pay for others. But even though he use to offer the files only for free, only he and those he discussed things with know for sure if he did so to get people "hooked" on using the site and the files for free and then decided after a period of time to start charging for some of the files or not.

At some point, he did see a way to make money with the site because he started selling memberships and files and other services. But whether that was his original intent or not, only he and those he discussed it with know for sure.

Plus, the idea of giving things away for free or for almost nothing in order to make greater profits later on once you have a customer base is not a new idea and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. IT IS A SMART BUSINESS PRACTICE in some arenas. He does use this technique to some degree. Think about it, there are some files that are free but in order to be released from them, you have to contact him and even pay in order to get a file to release you. There is NOTHING WRONG with that and he is very above board by warning you up front which is why I respect him. I think he is very smart in how he has developed this business model. It actually might even make a fairly good case study in some of the business school classes (i.e. marketing).

Assumptions are like assholes, everyones got one, the problem is assumptions have a pretty good track record for being incorrect. So I leave you with this, "Assume nothing."
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby MikeWulf » August 22nd, 2005, 9:06 am

Okay, so people have very strange ideals on what is not repulsive (minority) But I stand by the fact, since all the evidence is presented, that the breasts have _not_ increased in size over the two photos.
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Postby Jack » August 22nd, 2005, 6:06 pm

Btw, when I made my post in this thread, I wasn't referring to changes in breast size since those are naturally occuring when a person gains or loses weight. In general I mean changes that are more than likely not going to happen after the age of 20 without surgery/chemicals(lengthening/shrinking of the penis, males growing large breasts[36C or so], etc).
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
"Dum spiro, spero." - Cicero
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Postby sandy82 » August 22nd, 2005, 9:59 pm

FRT tsslut
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Postby sissyboyoxford » August 24th, 2005, 9:19 am

Hey! my lil post has gone way off on a tangent!
Thanks for everyones theories and posts, and it all makes intersting reading!
But in all honesty i think it's what you make of the files that counts. I for one, was a cynic, belive me i tried for years for a response to them and nothing happened. But then i guess over time i was in the right mind set and things started to happen, which i would say were 80% due to the files and 20% me wanting them to work. All i can say is that the whole process is making me happy and am glad i kept at it.

As a warning though, hypnosis is a dangerous thing, maybe the most dangerous of things to play with your mind so be sure it is what you want. But i for one am hugely greatful for it!

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Postby MikeWulf » August 24th, 2005, 9:46 am

Dangerous how?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » August 26th, 2005, 5:05 am

Well messing with your head can lead to all sorts of situations and problems for a person. Be it simpley acting against your usual mould i.e. sleeping with men when you once slept with women, which has all kinds of implications on your social and family life. or even more extream, the people who are brainwashed into acting out against others (cults and fanatics). Obviously this last example is the most extreme and has nothing to do with the files on this site. but it is an example of how playing with the human mind could lead to disasterous results.

All i'm basically saying is that don't start listening to files unless you are sure it is what you want. Personally i wanted the changes the files bought about on me, but others need to be sure that it is what they want.

Rant over!

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Postby MikeWulf » August 26th, 2005, 11:56 am

I think if someone has to be warned of such things they shouldn't be messing with their minds in the first place. Oopes, I've become a Gay.
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Postby BobbyS » August 26th, 2005, 12:51 pm

Okay, cults = brainwashing
WarpMyMind files = hypnosis

While I'm not saying you shouldn't be careful about what you listen to, if you listen to a file and find yourself repulsed by the idea once you've listened, it shouldn't have affected you (unless you're into something like the proposed CurseSinful - see the Voting page).
In hypnosis, if the 'tee doesn't agree with the 'tist, his subconscious won't make the necessary changes. Thus if you fantasise about having a leaky bladder ( :roll: ), but would feel a need to vomit if someone actually said to you 'I'm making you incontinent as I speak', then your subconscious should agree with you and prevent it.

That said, I am aware of a guy on the Success stories page who followed a dare and became incontinent via hypnosis - and regretted it. So just think carefully about the file you listen to, and even if you've already listened to it just the once and decided you don't like it, it shouldn't be a problem.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 27th, 2005, 11:01 am

BobbyS wrote:
That said, I am aware of a guy on the Success stories page who followed a dare and became incontinent via hypnosis - and regretted it. So just think carefully about the file you listen to, and even if you've already listened to it just the once and decided you don't like it, it shouldn't be a problem.

Journals=Damn FILTHY LIES.
They are mostly just faking it and I would include the above mentioned.
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Postby BobbyS » August 27th, 2005, 11:36 am

Actually this guy posted in on a forum for advice - but I admit that doesn't necessarily mean he's telling the truth.
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Postby MikeWulf » August 29th, 2005, 10:15 am

Something you might have to realise is some people don't want to be hypnotised, they just like the thought of being hypnotised. If that leads to actual hypnosis, then that is fine, but they still have just a fantasy. That is what you will find with a lot of 'success' stories.
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Postby loony28 » August 29th, 2005, 9:28 pm

MikeWulf wrote:Something you might have to realise is some people don't want to be hypnotised, they just like the thought of being hypnotised. If that leads to actual hypnosis, then that is fine, but they still have just a fantasy. That is what you will find with a lot of 'success' stories.

:twisted: Um Mike, I think most of those who come here want to be hypnotized. As for the rest, I think they come here just to post on the forums about how hypnosis isn't real, that the people who say that they have had successes are just deluding themselves. You seem to be in the later category. Maybe I'm reading you wrong. :twisted:
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Postby MikeWulf » August 30th, 2005, 3:37 am

loony28 wrote: :twisted: Um Mike, I think most of those who come here want to be hypnotized. As for the rest, I think they come here just to post on the forums about how hypnosis isn't real, that the people who say that they have had successes are just deluding themselves. You seem to be in the later category. Maybe I'm reading you wrong. :twisted:
Have you been in the chat before? Yeah, just trust me on what I said. :)
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