Magician's Puppet - File Idea

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Magician's Puppet - File Idea

Postby demigraff » June 25th, 2013, 10:33 am

I thought of this when wondering what mental differences there might be between the mindset of a small child and an older kid. That said, this doesn't have to involve age play; though I suspect it would be a lot of fun for an 8 or 9 year old (and whoever is playing with them).

Maybe I'll even write this into an email trigger for myself; or ask someone else to do it. Any feedback (or further ideas) would be much appreciated.

The basic idea is you don't believe in magic any more, because that's a little kid thing. You know fairies and whatever make a nice story, but you don't believe they really exist. you're very proud of being smart enough to know what's real and what isn't. So if someone says they can do magic, you love trying to figure out how the trick is done. You just can't leave it alone, if anyone talks about magic, you need to prove how its done to show how smart you are. And you'll accept any explanation you think of, as long as it can be not magic.

But if somebody waves a magic wand at you and gives an order, you'll find yourself obeying them. If they tell you to raise a hand or something like that, you'll feel a pull, as if they're making you move like a puppet on strings. that must be what's happening, because it can't be magic. And as soon as this happens, you'll want to prove you're right by finding something they can't make you do. The more sure you are that they can't make you do (whatever), the more proud you will feel; but that just makes it easier to obey. As soon as they wave the wand, all your confidence that it won't work will turn into absolute certainty of what you are about to do; you will be able to see it coming, but once the wand is waved, you will know you have no chance of resisting; and every command you obey will make it easier to obey the next.

the more the wand makes you do, the more complex your explanations of how it works will become, but you will just have to keep trying to explain how it could be done without magic, and you won't ever think that your previous solution could be wrong. The more complex it gets, the more sure you will be, and the more sure you are, the easier you know it will be to obey a command that comes after the wave of a magic wand.

So ... What do you think? Interesting game to play? Anyone want to try sending me a version of that (maybe phrased a bit better)? I wonder if it could be made to work with someone who has a wand online
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