Gay hypnosis question/idea

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Gay hypnosis question/idea

Postby zjohns816 » February 11th, 2013, 11:35 am

Could hypnosis be used to turn a gay guy from top to bottom or vice versa? Or make him versatile in the bedroom? I'm just curious cause I've read how some people on here have gone from straight to gay and vice versa.
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Postby ParanoidLord » February 11th, 2013, 5:33 pm

It's probably easier to hypnotically change a gay top into a gay bottom (or vice versa) than it is to change a straight guy into a gay one.

Then again, the prevailing wisdom about sexual orientation shifting is that the files don't work if you don't have at least subconscious homosexual urges. A position shifting file would probably be quite effective if the script didn't make any overt references to being submissive or dominant, especially with the existence of "versatile" men who sometimes are tops and other times are bottoms.
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Postby zjohns816 » February 11th, 2013, 8:30 pm

Hmm... I wonder if everyone has subconscious homosexual or heterosexual urges

Is there a file that deals with switching a gay mans position? or would it be possible to create one? im curious about your opinion (or anyones)
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Postby ParanoidLord » February 13th, 2013, 6:09 pm

I figure it'd be relatively easy to make such a file - the amount of behavioral modification is relatively small, so it'd be an easy file to use. You could even create it yourself if you're willing to invest some time and effort into using a text to speech engine.

As for the question of subconscious sexual urges... I believe it was Kinsey who claimed that almost nobody was 100% hetero or homosexual, but that most people would be somewhere along a sliding scale. Ever meet someone who claimed to be straight, but would "go gay" for some random male? It's the kind of theory that appeals to what I know, at least. Personally, I would claim I'm pretty far to the hetero side - even with some of the mind-warping feminization hypnosis I use (which is all for erotic fantasy purposes), my sexual fantasies always seem to revolve around women.
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Postby Jeshi » February 13th, 2013, 11:35 pm

It's definitely possible, especially since the notion of top/bottom is entirely a social construct. It'd be easy to just describe in a file what aspects of being top/bottom is appealing to people and how the subject could find those things appealing. Slutinmyhead has a file called "Fucking A" which among other things has suggestions to both enjoy fucking men's asses as well as having your own ass fucked. Before listening to that file I had no interest in penetrating a man's ass but after listening to it I did (although since having not listened to it in a long time, I no longer have much of an interest in it. Thus, it was entirely an effect of the file that wore off.)

There's aren't many files of that nature but making one is totally possible. There are definitely quite a few files about making men into bottoms, although those normally are also about submission and not just being bottoms. if you search "bottom" I'm sure some will show up. I don't know about ones for making men into tops, though there are ones for making men dominant.
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Postby HornyDude » February 14th, 2013, 12:19 am

Last edited by HornyDude on July 10th, 2013, 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby zjohns816 » February 14th, 2013, 1:50 pm


Do you know where that file "Fucking A" is? I couldn't find it
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Postby Alien4420 » June 23rd, 2013, 8:17 am

ParanoidLord wrote:I believe it was Kinsey who claimed that almost nobody was 100% hetero or homosexual, but that most people would be somewhere along a sliding scale.

Sure, not to mention that everyone has *reppressed* urges, that's the way the subconscious works. We are after all far more alike than different and we bond to parents of both sexes. Women's vaginal secretions have been found to increase equally when seeing pictures of men or women, or even chimpanzees have sex.

And of course there are societies in which just about everyone practices homosexuality, like the ancient Greeks or Celts. It's sanctioned in some form in about 40% of human society. So obviously orientation is strongly affected by social forces (which I think is why homosexuality so strongly freaks us out).

So when someone comes along and attempts to debunk the efficacy of Curse Forced Gay or Curse Forced Straight by saying it only affects people with repressed gay urges (or even only affects people who are closeted gays!) I just shake my head.
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Postby Squirrelous » June 25th, 2013, 5:34 pm

I, a bottom, messed with "Accept Yourself as Dominant". Now I'm a power-switch, feeling extreme thrills down my spine when dominating.

I doubt hypnosis can "swap" you, but it can definitely open you up to the other side, causing a preference.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 25th, 2013, 5:40 pm

Forced Gay has specific suggestions that are supposed to keep you from being attracted to or performing with women. I've found that they were among the slowest to take effect, and so have some others. For a long time, attraction would still pop up. But I couldn't sustain it for more than a day. So I suspect that ultimately it's like any other suggestion, in that the stronger a behavior is (psychologically and perhaps biologically) and the more resistant you are to changing it the harder it is to change.
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