ParanoidLord wrote:I believe it was Kinsey who claimed that almost nobody was 100% hetero or homosexual, but that most people would be somewhere along a sliding scale.
Sure, not to mention that everyone has *reppressed* urges, that's the way the subconscious works. We are after all far more alike than different and we bond to parents of both sexes. Women's vaginal secretions have been found to increase equally when seeing pictures of men or women, or even chimpanzees have sex.
And of course there are societies in which just about everyone practices homosexuality, like the ancient Greeks or Celts. It's sanctioned in some form in about 40% of human society. So obviously orientation is strongly affected by social forces (which I think is why homosexuality so strongly freaks us out).
So when someone comes along and attempts to debunk the efficacy of Curse Forced Gay or Curse Forced Straight by saying it only affects people with repressed gay urges (or even only affects people who are closeted gays!) I just shake my head.