Lookin for help

A place for Subjects and Hypnotists to come together.

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Lookin for help

Postby juanf » June 27th, 2013, 4:31 pm

First I want to apologize if my english doesnt make sense at all, its not my native language (im a spanish speaker).

My name is juan, and im new here. I just found this website 1 day ago, and im really interested in trying it. I know the basics about hypnosis, bt I have had some trouble getting it to work. For this reason, an dmy inexperience, I would love to have someone teaching me and guiding me through this.

I have talk to some people in the chat, and they all have give me the same advice, to find someone I trust. Im sure it would be easier to me to do this with somebodys help...

Is there someone intereste in guiding me trough this? please pm me :3



Ps: I dont even know if it makes sense at all (what i wrote) :P
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Joined: June 26th, 2013, 12:00 am

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